Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine

The evidence is mounting... Busted! MH-17 Was in Fact the 'Lost' Flight MH-370 | Humans Are Free

Wish I had time to confirm the picture proof... Anyone got a few minutes to spare to trace down photos verifying/denying this guys' story?

You've officially fucking lost it. Any sane person could tell you that MH17 was actually Flight 93 repainted to look like a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 then crashed with the original 9/11 victims (who had been cryogenically frozen) on board.

I mean, just count the windows, it's so obvious.
You've officially fucking lost it. Any sane person could tell you that MH17 was actually Flight 93 repainted to look like a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 then crashed with the original 9/11 victims (who had been cryogenically frozen) on board.

I mean, just count the windows, it's so obvious.
So I take it that no, you didn't track down the source photos? As I said, I don't have time tonight.

Shit of get off the pot; you're stinking up the place.
You've officially fucking lost it. Any sane person could tell you that MH17 was actually Flight 93 repainted to look like a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 then crashed with the original 9/11 victims (who had been cryogenically frozen) on board.

I mean, just count the windows, it's so obvious.


here's a quick summary of the popular conspiracy theories surrounding MH17 & MH370. was a fun read: A Roundup of MH17 Conspiracy Theories | Skeptoid
The burden of evidence is on those that make the extraordinary claims. No, ranting about fuzzy jpegs is nowhere near evidence.
Pretty weird being a Russian in America right now.

I hope we wont be treated like Japs during WW2 if shit hits the fan.

They didn't intern Muslims after 9/11 and they won't intern Russians now. They no longer go for collective punishment. But yes, Russians are the new muslims (mass atrocities will do that to you) and people will be wary of you.

You don't have to stay in the Land of the Great Satan if it's bothering you. You always have the choice of flying straight back to Mother Putin.
But yes, Russians are the new muslims (mass atrocities will do that to you) and people will be wary of you.
Really?? Haven't heard any sentiment that would suggest that here in merika at least. I mean, it might be different if some sort of atrocity was conducted directly on american soil, but that wasn't the case. maybe the sentiment is a bit different in other parts of the world???
Really?? Haven't heard any sentiment that would suggest that here in merika at least. I mean, it might be different if some sort of atrocity was conducted directly on american soil, but that wasn't the case. maybe the sentiment is a bit different in other parts of the world???

Well in the 7/7 bombings 52 people died. In the Madrid bombings 191 people died. With this atrocity 295 people died. Worst attack to befall Europeans since WW2.
Lets just say I liked it more when it was like this. Not Bush but the relationship of my mother land and USA: where I and my natural born citizen kids established roots.


Lets play where's Putin.


After Syria. Things really went to shit.

Now its back to go back to Russia and Babushka. Reminds me of elementary school, middle, and high schools. The cold war mentality never left most Americans. The median plays American citizens like a flute. When the real enemy is inside the gates.
They didn't intern Muslims after 9/11 and they won't intern Russians now. They no longer go for collective punishment. But yes, Russians are the new muslims (mass atrocities will do that to you) and people will be wary of you.

You don't have to stay in the Land of the Great Satan if it's bothering you. You always have the choice of flying straight back to Mother Putin.

We dealt with the French and the Germans. I think the English are next. Better pray that banking system stays together over the next decade.
No one is going to put you into any camps you idiot. Enjoy not having to live in Russia. :)

Except the soviet union was conceived of and run by Jews (particularly the holodomor and the gulag camps), who are the same people running the USA today. the DHS, which bought all of the hollow-points using other gov't departments, is a Jewish/Israeli organization.

The Real Reason Homeland Security Exists | Veterans Today
Except the soviet union was conceived of and run by Jews (particularly the holodomor and the gulag camps), who are the same people running the USA today. the DHS, which bought all of the hollow-points using other gov't departments, is a Jewish/Israeli organization.

The Real Reason Homeland Security Exists | Veterans Today

Very true. Both Lenin and Trotsky (Trotsky even had to change his name from Lev Davidovich Bronshtein for better marketing) are of Jewish decent. Both also financed by the west. They would have never won the revolution without that financial support.
(Lenin visited Switzerland and Germany - Trotsky visited New York) Google it.
The first ethnic Russian in charge was Gorbachev and he ended the system.