Same here. Cannot get enough of Archie you stoopid fahkahs
Archibald Chesterfield the 3rd is my new hero
Same here. Cannot get enough of Archie you stoopid fahkahs
Archibald Chesterfield the 3rd is my new hero
The thing that I don't understand, is he admits that everything he owns is bought on credit.
Half the videos I watched of this guy is him complaining about his debt.
Hardly seems something worth bragging about if the bank owns it.
"I just bought a Ferrari, only 300 payments left and then it's all mine!"
Yes, yes, I get leveraging debt, I'm just jealous I don't have a "Fuck Off" watch.
Hmm... someone defaulting on their default?
Facebook, Inc. v. Grunin
Plaintiff: Facebook, Inc.
Defendant: Martin Grunin
Case Number: 1:2015mc00618
Filed: April 1, 2015
Court: New York Eastern District Court
Office: Brooklyn Office
Filing is a "Registration of Foreign Judgment"
Clerk's certification of a judgement to be registered in another district
[ame][/ame]bumping this shit because I desperately need to know if anyone has the fucking video of Martin w/ the iPhone cases