Someone that can steal hundreds of thousands of dollars, commit fraud, lie to everyone around him and still manage to sleep at night hasn't just made a couple of poor choices. Serious mental instabilities and insecurities lurk beneath the surface, a sociopath at the very least. Sort it out.
And the irony was that this was an Ivy school and the kid was a trust funder who was boarded at Choate. Prob inherited 5x that amount. His saving grace was **'s inability to take the shitty publicity. I recently found the guy living large in La Jolla.
Your roommate was doing it for the high that the thrill gave him.
Do I sound a bit incoherent??
That's because of the mindfuck trenches we thrive and survive in every day requiring us to maintain a PhD in the art and sciences of finding and routing out all absolute bullshit, seeing bullshit, calling bullshit out, hoping bullshitter gets fucked in the ass, only to see bullshitter get to live a million more days in bullshit land, as the official crowned mayor for live of bullshitville.
This fucking tool bought and crashed two cars with the proceeds.
I'll let the man himself reply to your assessment.
It's very black and white, you just have to remove your rose tinted glasses.
If the reply to Grunin's question would of been yes, it could of been anyone on this forum that would of lost a prized business domain name.
I'm really not normally a grammar nazi twat but you wrote it three times... candyman...
So I'd like you to swap 'of' and 'have' in any sentence you can:
'Lord have the rings'
'have course I updated the database'
'of'nt you done that yet?'
'I of been to Thailand during a coup on more than one occasion'
'I of been thinking about you lately'
The next greatest danger to a young business man in this community I believe to be that of speculation. When I was a telegraph operator here we had no Exchanges in the City, but the men or firms who speculated upon the Eastern Exchanges were necessarily known to the operators. They could be counted on the fingers of one hand. These men were not our citizens of first repute: they were regarded with suspicion. I have lived to see all of these speculators irreparably ruined men, bankrupt in money and bankrupt in character. There is scarcely an instance of a man who has made a fortune by speculation and kept it. Gamesters die poor, and there is certainly not an instance of a speculator who has lived a life creditable to himself, or advantageous to the community. The man who grasps the morning paper to see first how his speculative ventures upon the Exchanges are likely to result, unfits himself for the calm consideration and proper solution of business problems, with which he has to deal later in the day, and saps the sources of that persistent and concentrated energy upon which depend the permanent success, and often the very safety, of his main business.
-Andrew CarnegieThe speculator and the business man tread diverging lines. The former depends upon the sudden turn of fortune's wheel; he is a millionnaire to-day, a bankrupt to-morrow. But the man of business knows that only by years of patient, unremitting attention to affairs can he earn his reward, which is the result, not of chance, but of well-devised means for the attainment of ends. During all these years his is the cheering thought that, by no possibility can he benefit himself without carrying prosperity to others. The speculator on the other hand had better never have lived so far as the good of others or the good of the community is concerned.
half you people scam others with shitty rebills with fake blogs and then make a big deal out of this......go figure
Slow down, poopie.My brother invested in Madoff through one of the feeders. I am in the business (sell side to buy side) and read the "Fairfield" prospectus The returns were too even during the early months of the crash and there was no transparency. I knew it was either HFT or a scam.
You don't say.I wasn't a whistleblower or anything.
half you people scam others with shitty rebills with fake blogs and then make a big deal out of this......go figure