My Conversation with Mark Karpeles of MtGox


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I won't get into any specifics... but I just had a conversation with Mark Karpeles of Mt.Gox.... asked him a bunch of questions, got some confirmations that no one else has, also got a somewhat personal aspect of how things are hitting him and his views.

Instead of getting into a speculation war and opinions flying everywhere, I've reached out to a source at a mainstream media outlet. They are currently running around, fact checking everything to go on record with this and then some.

You see, this whole story and what's been leaked up until now.. I've had access to it. Most of it at least. Directly from the horse's mouth and many other little horses that kept that horse alive and kicking. How that all happened, seeing as how I don't even own any bitcoin myself nor have a personal wallet at all, is a very wild and interesting story in itself, meant for another time.

There are also some people here that can confirm they knew about how much I had known. We chose NOT to go public with it because not everything was CONFIRMED. It was a real tough decision, but it's the one we made. Then the Tumblr leaked and it really got out of hand. However, not one person seemed to have been able to chat with Mark directly. I decided, fuck it, and with the help of some friends, we set it up and Mark obliged.

That's the difference between posting rumors/speculation that can ultimately take down an entire market and/or company/person versus... avoiding all of that just by spending some extra time on getting it right the first time around.

I could have posted it on Tumblr. But I didn't. So the story is wild, but very little has been truly confirmed.

I'm not sticking up for mtgox in any of this. I think Mark is quiet and misunderstood like most coders out there. Not a very good businessman though, but I don't think he's claimed to ever be one. Certainly not the most fun guy to chat with, but he's under stress and it's already tomorrow over there in Japan (confirmed he is still in Japan, and not hiding in a cave somewhere.

Anyway.. this isn't meant to tease anyone. But it's meant to let everyone know that aside for the awesome (that was sarcasm guyz) official team mtgox communications you see out there now... there is more coming. A hell of a lot more. But we'll let the big boys take it from here.

Maybe I should start selling ads here now.


The article has been posted here:
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Edit: So basically it took you 432 words to say that more information will be revealed in the future and that you know all of it already? At least mGrunin posts his stock trades publicly as they happen not knowing whether they will make him look like a boss or a chump.
Jon, you were probably just in a hurry and forgot, but I can't seem to find the link to your phone call recording and the PDF transcripts.

Edit: So basically it took you 432 words to say that more information will be revealed in the future and that you know all of it already? At least mGrunin posts his stock trades publicly as they happen not knowing whether they will make him look like a boss or a chump.

Do you have any idea how challenging it is to get people on the record for this?? Try it for a day. Then be a wise ass.

Of course there is a ton of shit that I want to blurt out, but cannot... because without FACTUAL proof, its just speculation that will drive everyone into different directions like a bunch of lemmings chasing the loud one off the cliff.

But hey, if that's the kinda entertainment you're after, go to the other blogs and forums that cover bitcoin and knock yourself out.
Do you have any idea how challenging it is to get people on the record for this?? Try it for a day. Then be a wise ass.

Then what was the point of this post if nothing but to stroke your own ego? If that was the only point of the post, that's cool, but let's call a spade a spade.
Please feed us a bit more... just a hint where this will lead too...

Even one of my school friend called me before his secret operation which changed him from man to woman and told me "we will have soon an interesting talk but not from man to man"... Well, i did not understood it before i saw him then some month later but it was a sign of good will from him.
Do you have any idea how challenging it is to get people on the record for this?? Try it for a day. Then be a wise ass.

Of course there is a ton of shit that I want to blurt out, but cannot... because without FACTUAL proof, its just speculation that will drive everyone into different directions like a bunch of lemmings chasing the loud one off the cliff.

But hey, if that's the kinda entertainment you're after, go to the other blogs and forums that cover bitcoin and knock yourself out.

Edit: Just saw your edit. I could care less about bitcoin. Never bought into it. This thread could your phone conversation with Grindstone about the shit he took after eating chipotle. We all probably have a rough idea of what it looked like, but you went and made a post about how you got the inside scoop, straight from the source, and left out all the detail so we can't call you out when it couldn't be further from the truth, or give you the kudos you deserve for hunting down some actual information.
Do you have any idea how challenging it is to get people on the record for this?? Try it for a day. Then be a wise ass.

Of course there is a ton of shit that I want to blurt out, but cannot... because without FACTUAL proof, its just speculation that will drive everyone into different directions like a bunch of lemmings chasing the loud one off the cliff.

But hey, if that's the kinda entertainment you're after, go to the other blogs and forums that cover bitcoin and knock yourself out.

This IS shooting the shit amirite? What's the issue with telling what you've heard of an "alleged" story? They would just be allegations - no harm, no foul
I was making the thread here to get on record so when the news source did begin reporting on it, after all confirms of their fact checking were complete, I could reference it here instead of it going out all over the place where speculation will run rampant as usual and nothing will ever get done for those seeking answers.

Mark is not an easy guy to talk to. It's not like we had a lulztastic conversation. But so far, everything I've seen is just a lot of back and forth between overly emotional guys. I'm not knocking those emotional guys either because if I had the kinda cash in a holding pattern the way they do, I'd be pissed as hell. But talking about it, does NOTHING. So get off your fuckin ass and go do something about it, and if you cannot, or just won't then shut the fuck up. Because you add zero value to any of this.

There are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that so many of you imbeciles don't even take into regard about happening just to produce ONE story, all confirmed. That's what I was getting at.

If being a dick about it and calling me names and doing word counts gets you through the day, fine, fuck it, congrats you're a dick.. go for it... But if I were being an egomaniac about it, I would have instead said fuck the proof, let's just run with it right here, I'll slap my name onto everything and take full credit for uncovering everything because I'm the greatest fuckin person in all of the land and have unicorns that come outta my ass and rainbows out of my nose and mouth when I breathe. I am... AWESOME!...
