Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

And that's worth the numerous laws telling everyone in every state what to do? Just so you don't need to get a visa? (hint: I can travel visa free to places outside the EU/US, without prior authorization)

definitely not for travel exclusively, Eu citizenship gives you the right to move to any member country and do whatever you want for as long as you want (start businesses, get a job, retire, etc) -- no restrictions. as long as you can afford it of course.

edit: americans/canadians/australians and all other nationalities that can get in visa free are only allowed to stay for 90 days tops.

I personally have a lot of respect for Lukep - even though I don't agree with everything he says. This thread alone has started a lot of really interesting discussions.

I've never got the impression that he's a "know it all". He's curious about a lot of things, he shares things that he learns - but I've seen him admit when he's wrong a lot of times, and he's usually pretty open to hearing other people's points of view.

I guess this boils down to...

1. I like having Lukep around. He's enthusiastic and his heart's in the right place. I've enjoyed and learned a lot from posts he's started or been involved in.

2. Don't be a dick. There's a difference between attacking an idea and attacking a person. Even if you don't agree with some things he posts, he's one of the "good guys". He's not out to hurt anyone. I learn a lot from his posts - both from his views and the people who respond to them.

It takes guts to put yourself out there like he does. Give the guy some credit. I know I wouldn't bother if I had to put up with constant attacks like Lukep does - and I think we'd lose a lot of value if Lukep bailed again - I know I wouldn't be contemplating the value of crypto-technology - beyond bitcoin - a decade from now without stumbling on this thread. And it's a really interesting topic to think about.

This. Id rather have someone who shares and speaks and could possibly be wrong ( and admit it when he is ) then people who dont speak and share but attack others when they do.

90% of you all don't have a bitcoin, don't know how to get one, or don't have enough funds to get one. Being a armchair quarterback wins you no respect in my book. Reading books from 50 years ago about economics and pointing out flaws of failed governments after the fact doesn't make you an expert in anything. Unless your in a position to own, sell, acquire bitcoins or run a city/state/national economics plan, then shut the fuck up.

A lot of the "armchair" marketers in this forum have turned into "armchair" economic policy evaluators. Please go back to your books and blogs.

Just like with marketing, reading and following what other people tell you and not implementing/testing/having skin in the game makes you nothing but a damn fool when you give out advice about which you haven't experienced personally.
Say you have a great business / product, and you want to expand into the European market, so you setup a bunch of meetings in various cities across Europe. Which would you prefer? Apply for 1 visa, or 8 of them?

Say you ended up being born in a small town in Poland. Now, you can head over to Paris anytime you want to look for a job. If you don't like it, you can go back home, no problem. Doing that was a nightmarish headache not too long ago.

Have a few truck loads of product you need to transport? No problem, and just drive it over. No need to worry about going through 7 different border checkpoints each time anymore.

How is that not more free?

More convenient, yes. More free? I dont think so.
I've been on the same trip multiple times, it's awesome. Did you happen to stop by vienna too?

Didn't want to get too far off-topic. But oh yeah, been to Vienna too. Beautiful city. That has to be one of the largest contrasts in all of Europe. You're driving along in Eastern Europe, everything is kind of grey and poor. Then you roll into Vienna, which is an absolutely gorgeous and wealthy city, vibrant colors, etc.
There's loads of evidence to support it. Any time a decent sized natural disaster hits anywhere in the world, you see the true face of humanity. Chaos, riots, looting, killings, mass-crime, and so on.

Well, except Japan for some reason. They seemed to be quite cordial about it all. Most other places in the world go absolutely ballistic though when anarchy ensues for a week or two.

Typically there is more government presence in those type of scenarios, especially after a week or two. If anything, those type of events highlight the fact that no realistic amount of public or private security can guarantee safety for all.

An accurate "face of humanity" would encompass 100% of humans. If 50 or 5,000 people riot in an area of 1 million, the media is naturally going to focus in on that, instead of reporting that 999,950 or 995,000 of the people didn't bother anything or anyone.

"Researchers in disaster science have again and again debunked the idea that catastrophe causes social breakdown and releases the ugliest parts of human nature. Research from the past several decades demonstrates, as one report (pdf) put it, “that panic is not a problem in disasters; that rather than helplessly awaiting outside aid, members of the public behave proactively and prosocially to assist one another; that community residents themselves perform many critical disaster tasks, such as searching for and rescuing victims; and that both social cohesiveness and informal mechanisms of social control increase during disasters, resulting in a lower incidence of deviant behavior.” People become their best selves when crisis strikes.

The history of modern disasters entails a parallel history of people suddenly exhibiting communal, altruistic impulses..."

Looting after Hurricane Sandy: Disaster myths and disaster utopias explained.

[ame=]Triumph For Me To Poop On - YouTube[/ame]
There's loads of evidence to support it. Any time a decent sized natural disaster hits anywhere in the world, you see the true face of humanity. Chaos, riots, looting, killings, mass-crime, and so on.

Well, except Japan for some reason. They seemed to be quite cordial about it all. Most other places in the world go absolutely ballistic though when anarchy ensues for a week or two.

Conflict arises because of scarcity. When resources like food or water become scarce - and people are desperate things become violent.

Scared, desperate people trying to survive a disaster doesn't equal anarchy.

And my personal experience has been very different. I live about an hour away from Joplin, Mo. It was completely destroyed by a tornado in 2011. Most people I know donated heavily or volunteered during the relief efforts.

Seeing how people came together to help each other survive and rebuild was a really incredible thing. As devastating as it was it really brought out an amazing side of human nature.

Have you fucken guys ever thought about the prospect that we're currently living in anarchy? Right here and now, is what anarchy looks like. We started at anarchy, and this is where we ended, so why do you think it'd be any different a second time around?

When you people complain about wanting anarchy, all you really want is the board to be reset. We're still going to end up in the same place.

Anarchy = without rulers. There's still plenty of people I have to pay off to avoid being locked in a cage.

And if the board was "reset" - you're assuming that we'd go back in time. You think if the state disappeared we'd go back to owning slaves and burning women at the stake? Humanity has evolved. I'm sure a new state would establish itself - but many people would be very leary of it.

I hope that in the future most people will realize that trusting any government is absurd. A government needs consent to exist - and when the consent goes away humans will evolve past it.

I have a feeling that if the state isn't soon a relic of the past it may very well be the end of us all. Neither will likely happen in our lifetime, and I hope I'm wrong on the latter.
definitely not for travel exclusively, Eu citizenship gives you the right to move to any member country and do whatever you want for as long as you want (start businesses, get a job, retire, etc) -- no restrictions. as long as you can afford it of course.

edit: americans/canadians/australians and all other nationalities that can get in visa free are only allowed to stay for 90 days tops.

Ok, but why does that mean I need yet another government making laws to be forced on me?
Ok, but why does that mean I need yet another government making laws to be forced on me?

duh, it's worth it. last time europe was ambitious and unregulated we had 2 world wars as a result. you don't just let 800 million people do as they wish, there has to be strict regulation and mutual agreement to maintain peace and quality of life throughout. i fly from paris to the canary islands with an id and feel like there's absolutely nothing i can't do out here or am lacking as far as freedoms/options/infrastructure etc.
duh, it's worth it. last time europe was ambitious and unregulated we had 2 world wars as a result. you don't just let 800 million people do as they wish, there has to be strict regulation and mutual agreement to maintain peace and quality of life throughout. i fly from paris to the canary islands with an id and feel like there's absolutely nothing i can't do out here or am lacking as far as freedoms/options/infrastructure etc.

really awesome arguments youve got there. i totally forgot it was all the peasants asking for those wars. governments tried to talk them out of it but in the end they had to obey.

i get it. its great for idiots from war torn serbia to be able to travel whereever you fuckin please. good for you. when youre done celebrating your wholesomeness, you could take a second and remember that youre our guests. we dont need you here. go back to whereever the fuck you came from or quit acting like youre living in a war zone when youre clearly not. we, the civilized people of western europe dont draw knifes on each other when we accidentally make eye contact. we just look some other way and continue being civilized.

inb4 lol beta
You're mentally retarded.


Well, he is somewhat right. We're not exactly worried about Germany invading Poland again, now are we? For some reason, I just don't see that one on the horizon.
really awesome arguments youve got there. i totally forgot it was all the peasants asking for those wars. governments tried to talk them out of it but in the end they had to obey.

i get it. its great for idiots from war torn serbia to be able to travel whereever you fuckin please. good for you. when youre done celebrating your wholesomeness, you could take a second and remember that youre our guests. we dont need you here. go back to whereever the fuck you came from or quit acting like youre living in a war zone when youre clearly not. we, the civilized people of western europe dont draw knifes on each other when we accidentally make eye contact. we just look some other way and continue being civilized.

inb4 lol beta

lol i never gave any indication i was serbian, and that country is far from war torn. its not even in the eu, a fact you're clearly you're not aware of. you're about as far off from civilized as humanly possible -- on the surface you come off as a pretentious, angry idiot to most of us, but you're exactly the type of sociopathic self loathing loner civilized humans beg to not come across. feel free to comfort yourself on the basis of your intelligence.

and since you're heading that way, go ahead and tell me what exactly makes western europeans more civilized than eastern, just one example that doesn't have to do with wealth concentration which clearly is a direct consequence of western european greed, colonization and overall lack of humanly compassion. also, remember that it was hitler who initiated the war, making the whole world suffer by a large amount. just one example of a western european acting civilized.
Well, he is somewhat right. We're not exactly worried about Germany invading Poland again, now are we? For some reason, I just don't see that one on the horizon.
It's fucking painful posting here. It's painful, because I have to read some of the most mentally retarded stuff anywhere on the internet.

He's not right at all. What he said is demonstrably, empirically and logically false.

It's mind boggling (and it shouldn't be, because I know you're an idiot) that you don't understand this.

From where do you summon the minimum intelligence to not piss your pants constantly, or remember to breathe during the day?