McCain's Choice Is.....

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As opposed to the Republican convention, I suppose? Which, in the name of honesty, would only televise the fat lobbyists in the back rooms drooling at the prospect of more Republican overspending and pork barrel projects?
Both parties do what they think is necessary to win, but the Republicans have a better understanding for what makes the American public tick. The Dems have a tendency to overestimate the voters.

Let's keep in mind that the Republicans have sold the American people a substandard and breathtakingly inadequate product twice in a row now, at a price so high as to be unfathomable. That's got to be one of the best marketing campaigns in history. Have the voters really had their IQ increase that much during the last four years?

Well said.

As long as America has so many mullets, nascar fans and pseudo-christian closet homosexuals, Republicans will remain a dominant party.

lol, nice insult..

Your statistics don't exactly prove a lot sir. Sure, the risks go way up, but at the age of 44, there was still less than a 3% chance that a child would have downs.

According to the CDC, a little over 3% of babies are born with some type of birth defect anyway. Add to that the multitude of factors that effect pregnancy (health habits, genetics, stress levels, prenatal care, prior pregnancy, the father's genetics, etc) and the percentage will rise and fall accordingly.

Obviously the risk of that particular defect rises quite a bit, from almost non-existent to terrible odds. Looking at those chances, it looks like if you think she's a moron for having a child at that age, statistically you'd have to think everyone that has a kid is a moron.

popeye said:
I like your way of thinking..hopefully your on the right side? Literally speaking

I certainly tend to think that way.
I think that in the short-term, McBush's announcement accomplished what it was meant to do which was to stun the Obama camp. Mission accomplished - they seemed speechless and not sure how to respond. Once the fog clears I'm sure they'll know how to deal with the "maverick" and his lady.

I clearly support Obama, but had he made a similar choice as a running mate I would have serious doubts about his judgment. A running mate is the first major decision a candidate makes - a sneak preview of their leadership.

He wanted a woman to run with - I get it - but aren't there more experienced women he could have chosen to fill the slot? The whole thing is freaking bizarre to me.
...He wanted a woman to run with - I get it - but aren't there more experienced women he could have chosen to fill the slot? The whole thing is freaking bizarre to me.

She was the only woman that was pro-life though. He needed a woman (any woman, apparently) that was pro-life in order to give something to the conservatives in the party.
Truth be told. I find it incredible how many Democrats are so haughty thinking that they have this election in their pockets. Have they forgotten that this country elected George W. Bush twice?

Come on now...

Nah it's not about the democrats or republican nominee it's about the mood of the country. If things stay as they are now, it's in the bag for the democrats but things can change at the drop of a hat, so yes there could be surprises in store. But I doubt it.

I'm just betting on social psychology here. (But if this thing turns into mob think, all bets are off ;) )
One thing I will add here is that, look for Hillary to help Mccain get elected. It will all be incognito of course. Trust me her desire to become president far outways any loyalty she has to any party. IF Obama wins she is toast.
Nah it's not about the democrats or republican nominee it's about the mood of the country. If things stay as they are now, it's in the bag for the democrats but things can change at the drop of a hat, so yes there could be surprises in store. But I doubt it.

I'm just betting on social psychology here. (But if this thing turns into mob think, all bets are off ;) )

If the republicans wish to remain in power there will need to be another major terrorist attack on the US, or another "war" before November. American voters have proven to be rather ignorant, so that's all it would take for them to sign up for 4 more years of the same shit.
It really don't matter though. If Obama's millitant, beast of a wife, pastor or terrorist friends don't fuck it up for him Biden surely will.

Why are you so bitter? Did someone steal your spot on the basketball team and you still haven't got over it?

I mean really, hire a therapist you really need to get over your issues....

McCain's choice is a fucking joke. If he wanted to pick a woman don't pick someone so effing unqualified that is looks like the token woman pick. Why didn't he effing choose Kay Hutchinson?????????
That's a Republican woman with some real experience. This choice of his is going to make him lose independent voters like myself...
One thing I will add here is that, look for Hillary to help Mccain get elected. It will all be incognito of course. Trust me her desire to become president far outways any loyalty she has to any party. IF Obama wins she is toast.

This is the smartest comment made here IMHO. If Mike Huckabee had been nominated, at least the Republican ticket would have some decency too it. Unfortunately, he wasn't....
McCain completely jumped the shark with this VP pick... it's laughable that this is who he thinks should be second in command. Someone with virtually no experience on world affairs. "Putting the country last" should be his new campaign slogan.

Plenty of republicans are waying in on McBush's superficial pick of a Vice President.
The Washington Monthly
One thing I will add here is that, look for Hillary to help Mccain get elected. It will all be incognito of course. Trust me her desire to become president far outways any loyalty she has to any party. IF Obama wins she is toast.

BTW... Hillary's not toast when Obama gets elected President of the United States. She will become the next majority leader of the U.S. Senate (first women ever).
Why are you so bitter? Did someone steal your spot on the basketball team and you still haven't got over it?

I mean really, hire a therapist you really need to get over your issues....

McCain's choice is a fucking joke. If he wanted to pick a woman don't pick someone so effing unqualified that is looks like the token woman pick. Why didn't he effing choose Kay Hutchinson?????????
That's a Republican woman with some real experience. This choice of his is going to make him lose independent voters like myself...

Actually I was all state football and baseball and recieved a full athletic scholarship to the University Of Oklahoma.

How can you call her unqualified? She has more executive experience than Obama. He has been a Senator for a few years. He has not authored any meaningful legislation. Before the Senate, he gathered up inner city kids and instructed them what color to paint park benches.

Obama is the equivilant to a 90's boy band. He was constructed by the powers that be in the Democratic party. He has no experience and no talent outside a teleprompter.
It's going to be comical watching a man who barely knows his own name and can't even tell you what his own policies are debating the best public speaker of our generation.

They really should have it on pay per view.

I can hear Obama now "Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Ommmmm" -Times Up!

Then you'll see more pathetic kool-aid drinkers crying like this one:


Being a public speaker isn't as difficult as being convincing in a debate. You don't get speech writers and teleprompters in debates.
Then go vote for Obama. I'm sure they'll need all they can get once the debates are over.

That is if Obama will debate him. Mccain has already challenged him to 10-12 town hall style debates. Obama declined all of them.

Like I stated in an earlier post, Obama is only as good as his writers and his teleprompter operator. He was thrown softballs by the rest of the democrates in the earlier debates.
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