Well, it's my livelihood we're talking about. Bitcoin has provided me with a very comfortable life over the past 8 - 10 months, and I'd prefer to see that increase, not decrease. But when shit like MtGox hits, that affects the price of bitcoin, which affects budgets and revenue.
I'm just trying to say you're worried about the wrong things... There are battles to be fought, but crime and other individual failures ONLY serve to make bitcoin more efficient. MtGox dying horribly was the best thing mtgox could have done for bitcoin.
BTW, don't say I never get you anything:
Anyway, doesn't matter. Already decided, we're just going to do it ourselves, because quite obviously nobody else is going to step up. This isn't rocket science.
SWEET! That's the spirit.
Let me know (on skype) what I can do to lend a hand.
It's not funny and it doesn't miss the point.
It's even more hilarious now because you still don't get the point.
Bitcoin is all about who gets screwed. Some supporters want to screw people over, some just want to get rich before others get screwed over, and some are just supporters.
Oh, so that's what bitcoin is all about? Damn, I was WAY off!
Free markets remove safety nets for stupid people. If that's too hard for you, feel free to keep using those FDIC-insured, federally protected, oh-so-safe fiat dollars.
When you find someone with significant assets that is willing to put all of their assets into bitcoin, then I'd perhaps actually look at it a little more seriously.
First of all, there have been some huge investments like the Winklevii and
Falkvinge. Millions each. Falkvinge says he put "all" his savings in back in 2011. I don't know the amount, but he was living a luxurious life before.
But that's not the point of bitcoin at all... Quite the opposite, in fact. It's the peoples money... And the rich have an incentive to fight it for as long as they are able to.
This vid of Stebot at the Texas Bitcoin Conference just came out today; you could learn a lot from it, but the relevant stuff starts at 6:35:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhL1Y1lg35w]Bitcoin: The Psychology of Money - Stefan Molyneux speaks at the Texas Bitcoin Conference - YouTube[/ame]
It's not like I hate the rich, but I do, very much, hate the unfair advantage that government gives to people that wind up making them rich while robbing the rest of us.
Bitcoin removes that 100%. It'll never exist again on this planet once bitcoin is our money. And millions of people around the world already know this, and are fighting for it to become our money.
I am just enjoying the spectacle of another pet rock bubble.
Must get pretty tiring after all these years of nothing but huge year-on-year gains... How do you do it man?
You still have not answered my earlier question of whether you participated / had experience in any prior bubbles. I have to assume (from your statements and probably being a "true believer") that you have not, so you have no frame of reference to what I am talking about.
I had a 401k back during the dotcom bubble, I married a certified financial analyst who had to pass Series 66, and I owned a house up until the housing bubble, which I got out of just in time. I held gold and silver most of that time, so I even had a good benchmark... Don't tell me though; you don't think any of that experience counts.
Would you define a bubble as something that is merely overvalued, or does it have to go all the way back down to where it started for it to have been a bubble?