McCain's Choice Is.....

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I vote taxes period, many other Americans do too. Perhaps it makes me shallow to an extent, but the truth is I don't have faith in either party accomplishing anything in Washington. Too much red tape, too many under the table deals. Taxes really are the only tangible thing I see coming out of DC ... it's not like they are going to legalize pot or do anything else worthwhile.

Also the money argument in favor of Obama is laughable. He's no economist, if you're looking for a better economy ... you should have paid attention to Ron Paul, he knows more about money than Alan Greenspan. The choices we have now in the election are simply ignorant as to why we are in the situation we currently are.

That said, Sarah Palin is in favor of drilling up Alaska (her home state) to A> help our economy B> make us less dependant on the middle east C> reduce the cost of gas and other natural fuels ............... That's not like making the internet free but it sounds pretty fucking good to me AND it's more than anyone else is bringing to the table at this point.

I guess the fact that some of your wealth would go to the less fortunate that REALLY DO NEED extra money in order to survive doesn't matter to you...

I can't believe my eyes here. You sir, are a fucking tool for posting such worthless drivel in a money making forum such as this. History proves that over-taxation actually hurts the have-nots.

Here is a scenario for you to chew on:

Mr. Taxpayer is a very rich man with a lot of money. He wants to buy a yacht that costs him $25,000,000 but his accountant says because of additional luxury taxes (or whatever punitive tax is the current hot talking point with the Dems) will run him another 2-3 million bucks. So, Mr. Taxpayer, being the skilled and astute money man he is, decides his old yacht will just have to do for a while and decides against the purchase. So, how many blue collar "poor" yacht builders will be out of work without Mr. Taxpayer's 25 million? At $40,000/year each I'm guessing that is really going to hurt these poor yacht builders and half of them are going to get laid off - which now means less people paying income taxes and now begins the great economic downward spiral that is the liberal tax-and-spend mantra.

The lesson here is the golden rule will continue to apply whether you like it or not (he with the gold makes the rules). No tax laws that make attempts to punish well deserved rich of their successes will ever serve to help the poor.

So, I say FUCK THE POOR. 99% of them got there because they are either lazy or stupid.
So, I say FUCK THE POOR. 99% of them got there because they are either lazy or stupid.

It's almost not worth responding to, but you're a total piece of shit of a person... especially if you're an American. I almost feel sorry for you, but since your a total right-wing fucking moron, I have no respect for you.
Mr. Taxpayer is a very rich man with a lot of money. He wants to buy a yacht that costs him $25,000,000 but his accountant says because of additional luxury taxes (or whatever punitive tax is the current hot talking point with the Dems) will run him another 2-3 million bucks. So, Mr. Taxpayer, being the skilled and astute money man he is, decides his old yacht will just have to do for a while and decides against the purchase. So, how many blue collar "poor" yacht builders will be out of work without Mr. Taxpayer's 25 million? At $40,000/year each I'm guessing that is really going to hurt these poor yacht builders and half of them are going to get laid off - which now means less people paying income taxes and now begins the great economic downward spiral that is the liberal tax-and-spend mantra.

Wow, that almost sounded as convincing as this speech that McCain gave. Do you really believe that the economy is built on millionaires that buy $25,000,000 yachts?

Here's another piece of history that you can chew on, did I mention that Bill Clinton increased taxes on almost all Americans?...

If this would only be about money McCain would get my vote any day. Flat, low taxes is GOOD. However, i would rather pay 100% in taxes than vote for a christian fascist. If someday, republicans would step away from their retarded beliefs, then i would have no problem voting for them.
If this would only be about money McCain would get my vote any day. Flat, low taxes is GOOD. However, i would rather pay 100% in taxes than vote for a christian fascist. If someday, republicans would step away from their retarded beliefs, then i would have no problem voting for them.

I definitely agree with you on the religious issue. It should have no place in politics. However, I wouldn't compromise my monetary beliefs just to prove a point as you suggest.
I can't believe my eyes here. You sir, are a fucking tool for posting such worthless drivel in a money making forum such as this. History proves that over-taxation actually hurts the have-nots.

Here is a scenario for you to chew on:

Mr. Taxpayer is a very rich man with a lot of money. He wants to buy a yacht that costs him $25,000,000 but his accountant says because of additional luxury taxes (or whatever punitive tax is the current hot talking point with the Dems) will run him another 2-3 million bucks. So, Mr. Taxpayer, being the skilled and astute money man he is, decides his old yacht will just have to do for a while and decides against the purchase. So, how many blue collar "poor" yacht builders will be out of work without Mr. Taxpayer's 25 million? At $40,000/year each I'm guessing that is really going to hurt these poor yacht builders and half of them are going to get laid off - which now means less people paying income taxes and now begins the great economic downward spiral that is the liberal tax-and-spend mantra.

The lesson here is the golden rule will continue to apply whether you like it or not (he with the gold makes the rules). No tax laws that make attempts to punish well deserved rich of their successes will ever serve to help the poor.

So, I say FUCK THE POOR. 99% of them got there because they are either lazy or stupid.

Compared to the conservative, don't tax and spend money that doesn't exist??? How the fuck could you want 4 more years of this shit?

And if you really believe that your example portrays how the economy works, your nothing but an ignorant tool. Go watch more Fox news.
And if you really believe that your example portrays how the economy works, your nothing but an ignorant tool. Go watch more Fox news.

I'm sorry dickhead, you're right, if I choose not to spend money for a product, your liberal government will make me buy it so the pathetic loser working class idiot can keep his job.

I bet you're a union member.
Obama's sensible plan.... McCain's the rich get richer tax plan that let's middle to lower income American's down. The bottom three groups are 60% of American tax payers, who will get a less relief from McCain's tax plan.
Obama and McCain Tax Proposals -

Of course McCain is going to reduce the rich's tax burden since they are already the ones paying the largest portion of their income in taxes. You think this graph is bad? You should see what it would look like if it reflected the changes under a flat tax percentage (probably a fairer plan). When Obama raises the tax on the rich, they're going to have to make cuts somewhere else to compensate (because, like I mentioned earlier, they are financially astute) and you know what that means, they have to lay off some of their "poor" employees. "Yeah, thanks Obama. You bastard."

You fail too.
I'm sorry dickhead, you're right, if I choose not to spend money for a product, your liberal government will make me buy it so the pathetic loser working class idiot can keep his job.

I bet you're a union member.

So how much koolaid do you drink on a daily basis? You should probably cut back a bit, it's diluting your intelligence level to that of a dog shouting "you fail" at everything that moves.
So how much koolaid do you drink on a daily basis? You should probably cut back a bit, it's diluting your intelligence level to that of a dog shouting "you fail" at everything that moves.

Exactly... Zeros needs to first come to the realization that he's been made into a tool of the right, by buying into the pure propaganda put out by Faux News, Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin...etc. Zeros is the same type of person that would have bought right into what Hilter was spewing if he was a German during Hitler's day.

Zeros is filled with so much truthiness, that he doesn't even realize how stupid he's become. Zeros you really need to wash the noggin out, bro. I don't think you realize how much spin, and utter stupidness you've allowed yourself to believe. If the mainstream right-wing hacks have their say, you'll soon find yourself with zero rational brain cells left.

It's amazing how people on the right, are so easily manipulated and made to believe things, that make them vote against their very interests... but I guess when republicans have no problem with lying, stealing and cheating to win... all under the guise of religon, people end up believing anything...
Exactly... Zeros needs to first come to the realization that he's been made into a tool of the right, by buying into the pure propaganda put out by Faux News, Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin...etc. Zeros is the same type of person that would have bought right into what Hilter was spewing if he was a German during Hitler's day.

Zeros is filled with so much truthiness, that he doesn't even realize how stupid he's become. Zeros you really need to wash the noggin out, bro. I don't think you realize how much spin, and utter stupidness you've allowed yourself to believe. If the mainstream right-wing hacks have their say, you'll soon find yourself with zero rational brain cells left.

It's amazing how people on the right, are so easily manipulated and made to believe things, that make them vote against their very interests... but I guess when republicans have no problem with lying, stealing and cheating to win... all under the guise of religon, people end up believing anything...

Well dude, as I stated before, the religion thing is a non-issue for me so your attempt to batch me in with those that drink the God kool-aid is an ill fated one. One thing that I have in fact learned from being involved with this thread is that debating anything political is a lesson in futility and is no different to debating religion. Nobody's minds will be changed as we have strong beliefs one way or the other. As stubborn as my wife tells me I am, I will never change and become a terrorist-pandering pussy as your new presidential hopeful is. My beliefs are firmly grounded in the same principles of our founding fathers (capitalism, hard work, independence, success, self-reliance, just to name a few).

So, in closing, I give you:


Of course McCain is going to reduce the rich's tax burden since they are already the ones paying the largest portion of their income in taxes. You think this graph is bad? You should see what it would look like if it reflected the changes under a flat tax percentage (probably a fairer plan). When Obama raises the tax on the rich, they're going to have to make cuts somewhere else to compensate (because, like I mentioned earlier, they are financially astute) and you know what that means, they have to lay off some of their "poor" employees. "Yeah, thanks Obama. You bastard."

You fail too.

for someone who managed to somehow sign up to this forum and complete 1000 posts, you have very little business sense. people don't pay wages out of pocket, dumbass.
You totally missed the point. And next time you post a cartoon, try to understand the liberal viewpoint being expressed is not taking all possible variables into account. You fail.

You are correct! while Clinton did cut our deficit, he also cut our millitary and allowed our enemies to become stronger right under our noses. He is also to blame for allowing Al-Qaeda to get powerful enough to attack us.

If Sandy Burgler hadn't stuffed the documents in his underwear, we would know alot more concerning his fuck-ups concerning Bin Laden.
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