McCain's Choice Is.....

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You are correct! while Clinton did cut our deficit, he also cut our millitary and allowed our enemies to become stronger right under our noses. He is also to blame for allowing Al-Qaeda to get powerful enough to attack us.

If Sandy Burgler hadn't stuffed the documents in his underwear, we would know alot more concerning his fuck-ups concerning Bin Laden.

Clinton not acting on intelligence to take out Osama Bin Laden = Epic fail to save all of those lives that were lost during 9-11.

we would know alot more concerning his fuck-ups concerning Bin Laden.

By the way.... where is Bin Laden and why hasn't Bush been able to catch him? Oh that's right... Bush let him get away in Tora Bora.

Why don't you start owning up to the right-wings failures. It's been 7 years and Bush still hasn't caught Bin Laden, and now he's allowed the Taliban to come back in full force within Afghanistan. You guys are so pathetic... to the point of being stupid silly.
By the way.... where is Bin Laden and why hasn't Bush been able to catch him? Oh that's right... Bush let him get away in Tora Bora.

Why don't you start owning up to the right-wings failures. It's been 7 years and Bush still hasn't caught Bin Laden, and now he's allowed the Taliban to come back in full force within Afghanistan. You guys are so pathetic... to the point of being stupid silly.

Then tell your Dems to quit trying to handcuff our troops by voting to cut funding. Obama & Co have actually invested in the prospect of our military failing. That's called treason in other countries.

Oh yeah, and they hate the fact the surge actually worked. It kills them to talk about it.
It's quite a bit more complicated than that. I'm sure your GED classes will help you understand it a little better.

I don't know why you have to over-complicate this. When the profitability of a business is damaged in any way, whether it be through a decline in revenue or by being punished through punitively levied taxes, then something has to give. Typically, it's in the form of a downsize of some sort. Layoffs come to mind.

It's actually pretty simple really, even a 'dumbass' with a GED-gained $90,000/year salary could figure it out.
Clinton not acting on intelligence to take out Osama Bin Laden = Epic fail to save all of those lives that were lost during 9-11.

Those on the right are the biggest bunch of hypocrites... you'll say anything to fit your silly argument.

At the time when Clinton fired missiles to take out Bin Laden, and just missed him, the republicans were up in arms... saying he was obsessed with Bin Laden... and now republicans like to say he didn't do anything.

It's funny how... Bush on the other hand never once had a meetting about Bin Laden nine months after Clinton left office... and then Bush just sat in a classroom looking like a deer in headlights as America was attacked on 9/11.

The Epic Failure is George W. Bush and Dick Cheney...
That's called treason in other countries.

What's real treason.... is an administration who purposely outed a covert CIA agent, which ultimately outed her underground CIA network in the attempt to bolster a failed war for political gain. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are two of the biggest traitors in American History.
for someone who managed to somehow sign up to this forum and complete 1000 posts, you have very little business sense. people don't pay wages out of pocket, dumbass.

Yeah, dumbass.

Oh, yeah...Clickbooth called...they want their shoes back

So how much koolaid do you drink on a daily basis? You should probably cut back a bit, it's diluting your intelligence level to that of a dog shouting "you fail" at everything that moves.

How much of the Barak Kool-aid are you drinking you pocket-protector wearing fuck? Why don't you go sleep with some homeless people tonight and relish in your poorness, that sort of thing seems to make you feel better
for someone who managed to somehow sign up to this forum and complete 1000 posts, you have very little business sense. people don't pay wages out of pocket, dumbass.

For someone that has a blog and has over 1280 posts, I think your the dumbass, hot shit.

You better check on those shoes too bro
Judging by the number and overall breadth of the political threads lately is some indication that we are all in for the ride of our lives when this race comes down to the wire. It will be a presidential race for the ages for sure. Personally, no matter who wins, I am actually excited to watch all the action since it is going to be very interesting indeed.

Let the games begin!
You are correct! while Clinton did cut our deficit, he also cut our millitary and allowed our enemies to become stronger right under our noses. He is also to blame for allowing Al-Qaeda to get powerful enough to attack us.

If Sandy Burgler hadn't stuffed the documents in his underwear, we would know alot more concerning his fuck-ups concerning Bin Laden.
....we have the most insane military budget in the world. And I suspect many projects 100% off the books that don't even show up in there.
I'm sorry, but how many fucking ways do you need to be able to blow someone up?

They pay wages out of profits, to the business owner that equals money straight out of the business owner's pocket......

If the only corporate structure on the planet was the LLC, you'd be right. Unfortunately, you're wrong. Many business owners are salaried within their own company, not just "whatever's left".
How much of the Barak Kool-aid are you drinking you pocket-protector wearing fuck? Why don't you go sleep with some homeless people tonight and relish in your poorness, that sort of thing seems to make you feel better

Your display of immense intelligence amuses me. How's the GED coming along?

Judging by the number and overall breadth of the political threads lately is some indication that we are all in for the ride of our lives when this race comes down to the wire. It will be a presidential race for the ages for sure. Personally, no matter who wins, I am actually excited to watch all the action since it is going to be very interesting indeed.

Let the games begin!

At least we agree on something! lol I'm really just hoping that all of this action is a catalyst for a high voter turnout.
If the only corporate structure on the planet was the LLC, you'd be right. Unfortunately, you're wrong. Many business owners are salaried within their own company, not just "whatever's left".

Then you have just proven my point. In a standard C corp, once EVERYONE has been paid, the "whatever's left" part is technically owed to the shareholders in the form of dividends. When this gets depleted, it's time to start axing the workforce to protect the shareholder's (owner's) profits.

Rich folks aren't nearly about to start taking it in their own wallets before they trim the fat first.
Those on the right are the biggest bunch of hypocrites... you'll say anything to fit your silly argument.

At the time when Clinton fired missiles to take out Bin Laden, and just missed him, the republicans were up in arms... saying he was obsessed with Bin Laden... and now republicans like to say he didn't do anything.

It's funny how... Bush on the other hand never once had a meetting about Bin Laden nine months after Clinton left office... and then Bush just sat in a classroom looking like a deer in headlights as America was attacked on 9/11.

The Epic Failure is George W. Bush and Dick Cheney...


I guess we will never know what REALLY happened but I would assume if Clinton was not at fault Mr. Berger wouldn't have stole the secret documents.
....we have the most insane military budget in the world. And I suspect many projects 100% off the books that don't even show up in there.
I'm sorry, but how many fucking ways do you need to be able to blow someone up?

True conservative republicans believe that we should trade with other nations and help them prosper. We should not be big brother to all of our allies across the globe. Our military should not be outside of our borders. Osama should be handled by a covert operation not a multi trillion dollar military expendature.

^^ fix this and the rest of the budget falls in place and people start singing the praises of republicans yet again. The guys in office are not real republicans ... furthermore 99% of all Washington politicians not constitutional OR ethical.

If the only corporate structure on the planet was the LLC, you'd be right. Unfortunately, you're wrong. Many business owners are salaried within their own company, not just "whatever's left".

And if the "whatever's left" section is negative, the whole company goes under. We're all in the same boat whether you like it or not. Business owners may trim the fat and lay off the less skilled (read: poor people you are defending) first but if the money is just not there ... everyone loses.

This is specifically why you don't overtax the rich. They drive the economy. Regardless whether the corporate dollar is taken away by taxes, a lawsuit or a flat economy ... people lose their jobs starting from the bottom up.

If tax breaks go to the lower classes, people buy new fancy cell phones, bling & spinners for their cars. The economic prosperity is short lived since nobody invested a penny.

That same money in the rich's hands = new jobs thanks to the new businesses that were opened.

It's really fucking funny that you and nicky are arguing the point that if a business has less money that doesn't necessarily mean cutting spending or jobs. It's not logical and it sounds much like you've bought into a conspiracy as you are just sounding foolish.

A rich dude doesn't spend the $25M on a yacht and the yacht company's income is $25M less than it would have been and people eventually lose their jobs if enough rich people stop buying new boats ... what's so hard to understand about that?
A rich dude doesn't spend the $25M on a yacht and the yacht company's income is $25M less than it would have been and people eventually lose their jobs if enough rich people stop buying new boats ... what's so hard to understand about that?
It's not hard to understand, but it's not the complete picture. I.E. if large portions of middle class families can't afford luxuries it also cuts in the economy. Point being, it is NOT JUST THE RICH that provide jobs. If the middle class and other income classes aren't buying shit it means less jobs as well...

It's about balance.
It's laughable to say that the rich drive the economy... you're a moron. Do you even know why the economy grew at a greater than expected 3.3% in the second quarter... tick tock, tick tock... Nope it wasn't because the rich got more money in their pockets...

It was because millions of middle to lower income Americans were given tax relief... For instance: Individuals with adjusted gross income of up to $75,000 who paid federal income tax will receive a $600 rebate. Or: Couples with joint adjusted gross income up to $150,000 who paid federal income will receive $1,200 total ($600 each).

To continue to spout out that the rich drive our economy is asinine. You can continue to believe the Larry Kudlow's of the world if you want to, but it's the working class families with average incomes, that truly drive our economy...

Now let's take look again at the tax plans put out by McCain and Obama... Because it's apparent that Obama's plan is going to put much more money in the hands of those who are the real drivers of the economy, not the richest 1% as in the case of McCain's tax plan.
I totally disagree with this moron. What is he like 16 or something? Live a few more years as a taxpayer (and not living with mommy & daddy) and then come back and spout your depth of knowledge.
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