McCain's Choice Is.....

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When I first heard it, I couldn't but think of Harriet Miers.

But I doubt Miers was ever this hot:

McCain completely jumped the shark with this VP pick... it's laughable that this is who he thinks should be second in command. Someone with virtually no experience on world affairs. "Putting the country last" should be his new campaign slogan.

Plenty of republicans are waying in on McBush's superficial pick of a Vice President.
The Washington Monthly

What a shitty reference to some misquoted articles. You can't even come up with your own quote and have to leech "jump the shark" & "country last" from the article.

Follow the links and see for yourself, here's what Noah Millman said after having the quote taken out of context

She’s an excellent choice. If McCain wins, he’ll have a whole cabinet of officials to help him run the government and advise him on vital decisions. That’s not what he’ll be using Palin for. And as a political matter, if the Democrats lead with the inexperience argument against Palin, they’ll be committing suicide.

I personally don't know enough about her to make a judgment one way or the other. Honestly, I am much more excited than I was when I was looking at the prospect of Mitt Romney or Huckabee as VP. One thing I'm sure of, this campaign is one of diversity.

On one hand we had a woman and minority running for the democratic spot. The minority won and turned to an old white man for VP.

On the other hand we have McCain turning to a milf from Alaska for his VP.

If the choice turns out well, and it seems to be at this point, the country will have will have another young & idealistic politician in office (think about JFK's popularity here).

Personally, if I were McCain, I would have picked Condi Rice but not because of her skin color ... she's pretty young too and has more experience (at a high level) than Palin. Although Sarah's experience is running a state, which in my opinion is a pre-requisite for a presidential candidate. Obama has no experience running anything, how people can bring up experience is flabbergasting as Obama is running for President (not VP)

Regardless of whether we are Dem or Rep ... they're all just politicians. If I can't have Ron Paul, I'll probably pencil in Jon & Eli for office. I'll hold off on that for a bit to see how well Sarah holds her own but I certainly can't vote to raise taxes (any democrat).

That she's pro life, pro guns, pro drilling & an ex-pothead is enough for me to get sort of excited about McCain's choice.
It's going to be comical watching a man who barely knows his own name and can't even tell you what his own policies are debating the best public speaker of our generation.

They really should have it on pay per view.

Damn Nicky, I like you bro, but I hate seeing you drink the Obama Koolaid.
Damn Nicky, I like you bro, but I hate seeing you drink the Obama Koolaid.

I research everything pretty well man. I don't agree with obama on everything, but I barely agree with mccain on anything. Isn't recognizing that much of obama's success comes from his ability as a public speaker the opposite of "drinking the koolaid"? I must have missed something.
I love how all of you talk like one party has this in the bag already. Regardless of what you think of the nominees, this is a fucking tight race.

Shit, the way Zeros and Popeye talk, you would think McCain was already in fucking office. The koolaid obviously flows in both parties.
So the really question is which scenario do you prefer:

McCain dies of old age and Sarah becomes pres


Obama gets shot (some idiot will try) and Joe is pres

As far as experience goes the lack of it is more significant for Obama than Sarah. Although he does have more. She was a small town mayor and now governor. Many forget he was a Illinois state senator and now in is congress.

Either way this country is fucked.
Actually I was all state football and baseball and recieved a full athletic scholarship to the University Of Oklahoma.

How can you call her unqualified? She has more executive experience than Obama. He has been a Senator for a few years. He has not authored any meaningful legislation. Before the Senate, he gathered up inner city kids and instructed them what color to paint park benches.

Obama is the equivilant to a 90's boy band. He was constructed by the powers that be in the Democratic party. He has no experience and no talent outside a teleprompter.


You don't know your Republican women sir. It doesn't do women any good when they are thrown into positions they are not qualified for then fail. It's like the black dude (or minority or whatever) who can't spell his name and is carted off to Dartmouth (or Amherst or Stanford or whatever) only to fail. Then people end of saying "see I told you those minorities are inept!!!"

McCain slapped independent women in the face with his BS and quite frankly I am pissed. All the work that KBH has done in the Senate and he picks someone who can do nothing more than flip a mean moose burger.

One of the most senior ranking Republican women in the house who could step into the role of president at any time if McCain pops too many Viagras with the Mrs. and goes belly up. It makes me sick.
He picks her instead of a woman with this kind of record

As for this:

Obama is the equivilant to a 90's boy band. He was constructed by the powers that be in the Democratic party. He has no experience and no talent outside a teleprompter.[/quote]

Please stop. It sounds ridiculous. If you think you make Harvard Law Review President with no talent you obvious don't have any friends that went to HLS.

Seriously dude. Saying he is wet behind the ears is one thing but don't let your emotions over ride basic cognitive logic. He is talented - very far to the left yes, though not as far to the left as the polar bear hugging hippies (lmao).

Anyway, if McCain had done something more reasonable, he'd have a better shot at things. I'm now putting my money where Rupert MurDoch's daughter and Warren Buffet are, no reason to go cruising on a sinking ship.
Cakes, for someone who makes Uber-cash, I would think you would at least be more McCain-leaning in terms of holding on to more of your money and not being forced to give it to a spendthrift Robinhood wannabe.

So if you make a lot of cash you vote republican automatically? What you stand for doesn't matter? Or maybe all you stand for is the cash in your bank account?!
So if you make a lot of cash you vote republican automatically? What you stand for doesn't matter? Or maybe all you stand for is the cash in your bank account?!

It's obvious thats the only thing people like him care about is money, pretty sad isn't it?
It's obvious thats the only thing people like him care about is money, pretty sad isn't it?

Ya damn right. If i'm pulling in 6 digits a month and i gotta turn around and give 30-35% to fucking uncle sam, your goddamn right i'm gonna complain about it and you can bet your ass that i would want to vote for someone that has my best interest in mind. I can't stand you young pacifist tree-hugging faggots.

I don't mind giving or donating to charity but fuck, the government all ready gets more than they need.

Ya damn right. If i'm pulling in 6 digits a month and i gotta turn around and give 30-35% to fucking uncle sam, your goddamn right i'm gonna complain about it and you can bet your ass that i would want to vote for someone that has my best interest in mind. I can't stand you young pacifist tree-hugging faggots.

I don't mind giving or donating to charity but fuck, the government all ready gets more than they need.


Seriously? Thats gotta be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. I can understand not agreeing with some stuff, but solely voting for someone because you'll have some more money in your pocket is fucking shallow and ignorant. That money will be real useful on the shit hole track this country is on. I, for one, don't want four more years of the same shit identical to the last 8.

And if voting for someone who looks to be the best choice makes me a tree-hugging faggot, then so be it, at least I'm not a worthless piece of shit with a money rolled dildo up my ass.
Ya damn right. If i'm pulling in 6 digits a month and i gotta turn around and give 30-35% to fucking uncle sam, your goddamn right i'm gonna complain about it and you can bet your ass that i would want to vote for someone that has my best interest in mind. I can't stand you young pacifist tree-hugging faggots.

I don't mind giving or donating to charity but fuck, the government all ready gets more than they need.


Since you're from the commonwealth, I can understand how little you know about how things actually work, but a quick look at what your money is worth today compared to 8 years ago, and what it will be in the years to come as a result of the horrible way the current administration has handled things should be enough for you to look past simple income tax figures.

Either that or you could continue with your slack jawed rants like LOL THE TAXIZ MYTE B HIYER LOL SO DAT MEENZ IM GUN B POOR LOL

Get a grip on reality, do a little research, and take a look at the big picture, retard.
Ya damn right. If i'm pulling in 6 digits a month and i gotta turn around and give 30-35% to fucking uncle sam, your goddamn right i'm gonna complain about it and you can bet your ass that i would want to vote for someone that has my best interest in mind. I can't stand you young pacifist tree-hugging faggots.

I don't mind giving or donating to charity but fuck, the government all ready gets more than they need.

Oh, I feel so sorry for you. You really must be having a hard time making 6 figures and being taxed 35%. Oh, by the way, do you need 6 figures a month to live a good live? I guess the fact that some of your wealth would go to the less fortunate that REALLY DO NEED extra money in order to survive doesn't matter to you...

Oh and by the way, I make 5 figures... And over here in the Netherlands I pay 50% which sucks. But would I rather have the less fortunate die, starve or live on the streets because of it? No, I ain't no treehugger, but I ain't selfish either...
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