Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

Especially when your scenario is precisely whats happening when the police decides its time to have beef with you. You think youll get in trouble with a couple bandits every day in some anarchy? Youre some poor soul.

A couple years ago I was in rome. We stood in this ghetto "youth hostel" that doubled as a money laundering property for the mafias drug business. There were all these evil looking dudes outside. Upon noticing the troubled look on my companies face, the receptionist told us that we dont need to be in fear for as long as we stay there, were protected. Especially from police.

Anarchy wont hold because its an unstable state, but you can bet your ass protection will be cheaper than anything that stupid monopoly manages. Have you ever called the police? Theyll arrive long after things went down and then youll have to spent an eternity explaining shit to them, possibly getting yourself stuck with a couple charges over bullshit.

Money & valuables, would be my guess.

So you're saying if there was no government, military, or police force here, I wouldn't have five guys at my door with guns robbing me? Get fucken real. I'm one of the first houses they'd come to, since I happen to be white.

Well, with that much of a victims mentality, im sure youd get robbed. Youre the whitest bitch on this board but your skin colors not the reason
Money & valuables, would be my guess.

So you're saying if there was no government, military, or police force here, I wouldn't have five guys at my door with guns robbing me? Get fucken real. I'm one of the first houses they'd come to, since I happen to be white.

Where are you at? (I'm thinking Thailand, not sure).

Think sticks and carrots. If I and 4 of my friends wanted to rob someone, would we be more likely to be afraid of the police catching us after the fact or running into someone with a gun who knows how to use it?

Regardless, the irony here is that by advocating the state you're implicitly supporting groups of armed thugs running around and robbing people at gunpoint daily... You're financing and encouraging thugs to come rob me. But hey, fuck me right?

You're worried about 5 theoretical thugs? I'm worried about 5 million real life thugs. And millions of dead kids around the world can attest to the very real violence that you explicitly support.

You're worried about a group of 5 guys yet you happily finance and encourage the robbery and murder of millions. That seriously makes me fucking sick.
Where are you at? (I'm thinking Thailand, not sure).

Think sticks and carrots. If I and 4 of my friends wanted to rob someone, would we be more likely to be afraid of the police catching us after the fact or running into someone with a gun who knows how to use it?

Regardless, the irony here is that by advocating the state you're implicitly supporting groups of armed thugs running around and robbing people at gunpoint daily... You're financing and encouraging thugs to come rob me. But hey, fuck me right?

You're worried about 5 theoretical thugs? I'm worried about 5 million real life thugs. And millions of dead kids around the world can attest to the very real violence that you explicitly support.

You're worried about a group of 5 guys yet you happily finance and encourage the robbery and murder of millions. That seriously makes me fucking sick.

He likes being a statist

One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin
Have you fucken guys ever thought about the prospect that we're currently living in anarchy? Right here and now, is what anarchy looks like. We started at anarchy, and this is where we ended, so why do you think it'd be any different a second time around?

When you people complain about wanting anarchy, all you really want is the board to be reset. We're still going to end up in the same place.
Have you fucken guys ever thought about the prospect that we're currently living in anarchy? Right here and now, is what anarchy looks like. We started at anarchy, and this is where we ended, so why do you think it'd be any different a second time around?

When you people complain about wanting anarchy, all you really want is the board to be reset. We're still going to end up in the same place.

While I think Ancap is a great theory, in a way this is my counter argument.

Most civilizations have roots in some sort of anarchy and yet grew into states that later imploded (Romans for example). Humans seem to always be drawn to a leader, then lead off a cliff.

Will we ever see a true Ancap society? Probably not, at least in our lifetimes. But if we can at least chip away at the exponential growth of the state, I'm all for that.
Most civilizations have roots in some sort of anarchy and yet grew into states that later imploded (Romans for example). Humans seem to always be drawn to a leader, then lead off a cliff.
Most civilizations also had slavery and women were chattel property. Most people believed the earth was flat. Most people worshiped the sun or the stars.

Will we ever see a true Ancap society? Probably not, at least in our lifetimes.
I am not particularly worried about it. My only agenda is to live well and have fun. Everything else is secondary to that.

Should proof your shit better, professor.
Yeah, because mistyping is the same as making up words.
All of that is chaos imagery was put there by the opposition. There is no evidence to support it, excepting only in government-generated circumstances. (Like Somalia)

There's loads of evidence to support it. Any time a decent sized natural disaster hits anywhere in the world, you see the true face of humanity. Chaos, riots, looting, killings, mass-crime, and so on.

Well, except Japan for some reason. They seemed to be quite cordial about it all. Most other places in the world go absolutely ballistic though when anarchy ensues for a week or two.

EDIT: And we are slowly moving towards a world without governments. Just not in the way you anarchists would like it. For example, there's no borders in Europe anymore. You can drive straight across the continent without a single border checkpoint. What do you think things like ASEAN are for?
There's loads of evidence to support it. Any time a decent sized natural disaster hits anywhere in the world, you see the true face of humanity. Chaos, riots, looting, killings, mass-crime, and so on.

Well, except Japan for some reason. They seemed to be quite cordial about it all. Most other places in the world go absolutely ballistic though when anarchy ensues for a week or two.

EDIT: And we are slowly moving towards a world without governments. Just not in the way you anarchists would like it. For example, there's no borders in Europe anymore. You can drive straight across the continent without a single border checkpoint. What do you think things like ASEAN are for?

If installing a super government on top of a couple dozen governments that helps those governments get rid of supreme courts overruling them, then yes, we are moving towards a world with less government