Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine

Alright, here's your conspiracy theory for this one:

(I'm not saying I agree with it, but I've heard it spoken by more than one source now and it's pretty thought-provoking.)

1. Months ago, Obama is looking for a way to go to war with Russia. (Most unbelievable part)

2. He talks to his CIA/NSA cronies and says "It must be very covert, and can't be pinned on the US. Shooting down a plane would be perfect, but not a US plane, too obvious..."

3. Since foreign planes all have black boxes and are identified easily from their wreckage, they had to steal one first before they could shoot it down today... But how to steal a real whole plane and not make it obvious? Those things cost a lot of money!

4. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That would leave a lot of questions of course, but if we find ourselves in WW3 soon with Russia, I'll give this theory more serious reflection.

They need to hire one hell of a PR person...

... and maybe an airline mechanic or two
3. Since foreign planes all have black boxes and are identified easily from their wreckage, they had to steal one first before they could shoot it down today... But how to steal a real whole plane and not make it obvious? Those things cost a lot of money!

Wait, what? Ok, you'll have to explain this one to me, because I'm obviously too dense to get it. So the US wants to start a war with Russia, and to do so they need a false flag, right?

So they steal MH370, and I guess... murder everyone on board, or what happened to those passengers? Alrighty, got a genuine Malaysia Airlines plane, so good to go. The CIA then modifies the black box to transpond the serial# of the MH17 plane instead of the MH370 one, I guess, or???

So now.... I can't even finish writing this it's so fucken stupid.
Alright, here's your conspiracy theory for this one:

(I'm not saying I agree with it, but I've heard it spoken by more than one source now and it's pretty thought-provoking.)

1. Months ago, Obama is looking for a way to go to war with Russia. (Most unbelievable part)

2. He talks to his CIA/NSA cronies and says "It must be very covert, and can't be pinned on the US. Shooting down a plane would be perfect, but not a US plane, too obvious..."

3. Since foreign planes all have black boxes and are identified easily from their wreckage, they had to steal one first before they could shoot it down today... But how to steal a real whole plane and not make it obvious? Those things cost a lot of money!

4. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That would leave a lot of questions of course, but if we find ourselves in WW3 soon with Russia, I'll give this theory more serious reflection.

Wtf, there don't seem to be any sides to the middle overhead luggage compartment? Surely that's a huge danger, if the plane starts coming down, all the luggage falls out and hits half the passengers in the head?

RE lukep, what would be the point? Just wait a bit, allow Ukraine to be sacrificed and Russia to continue being a dick, get the UK to declare war on Russia/act as peacekeepers, US helps out its ally and joins in.

I'd guess either accident, or Putin doing it on purpose, trying to encourage us to invade, but with a bigger gameplan that only he knows. We'll only be able to have an idea once the investigations are done though, to establish what caused it.
Wtf, there don't seem to be any sides to the middle overhead luggage compartment? Surely that's a huge danger, if the plane starts coming down, all the luggage falls out and hits half the passengers in the head?

They're usually kept open until the takeoff.
Alright, here's your conspiracy theory for this one:

(I'm not saying I agree with it, but I've heard it spoken by more than one source now and it's pretty thought-provoking.)

1. Months ago, Obama is looking for a way to go to war with Russia. (Most unbelievable part)

2. He talks to his CIA/NSA cronies and says "It must be very covert, and can't be pinned on the US. Shooting down a plane would be perfect, but not a US plane, too obvious..."

3. Since foreign planes all have black boxes and are identified easily from their wreckage, they had to steal one first before they could shoot it down today... But how to steal a real whole plane and not make it obvious? Those things cost a lot of money!

4. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That would leave a lot of questions of course, but if we find ourselves in WW3 soon with Russia, I'll give this theory more serious reflection.

I dunno about all that, I'd be more inclined to believe:

US Gov assets kill leading researchers for a disease they likely invented and expedite western involvement in a conflict they have an economic interest in.
</tin foil hat>

Seems more plausible than wanting all out WW3
Alright, here's your conspiracy theory for this one:

(I'm not saying I agree with it, but I've heard it spoken by more than one source now and it's pretty thought-provoking.)

1. Months ago, Obama is looking for a way to go to war with Russia. (Most unbelievable part)

Most unbelievable part is right. Obama is the most cautious president you've had in decades. In fact you have to go back to pre-World War I to find a president with similarly isolationist instincts. He's just not very interested in the rest of the world and he'll only start a world war if he could fight it entirely with drones.

So you're safe while he's there. But he's only got two more years left. If you elect a trigger-happy Ms Palin type, all bets are off.
RE lukep, what would be the point?

Plus why would the US go through all the trouble of covertly stealing a commercial airliner out of mid-air over SE Asia, and murder everyone on board, when they could just simply ask Boeing for one? That seems like a much simpler approach.
Most unbelievable part is right. Obama is the most cautious president you've had in decades. In fact you have to go back to pre-World War I to find a president with similarly isolationist instincts.

LOL Let's not make Obama out to be some fun, peace-loving hippy. Obama has continued the same GWB policies and ramped up drone striking to a significant degree; and just because drones don't involve boots on the ground doesn't mean it's not an act of war.

Had it been Obama president instead of GWB back in 2000, we'd see the same exact military story line.

Plus he's been a little bit occupied with fucking up his own country with NDAA, drone striking his own citizens, etc..

Alright, here's your conspiracy theory for this one:

(I'm not saying I agree with it, but I've heard it spoken by more than one source now and it's pretty thought-provoking.)

1. Months ago, Obama is looking for a way to go to war with Russia. (Most unbelievable part)

2. He talks to his CIA/NSA cronies and says "It must be very covert, and can't be pinned on the US. Shooting down a plane would be perfect, but not a US plane, too obvious..."

3. Since foreign planes all have black boxes and are identified easily from their wreckage, they had to steal one first before they could shoot it down today... But how to steal a real whole plane and not make it obvious? Those things cost a lot of money!

4. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That would leave a lot of questions of course, but if we find ourselves in WW3 soon with Russia, I'll give this theory more serious reflection.

That's so far fetched it's ridiculous. I'd believe in George W having a reptilian skin before believing in something like this.
The only reason the US would fabricate a war is if countries are actively selling oil in anything but US dollars.

Of coarse this could be a great positioning tool to ensure russia doesnt sell their oil to anyone in any currency bankrupting their country....again.
[ame=""]Exclusive VICE News Footage of MH17 Aftermath: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 60) - YouTube[/ame]
LOL Let's not make Obama out to be some fun, peace-loving hippy.

I didn't say he was a fun peace-loving hippy (I've never seen a more un-hippy man!) - I said he was just not very interested in the rest of the world. It's you who interpreted that to mean that being disinterested = peace (probably because you loathe him and are inflamed by any neutral comment into ranting about what you see are his various problems).

From the point of view of an outsider, he seems very disinterested. Clinton was very interested in the rest of the world, intervening everywhere, even bailing out Mexico from their financial crisis. He saw it as a humanist good to intervene. Bush too, intervened everywhere, he saw it as his religious duty.

Obama is just not interested. He's detached. His modus operandi is to sit back and let regional players try to resolve stuff, and if they can't, he intervenes - but the irritation is palpable, and he always sends drones rather than troops, and makes people come to him rather than going to them.

Look at his response to this crisis - "This is a wake-up call for Europe". He's irritated with Merkel and co for dragging their feet over sanctions while demanding he does something about Putin.

The Merkels of the world loved the Clinton-Bush style of leadership - they got to coast, protect their business and tax interests by not doing very much, while the American president did all the heavy lifting. The Clinton/Bush types in turn enjoyed it thoroughly because it meant they and their people were the boss of the world. So it was win-win.

Now you've got someone saying, "Why should I solve your problems for you when you have the means and resources to do it yourself and this affects you more than me. I'm ticked off that you're making me miss my game of golf to bail you out".

Whether this is good or bad depends on your point of view (Britain is turning isolationist too, we're questioning what we're spending on intervention while others sit on their backside and reap the benefits).

But the fact remains that Obama is the most isolationist president for a century and the idea that he would start a world war is barking, because that would mean him paying attention to a world that he really doesn't care about and thinks is a nuisance.

A John McCain/Sarah Palin type would make a very different president - they'd revert to intervening all over the place, not just with drones, but with troops. And Mrs Clinton would too. You've got two more years of the Obama isolation to enjoy, and you'll miss him when he's gone.
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This thread has been instrumental in showing me that there are still people who think that the decision of war/not war is actually decided by US presidents.

The only difference in the foreign policy of different presidents is the rhetoric. Not action. Fucking certainly not action.
I'll say again, I don't agree with this theory, it pretty much falls apart for the reason Matt asked about:

Plus why would the US go through all the trouble of covertly stealing a commercial airliner out of mid-air over SE Asia, and murder everyone on board, when they could just simply ask Boeing for one?

Since It's kind of a hobby of mine to track these theories, I thought it would be interesting to talk about.

I also read that there were 100+ top AIDS researchers onboard that plane headed to a conference where they were talking about a possible cure... Theories abound there too... Nothing concrete of course.

But if, for some reason they did really need a real Malaysian airplane though, I certainly wouldn't put it past the same ppl that pulled off 9/11 to kill passengers on these two MA flights.

As for the motive, I thought the petrodollar motive was pretty obvious; as I said it's the most unrealistic part, but whomever is pulling the strings of the POTUS is surely not happy about Russia shunning all large US imports lately and of course making all the recent Non-USD trades for oil and other large purchases.

The Petrodollar has started to die already bros. There's even an IMF competitor bank in Fortaleza Brazil now, and all BRICS countries are on board.

Russia an China have recently agreed to trade oil for Yuan, so the USD has technically already started its' decline. Worse yet, all of this is happening at a time when China's GDP is surpassing the US GDP.

There is all the motive in the world to start WW3 right now; and I certainly wouldn't expect that to be the POTUS's decision.
(probably because you loathe him and are inflamed by any neutral comment into ranting about what you see are his various problems)


You've got two more years of the Obama isolation to enjoy, and you'll miss him when he's gone.
The only people who will miss Obama when he's gone are cable executives and community activists - and this is supported by polling in addition to my personal belief. Even his lapdogs in the media have turned on him.

I have no idea where you get this idea that he's so involved in running America that he has no interest in foreign affairs - oh, wait - yes I do. You don't live in America and have thus foolishly assumed that he's expending his mythological competency on domestic affairs. That's a laugh. Just ask any gringo on this board.

That said, cable executives and community activists just adore the fellow.