Mt.Gox Meltdown

Cheshire for the win!

I'm a realist. I just calls 'em likes I see's 'em. If you view that as arrogance I'm sorry. My point was everybody is sitting on the sidelines predicting the death of bitcoin when there is good, easy money to be made trading on the swings. I've pulled out almost $10k in the last 2 months and I'm not even trying. I wasn't bragging, but I figured some actual dollar values might get some people off the sidelines.

Instead of predicting its demise why don't ya'll get in there and make some dollars? You can still think bitcoin is doomed, I won't judge. Making dollars out of these old Internets ... that is why most of us are here, are we not?

I'm a realist. I just calls 'em likes I see's 'em. If you view that as arrogance I'm sorry. My point was everybody is sitting on the sidelines predicting the death of bitcoin when there is good, easy money to be made trading on the swings. I've pulled out almost $10k in the last 2 months and I'm not even trying. I wasn't bragging, but I figured some actual dollar values might get some people off the sidelines.

Instead of predicting its demise why don't ya'll get in there and make some dollars? You can still think bitcoin is doomed, I won't judge. Making dollars out of these old Internets ... that is why most of us are here, are we not?

I completely agree, there is definitely money to made in the day to day. I am not actually in the death camp. I dont think that Bitcoin is going anywhere but I am against the whole "going to take over the world" bullshit because there are major fundamental flaws that are going to prevent that, at least at this moment in time. I would just like to hear any possible solutions, not people just brushing them under the carpet.

Lastly how do you know that the naysayers are not shorting Bitcoin in times like these. Works both ways. I would rather not discuss the trading side of Bitcoin as it has no real impact on the overall future of Bitcoin.
I completely agree, there is definitely money to made in the day to day. I am not actually in the death camp. I dont think that Bitcoin is going anywhere but I am against the whole "going to take over the world" bullshit because there are major fundamental flaws that are going to prevent that, at least at this moment in time. I would just like to hear any possible solutions, not people just brushing them under the carpet.

I'm not as fanatical as LukeP on Bitcoin's world domination either. I do see great potential though. Do I think bitcoin will overthrow the international banking system? Haha ... nah. Do I think bitcoin has value on the Internet as a major payment system and store of wealth ... oh yeah. Am I hopeful Bitcoin does somehow manage to change the banking system ... sure but I'm not holding my breath.

Lastly how do you know that the naysayers are not shorting Bitcoin in times like these. Works both ways. I would rather not discuss the trading side of Bitcoin as it has no real impact on the overall future of Bitcoin.

If they're smart they are. Trading has more impact than you think. When bitcoin started its climb to $1000 people came out of the wood works to buy it. The media coverage drove hundreds of thousands of people into the bitcoin ecosystem, thus strengthening it. Since then bitcoin has grown by leaps and bounds. has done over $1m in bitcoin transactions, that's nothing to scoff at and I don't think all those purchases were from bitcoin loyalists either.

If bitcoin was still at $30 you wouldn't see this many people throwing millions of dollars at bitcoin related services.
I would just like to hear any possible solutions

Sure, here's a laundry list:

  • Scrap the issues of anonymity and address reuse. Nobody cares except hackers, drug dealers, and gun runners.
  • No reason for address reuse. I don't need a new BASE58 string every time I want to receive funds. Why not just fire off funds to a username / e-mail address instead?
  • I should be able to embed my e-mail address, cell#, and addl security questions / answers directly into the blockchain for my address / wallet.
  • Allow me to set my own restrictions, and have them also embedded into the blockchain with my address / account. I don't want to live by PayPal's rules, but I also don't want to spend $30k and 6 months of my life protecting my money either. I should be able to define things like, "only sends from Chicago are allowed", and other basic security measures, which are embedded directly into the P2P network / blockchain.
  • When any funds move from my account, which don't pass the restrictions that I defined, then they should be "frozen" within the blockchain. The P2P network / blockchain should then require my approval via F2A, SMS verification, security question or whatever to approve that transfer. If after X (ie. 48 hours) the sender doesn't approve it, the funds are automatically sent back to them.
And various other things like that. This is all really common sense and basic stuff, and could quite easily be implemented within bitcoin, or any P2P network out there. It will never happen though, at least not with bitcoin.
Sure, here's a laundry list:

  • Scrap the issues of anonymity and address reuse. Nobody cares except hackers, drug dealers, and gun runners.
  • No reason for address reuse. I don't need a new BASE58 string every time I want to receive funds. Why not just fire off funds to a username / e-mail address instead?
  • I should be able to embed my e-mail address, cell#, and addl security questions / answers directly into the blockchain for my address / wallet.
  • Allow me to set my own restrictions, and have them also embedded into the blockchain with my address / account. I don't want to live by PayPal's rules, but I also don't want to spend $30k and 6 months of my life protecting my money either. I should be able to define things like, "only sends from Chicago are allowed", and other basic security measures, which are embedded directly into the P2P network / blockchain.
  • When any funds move from my account, which don't pass the restrictions that I defined, then they should be "frozen" within the blockchain. The P2P network / blockchain should then require my approval via F2A, SMS verification, security question or whatever to approve that transfer. If after X (ie. 48 hours) the sender doesn't approve it, the funds are automatically sent back to them.
And various other things like that. This is all really common sense and basic stuff, and could quite easily be implemented within bitcoin, or any P2P network out there. It will never happen though, at least not with bitcoin.

Mattcoin? :)
model-booty.gif accepting bitcoin now. only problem is see is that btc carries now real value with retailers as it is immediately liquidated into cash and is only a vehicle to pay less fess of course. I feel like when I can buy gas, grocery's, booze, cigarettes and drugs with it, it will have real value and certainly the moon!
Bought 4 at 575 on coinbase.. got as low as 550.. sitting at 667 right now.

converting straight into dogecoin, peercoin, vertcoin
HMMMM. shit. Actually I don't (as someone who uses BTC for transactions - and yes of course regret not stacking up on them - i have intended for some time to stick 10-20k of play money into it - money i could afford to lose to get involved in a little of that 'irrational exuberance' bubble style :)

But being UNAGI what do i do when i see opportunity?

Buy a shitload of domains of course ! I have like 60-65 pretty kick ass bitcoin domains sitting on the shelf - i'm not exactly a domainer though these and about the same number of 3d printer / 3d clip object library/marketplace/ etc domains just before the last good ones (of both) seemed to be snapped up....

now those i do intend to market - yes im giving away a bloody good niche here but if I was threatened by others finding out and creating more competition for me (as i once was and at the time for good reason... )

The bitcoin thing I do find fascinating as a subject - partly as a chance to really study it you can (most people) broaden your understanding of money and currency and it's history and what a pile of bullshit it all is anyway (well in terms of anything but human social / geopolitcal power and such of course it matters as long as you happen to be a human - especially if you are one who like most don't understand the way modern money markets and systems work - its a complex topic made to seem a fuck of a lot more complex on purpose.... but yeah its basically it's ALLLLLLLLL fucking monopoly money - yeah i mean even GOLD physically.... (though its what i would #1 choose to RETAIN value - not make money but keep value - over long run... not something easy to do. For ZERO other reason than humans have a forever history of trust and value for the shit!)

--- quoted directly from Ralph a Paleolithic layman :)

but back on bitcoins - I've definitely observed (since the ~15$ days) a pretty consistent pattern in the volatility - i mean will it burst and die? probably sometime. i dont think personally we are anywhere near there yet. I expect it will be around 1500-2000$ by say June-July. Even though looks like I missed some of lowest lows (it didnt really drop that much come on whats 20-30% this is bitcoin :) it jumped 300% in 3 fucking days or something when it first neared 300 from 100 (yeah its when i got my domains as it was blowing up in the news)....

as to ways to monetize with it - anyone heard of a little thing called forex? yeah crack for gamblers - mix volatility of BTC and the LEVERAGE / MARGINS of forex trading and you get "instant lose all your money new world record in 0.023 seconds :) .... but we're talking super uber crack now for those (sorry to gamblers im lucky not to have a literal gambling issue, as ive had my share of other struggles).... one reason i wont market ANYTHING to the naive IM crowd is I can't stomach morally knowing i'm taking money from hoards of people whom 98% of which won't benefit from (even if its fucking good product / training) and who consist of some high percentage of very desperate people likely in debt and - well, I actually have some oddly moral lines .... gambling is while essentially maybe the same, i'm more or less ok with it for whatever reason.

Point being there are some CPA things I know of with bitcoin/forex type combo that pay out 600$ per signup....

I've wondered how i might monetize these domains and if anyone knows of BTC affiliate/monetization of whatever sort (with solid ROI earning potential) PLEASE do hit my up - I would love an excuse to build out a few of these sites.

BUT ultimately i think next surge in price - and there will be one (i expect, just like tulips :) I'll sell the domains (most of which I regged new for $10) ... timing is everything of course - so i hope didnt miss that boat. but risk is everything even more, and I'm sure glad im not risk averse... I love risks, that's why i don't gamble :)
(well not in the casino or heck even the stock market - not after high speed trading took the human psychology out of it , anyone who thinks they are able to play that game unless your net work is half a billion or so or is some uber quant prodigy with fiber in new jersey direct to the exchange computers - well your fooling yourself)

better off playing the bitcoin bubble and jumping off well before the 'high'

this opinion has been brought to you by:


"now those i do intend to market - yes im giving away a bloody good niche here but if I was threatened by others finding out and creating more competition for me (as i once was and at the time for good reason... )"

referring to 3d printing and related. bitcoin i dont see as a fucking kick ass niche - the other - um, yeah. more than good, brilliantly huge. If anyone (with some talent and success under their belt - resources and INTEREST don't hurt) wants to talk about some sort of joint project - I have soooo much shit on my plate still with my current niche but so badly want to get moving on this... PM me if curious, just thinking off top of my head, maybe dumb ass move but what the hell.

no one said UNAGI was sane //////

several have claimed otherwise including himself. UNAGI+++++++++
"Scrap the issues of anonymity and address reuse. Nobody cares except hackers, drug dealers, and gun runners."

thats a pretty good sized market to not care about :)
Cheap in comparison to what? Still looking on the expensive side to me.

Spreadshirt Boss Says Bitcoin Is Not Ready For The Mass Market | ChannelBiz UK

Stop being so single minded and start thinking of the consumer rather than your own potential gains.

The only real benefit to any consumer right now is anonymity when purchasing adult, grey and black maket shit and that is the way it is likely to stay, mainly due to these being the only markets where the risk to reward ratio can make sense to the consumer and until this changes Bitcoins total market adoption will remain a figment of the imagination.

Who cares what the boss of a t-shirt printing company has to say?

Do yourself a favor and look up the names that have been talking about bitcoin and investing in companies like Coinbase and Bitpay.

Bitcoin is dieing a slow death. All that positive press and VC attention we seen over the past year is now right out the window, and it's not coming back.

I still strongly believe in the concept though, and believe we're going to see new incarnations of a virtual currency that mainstream public will actually be willing to adopt.

That's the frustrating part -- it's an amazing concept, and it's true, I should be able to fire off funds with the same freedom as I can chat with people on Skype. And all the technology we need to allow bitcoin to go mainstream is sitting at our fingertips. We already know what to do, but the bitcoin community will NEVER let it happen, so it's just going to go back being a black market currency for drugs & guns.

BS. Bitcoin is not dying. There are more and more merchants every single day.

A couple years ago, who would have thought that Overstock, Fiverr, Namecheap, and others would be accepting Bitcoin?
"Micky Malka, a venture capitalist, told Reuters this week that “Bitcoin is still an experimental protocol in its infancy.” He added that “no one should be investing an amount they cannot afford to lose.”

Malka, by the way, is a board member of the Bitcoin Foundation."

Flaw in Bitcoin, exchange shutdowns, $2.7 million theft: Is the end coming? | VentureBeat | Business | by Barry Levine

About the best advice yet from the Bitcoin community. Any of you blind-followers of the Bitcoin hype need to read that statement and digest it fully. "Amount they can afford to lose", think about what that really means.
Who cares what the boss of a t-shirt printing company has to say?

Do yourself a favor and look up the names that have been talking about bitcoin and investing in companies like Coinbase and Bitpay.

BS. Bitcoin is not dying. There are more and more merchants every single day.

A couple years ago, who would have thought that Overstock, Fiverr, Namecheap, and others would be accepting Bitcoin?

Its not just about the "boss of a T-shirt company", his opinion represents the masses.
As long as you keep clinging on to the merchant statistics you are completely missing the bigger picture. Even the "boss of the T-shirt company" agreed that Bitcoin is great for the merchant. Merchant adoption alone is not what is going to take Bitcoin to the next level.
$275 on Mtgox

I heard they were doing something else like halting more stuff like deposits or something for a period of time. Might be what caused this.