Mt.Gox Meltdown


Interesting article. Thought it would be worth sharing.


Interesting article. Thought it would be worth sharing.

There's nothing interesting about that article, it's hyperbolic bullshit.

He's as bad as Lukep is with his USSA. Do people really think they get treated seriously when they begin referring to a cryptocurrency as a "craptocurrency"?

The Gox price is not indicative of Bitcoin's value anymore, just Gox's problems.
Opinion retracted.... Was privy to some information that is FACT, not speculation... and knowing this now, my opinion prior to it has been nullified. They are doomed. For sure. Sucks.
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gox is not dead nor are they dying..

Good call, Jon.

I mentioned that too. I think its about their financial situation. They got hurt, no question. If they have enough on positive side, they can survive.

If midas, their new trading platform, is ready, they can now release it.

Before all this action, midas had killed them. Because adding anothe coin (ltc/nmc) would have allowed to arbitrage btc. What not only had brought their prices fast down. Through the added coins by midas people would use the other coins to move assets out.

Now, there is nothing to lose. They can make a kind of reset. If they are smart. Their biggest asset is still their name, which is better as many think.
Waiting patiently for swiftmoney's Jon rebuttal.

Sorry to disappoint but theres not going to be one.
I have never stated that Gox was going to die rather if it did Bitcoin would still survive.
I still stand by the fact that Bitcoin has far more pressing issues in its future, which we did touch on but not many seemed to get involved with those, apart from Matt, whom actually came up with some great suggestions.
Dumb article wrote by a dumb person.. lol. Got a laugh atleast

You must read the last comment of that guys:

Bitcoin is a Scam
Hi James

Offcourse bitcoins is a scam, the more value in terms of exposure of victims then the bigger will be the losses.

In fact, mark my words, I would NOT be surprised if you wake up one day to find that bitcoins are trading at a NEGATIVE VALUE !

The ability to scam is in built in bitcoins. I know cos I looked under the hood a few years back! The biggest such holes is that the 'networok' validates who owns what!

Which means scammers CAN and probably WILL at some point re-write who owns what !

Cannot be done ?

Offcourse it can, one way is through use of bot nets.

At least fiat currency is backed ny millions of tax payers, bitcoins is backed by nothing!



Wickefire had banned people for less stupid comments.

"Which means scammers CAN and probably WILL at some point re-write who owns what !"

Yeah, sure, he "looked in to it" all that internet and programming stuff and he saw it. Everyone knows that. Easy shit.

That is what brought me into trading. It can't be so hard. If people like he makes money, i can do it too.
Mtgox says it has implemented a fix for the problem and will resume withdraws soon