Mt.Gox Meltdown

Thats funny...

The original blog entry at coinbase was

But then they purged all "solvency" related terms including from the url
MtGox is kill

Time of death, 11 p.m. EST 2/24/2014

Coinbase is at about $450 at the time of this post.

Considering the time of night this is all happening, I'm pretty excited about what price point I'll wake up to.
This is the crisis of confidence that many of us have been talking about. This is going to set Bitcoin back massively. Many people will lose huge amounts of money and that will scare the shit out of would-be buyers. The price is going waaayyyy lower.
but but but the technology is perfect, the code is public, such a thing could never happen!

It is obvious that shit hit the fan at Gox. They didn't just halt trading to fix the problem before things went awry, they shut down because there was no other choice. The lack of transparency is all too revealing.

Like I have been saying for six months, there are glaring systemic problems in the exchange structure.
Wonder if this is true? MtGox lost 750,000 BTC?

MtGox Situation: Crisis Strategy Draft

Nevermind, this report has to be fabricated bullshit. There's no way that's true, or if it is, than the MtGox boys just made the history books for one of the biggest heists ever recorded.

How do you not notice approx $375 million slowly go missing over the years? You'd think after around the $50 million mark your balance sheets would be a bit off compared to what your reserves are, and you'd catch on.

So either a) report is fabricated bullshit, b) MtGox boys are beyond stupid and incompetent, or c) MtGox boys had one hell of a good time over the past few years, and are going to enjoy a nice retirement.
Ignoring Gox. I think the floor for BTC on other exchanges will be $350-400.

If it dips below that, this bubble is completely deflated.

The S curve is a really interesting concept that might pertain to Bitcoin (Twitter and Facebook saw similar movements). I suggest people check it out!