You're talking about "hope".
I almost feel sorry for him now. He use to be a pretty chill guy until he started being an arrogant little prick head. Ryan eagle levels of douchebaggery.
I always wondered why he chose to get into the stock market when apparently he was doing so well with internet marketing. Now I know why. Now his name is fucked, but maybe that's a good thing. His trading guru status never materialized and it probably saved a lot of people getting fucked over by him in the end.
What a month for Martin. Eat that humble pie.
I don't think believing the universe favors you over others is necessarily the same thing as hope.
Like a person can have hope he'll make 1 million this year. But if he thinks the universe favors him and he's special then he might just blow the 1 mill on expensive cars and other bullshit because he thinks the universe will always be so kind to him - it's his destiny afterall. Then when he makes only 50k then next year he's basically broke.
can we all agree this thread just topped his trading thread for THREAD OF THE YEAR
Of course I uderstand this. This is the problem of the business owners, not mine. They have all the means to bring scammers to justice, nobody could deny this, and they will be in their rights when they do so. Still that's their problem and in no way I would help them in this or label the one who scammed them as 'bad' person. Anyone who scammed his friends or partners with $10, or who, for example, sells 'get rich cheap' ebooks to noobs, or sells something like 'penguin proof' backlinks is in order of magnitude worse than the man this thread is about.What he did to Facebook is very much against the law, and given that witnesses posted in public threads here on WF he is likely to be enjoying a new pair of bracelets in the near future.
Not sure if you're some French socialist or whatever, but it's clear you're no entrepreneur or business owner. You do realize that "big corporations" generally get there from being successful "little corporations", right? Personal vitriol aside, if your business was scammed for this much - and it didn't bankrupt you entirely - you would be expecting justice.