Mac or PC?

Mac or Pc?

  • mac

    Votes: 94 43.3%
  • pc

    Votes: 123 56.7%

  • Total voters


tweakin landerz while playing minesweeper bros..
<post>Pc is teh bezt</post>
<post>Mac is teh bezt</post>
<post>Mac is like 2 expesiv</post>
<post>PC is like alwayz broked</post>
<post>Mac look like shiney toy</post>
<post>PC is lookz like child disco</post>
<post>I ioz designz more on my mac coz colour and speed FTW</post>
<post>lololololol pc iz more design softwarez FTWFTW /thread</post>
<post>My mac neva crashez</post>
<post>My pc iz not for fashun</post>
<post> <img src="funny-picturez-of-mac-bein-toy-and-pc-being-games-console-and-linux-bein-best.jpg /></post>
<post>YEEYEYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH, linux ftw fanboi!!!!!!!!!1!!</post>
<post> <img src="bill=gates-and-steve-jobs-talking-about-money.jpg" /></post>
<post>whyiz you all debatez this shiz when we all knowz mac bezt?</post>
<post>why iz you come here saying that? I iz buy 20 pc and 90 monitors for price of 1 piece of mac ram</post>
<post>Mac ram ecc though yeh innit</post>
<post>yeah ecc.</post>
<post> <img src="steve-wagenheim.jpg" /> </post>
<post>goood more morning most beautiful friendships I have great selection of most wondeful stuff worth nothing to no one and serve no purpose. Here is link and I think you must see my site.</post>
<post>See this thread for teh rulez on postingz linkz to site not here and stuff. <a href=""> click this for nude cunt picturez </a></post>
<post>^^Tits or getz teh fuck out.</post>
<post>ARGH that link iz got teh virerz. I report to internet polese. u go jail.</post>
<post>lololol all you mac fanboiz noes nothing bout computer coz you iz all retardzzz</post>
<post> I iz not used mac, but I knowz theyz shiz becoz I use Dell, FTW!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!</post>
<post>^^^ Has you be seen teh noo macbook alu pro power?!!! LOLOLOLOLOL</post>
<post> <img src="michael-jackson-eating-popcorn-animation.jpg /> </post>
<post>^^^ LMAO</post>
<post>LOL Windows Windows LOL</post>
<post><img src="picture-showing-how-shiney-pc-cost-less-than-shiney-mac.jpg" /> </post>
<post>Pc is teh bezt</post>
<post>Mac is teh bezt</post>
<post>Mac is like 2 expesiv</post>
<post>PC is like alwayz broked</post>
<post>Mac look like shiney toy</post>
<post>PC is lookz like child disco</post>
<post>I ioz designz more on my mac coz colour and speed FTW</post>
<post>lololololol pc iz more design softwarez FTWFTW /thread</post>
<post>My mac neva crashez</post>
<post>My pc iz not for fashun</post>
<post> <img src="funny-picturez-of-mac-bein-toy-and-pc-being-games-console-and-linux-bein-best.jpg /></post>
<post>YEEYEYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH, linux ftw fanboi!!!!!!!!!1!!</post>
<post> <img src="bill=gates-and-steve-jobs-talking-about-money.jpg" /></post>
<post>whyiz you all debatez this shiz when we all knowz mac bezt?</post>
<post>why iz you come here saying that? I iz buy 20 pc and 90 monitors for price of 1 piece of mac ram</post>
<post>Mac ram ecc though yeh innit</post>
<post>yeah ecc.</post>
<post> <img src="steve-wagenheim.jpg" /> </post>
<post>goood more morning most beautiful friendships I have great selection of most wondeful stuff worth nothing to no one and serve no purpose. Here is link and I think you must see my site.</post>
<post>See this thread for teh rulez on postingz linkz to site not here and stuff. <a href=""> click this for nude cunt picturez </a></post>
<post>^^Tits or getz teh fuck out.</post>
<post>ARGH that link iz got teh virerz. I report to internet polese. u go jail.</post>
<post>lololol all you mac fanboiz noes nothing bout computer coz you iz all retardzzz</post>
<post> I iz not used mac, but I knowz theyz shiz becoz I use Dell, FTW!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!</post>
<post>^^^ Has you be seen teh noo macbook alu pro power?!!! LOLOLOLOLOL</post>
<post> <img src="michael-jackson-eating-popcorn-animation.jpg /> </post>
<post>^^^ LMAO</post>
<post>LOL Windows Windows LOL</post>
<post><img src="picture-showing-how-shiney-pc-cost-less-than-shiney-mac.jpg" /> </post>

Doesn't matter too much unless you're doing something really special. OS X does have terminal, coda, and textmate though.
I like this, even though its pretty old.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Honestly, I've been using PCs for such a long time that I've become biased, but Macs aren't bad computers... just overpriced.
Oh the horrible pain that is my day job + macbook pro + firefox lazed with firebug.. constant lag and memoryleaks. Don't ask why i have a day job.

Oh the sweetness that is my home + clevo laptop + win 7 that just WORK.

Fuck macs, fuck everything apple.
I guess at the end of the day, both a PC and a Mac will get the job done. It's just that the Mac seems to do it better and easier for the layman.