Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Can someone please post link to Haag's investigation. previous link I believe was only Haag's profile. Thank you...I get the feeling Melinda L. Haag is investigating Grunin as well as similar cases. Supposedly the recent grand jury subpoenas all involved hacked Facebook advertiser accounts and/or fake Facebook advertiser accounts spun off from real advertisers that are run up with advertising costs that are either ultimately never paid or the advertiser is left holding the bag.
It's pretty similar to what Martin Grunin was doing, and he is likely one of the targets of this FBI/DOJ investigation.
Martin Grunin should be worried right now, but he's probably over confident as usual. What a great way to start the upcoming one year anniversary of this Facebook lawsuit.
I can't wait to find out who Grunin's criminal defence attorney will be.
Then just watch, the guy is going to get a movie deal out of this that's puts us all to shame.
Martin Grunin was removing his mole
Martin Grunin was removing his mole ...
I think you may have stumbled upon the crux of his fall from grace. The crashed car, the breakup, the bad stockpicks, the FB suit and the whole FMOTL debacle - it all happened after he removed the mole.
The cigar stub left in the bin after making the CEOsam videos - that was what nailed it:
I loved Grunin's topic, but I must say this..
I loved Grunin's topic, but I must say this..
The video you posted was the absolute funniest thing I've seen (in context) in my LIFE. I was literally crying from laughing so hard (I always thought that was a myth from weak semi-homos that said that), but holy shit..... that was the funniest thing I've seen in YEARS, I swear to 'god'. I haven't ever shed tears while laughing.... you sir, are AWESOME!
You're welcome son. He churns out a lot of garbage but once in a while he strikes gold.
His dad was conned out of $4000 by a fuckin' Soviet potato! Lol
THE ARCHIELUXURY FAMILY DISPUTE - The EX-Mother-in-Law rips off my Father - YouTube