Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

You can not be serious. Sorry bro. Ill give you a hint. relative price movement. This is what happens when people who dont know the basics try to find causality in coincidence.

Let me give you all the data in the world. Given infinite data, how likely is it that you find something that looks like its supporting your opinion?

You are somehow believing that gold isnt really worth anything, yea? Thats so cute. Gold is one of the cheapest options of a class of metals with really good chemical properties. Quit acting like its only used for jewelry. Its used for jewelry BECAUSE its expensive, not the other way around. Quit fooling yourself.

oh look, ive answered your question and i didnt even know you asked it again.

Lets build all these machines you know nothing about with bitcoins. fuck gold. lets melt some coins.
You can not be serious. Sorry bro. Ill give you a hint. relative price movement. This is what happens when people who dont know the basics try to find causality in coincidence.

Let me give you all the data in the world. Given infinite data, how likely is it that you find something that looks like its supporting your opinion?

You are somehow believing that gold isnt really worth anything, yea? Thats so cute. Gold is one of the cheapest options of a class of metals with really good chemical properties. Quit acting like its only used for jewelry. Its used for jewelry BECAUSE its expensive, not the other way around. Quit fooling yourself.

You'll never get through to that thick headed blabbing moron. Lukep is the pretty much the biggest ignoramous on wickedfire at this point. It's pretty mindblowing how superficial his knowledge of bitcoin is, and how he keeps confusing his dumb emotions with some kind of deep insight.
Ok, so you can encode arbitrary data in the bitcoin blockchain.
You can encode arbitrary data in matter as well (without random people with lots of silicon telling you otherwise).

Without bitcoin, it's still possible to transmit and store arbritrary data around the world. I am doing it right now. Maybe a widespread network specifically designed for storing more than 20 bytes at a time would be a better idea (quit outting matt).
Lol; I was just giving credit to a facebook friend who'd spoken those words the night before... Didn't mean to make his quote compete with Schiff's bias. ;)
You started the shitty ad hominem game in lieu of making an intelligent, factual argument, so you get what you get.
I actually have a question luke. What happens if / when BTC reaches $10k/coin? That simple 0.001 BTC fee that gets attached to every transaction is going to be $10. So I have to spend $15 to pay for something that costs $5? That's no good.

Are they going to lower the fees when the price gets high, or what's going to happen?
This is officially the stupidest thing you've ever said on here.

If you really believe that you might want to read up on how gold and silver are actually used in our everyday lives and compare that to how bitcoin is used.

The best part about Lukep's 7k thread is he single handedly proved to everyone that he really doesn't know shit about gold, silver, technology, or how markets function. His desire to be a know-it-all horribly backfired.

Remember that time when Lukep was actually respected on WF? LOL those times are looong gone now.

He's now a confirmed failure who is betting the farm on bitcoin. He mistakes his good luck in getting in on the ground floor with some kind of amazing intellect.
How long before exchanges start using mBTC as a standard unit instead of one btc? It is approaching $1k and you already see a lot of fractional buy and sell orders. I think, not long before that happens..
The "network" exists virtually on top of physical devices that contain gold.
The same can easily be said about silicon. Moreso, in fact.

Should we make Silicon our money?

If you're going to talk about what made gold MONEY, bitcoin does all of those things better.

Lukep is the pretty much the biggest ignoramous on wickedfire at this point.
That was fast. Just one post and not even directed at me, congrats on your achievement.

Just remember when bitcoins become actual money worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per coin, this "ignoramous" was advising you to grab some back when they were under $50 each.


If you really believe that you might want to read up on how gold and silver are actually used in our everyday lives and compare that to how bitcoin is used.
I do believe it, but of course I'll admit that bitcoin has not reached that potential yet. Give it a decade bro...

Bitcoin is exactly where the web was back in 1990. Back then we had Bulletin boards and AOL, but every single thing you used back then was a tiny, minuscule subset of one particular function of connectivity.

Http had not been seen yet. There was no internet browser yet. You could barely make use of the web, and your dad thought it was just a passing fad. Still, the infrastructure was being laid and people around the globe were talking to each other.

Web browsers were the 'killer app' of the internet. We're not sure yet to be honest what the killer app is going to be of bitcoin; there seem to be limitless possibilities.

To me, it's the invincibility of free speech that is most exciting. I'd hand over all my bitcoins this minute to whomever could guarantee that the blockchain remains unspoiled by all future world governments... But Satoshi appears to have already done the job.

Ok, so you can encode arbitrary data in the bitcoin blockchain.
You can encode arbitrary data in matter as well (without random people with lots of silicon telling you otherwise).
And bullets can blow that matter away easily.

Without bitcoin, it's still possible to transmit and store arbritrary data around the world. I am doing it right now. Maybe a widespread network specifically designed for storing more than 20 bytes at a time would be a better idea (quit outting matt).
Be a programmer and look further ahead at the code's promise Matt.

I actually have a question luke. What happens if / when BTC reaches $10k/coin? That simple 0.001 BTC fee that gets attached to every transaction is going to be $10. So I have to spend $15 to pay for something that costs $5? That's no good.
Yes, they've already got plans to lower the mining fee on a set schedule with the price of bitcoin. I believe it'll happen soon in fact, probably once bitcoin hits $1k. This will never really be a problem... Satoshi was a stone cold genius.

How long before exchanges start using mBTC as a standard unit instead of one btc? It is approaching $1k and you already see a lot of fractional buy and sell orders. I think, not long before that happens..
Exchanges probably won't ever do that... It'd be confusing.

Wallets and merchants of course will need to do that every 3 more Zeros.

In fact there's a thread on bitcointalk now about skipping millibit and jumping straight to microbit because this growth rate is too high.
The best part about Lukep's 7k thread is he single handedly proved to everyone that he really doesn't know shit about gold, silver, technology, or how markets function. His desire to be a know-it-all horribly backfired.

Remember that time when Lukep was actually respected on WF? LOL those times are looong gone now.

He's now a confirmed failure who is betting the farm on bitcoin. He mistakes his good luck in getting in on the ground floor with some kind of amazing intellect.

I personally have a lot of respect for Lukep - even though I don't agree with everything he says. This thread alone has started a lot of really interesting discussions.

I've never got the impression that he's a "know it all". He's curious about a lot of things, he shares things that he learns - but I've seen him admit when he's wrong a lot of times, and he's usually pretty open to hearing other people's points of view.

I guess this boils down to...

1. I like having Lukep around. He's enthusiastic and his heart's in the right place. I've enjoyed and learned a lot from posts he's started or been involved in.

2. Don't be a dick. There's a difference between attacking an idea and attacking a person. Even if you don't agree with some things he posts, he's one of the "good guys". He's not out to hurt anyone. I learn a lot from his posts - both from his views and the people who respond to them.

It takes guts to put yourself out there like he does. Give the guy some credit. I know I wouldn't bother if I had to put up with constant attacks like Lukep does - and I think we'd lose a lot of value if Lukep bailed again - I know I wouldn't be contemplating the value of crypto-technology - beyond bitcoin - a decade from now without stumbling on this thread. And it's a really interesting topic to think about.
If Bitcoin is any indication of what anarchy would be like, then I can confidently say I'm a very proud statist.

You have no fucken clue what we've been through to keep our funds secure. Now I'm at the point I'd be surprised if the NSA could manage to wipe our wallets. Apparently, that's the level you have to goto for Bitcoin-centric sites though.
If Bitcoin is any indication of what anarchy would be like, then I can confidently say I'm a very proud statist.
It's exactly what it would be like, and that you'd be proud to be a statist says a lot about how you would be prey for stronger, sexier, blacker and stronger men in a system with no one to protect you from your own evolutionary shortcomings.
It's exactly what it would be like, and that you'd be proud to be a statist says a lot about how you would be prey for stronger, sexier, blacker and stronger men in a system with no one to protect you from your own evolutionary shortcomings.

I couldn't even fathom having to put this much energy into all aspects of my life, from housing, electrical, water supply, flood prevention, security, food preservation, and the list is endless.

Fuck off, and go play some Eve.

BTW... I have to ask, how do you think you'd fare in anarchy? Pretty well? If Bitcoin is any indication, you'd get eaten alive. So would I, but I'm not the one hoping for the destruction of all government institutions worldwide.
I couldn't even fathom having to put this much energy into all aspects of my life, from housing, electrical, water supply, flood prevention, security, food preservation, and the list is endless.
You wouldn't. But you'd be responsible for your fuckups.

BTW... I have to ask, how do you think you'd fare in anarchy? Pretty well?
I am pretty sure I would do well.

If Bitcoin is any indication, you'd get eaten alive.
Yeah, because I wouldn't speculate or delude myself about a new tecnology (neomania) then I would definitely be in trouble DERP DERP DERP.

So would I, but I'm not the one hoping for the destruction of all government institutions worldwide.
I am not hoping for the destruction of all government institutions. Government is a delusion. Your delusion is my profit opportunity.
If Bitcoin is any indication of what anarchy would be like, then I can confidently say I'm a very proud statist.
It's exactly what it would be like...
Whoa, slow down there Guerilla; you haven't heard Matt's story... There've been some major attacks to his biz that are not characteristic of the bitcoin ecosystem at all. Sounded more like thunderdome!

I couldn't even fathom having to put this much energy into all aspects of my life, from housing, electrical, water supply, flood prevention, security, food preservation, and the list is endless.
I won't argue that a fully free society would be without issue... But right now we have to put up with SO many things that the state requires of you like getting drivers licenses, putting up with stupid homeowner laws, paying taxes on their schedule, not to mention working more to make the money to pay their taxes... It boggles the mind all that you have to do right now just to stay compliant to your master... None of which you'd have to do in a free society at all.

Sadly, you seem to believe that the alternative to all those rules and taxes is a mad-max situation where going out means getting into a gunfight and marauders terrorize your town every time they feel like passing through...

All of that is chaos imagery was put there by the opposition. There is no evidence to support it, excepting only in government-generated circumstances. (Like Somalia)
Whoa, slow down there Guerilla; you haven't heard Matt's story... There've been some major attacks to his biz that are not characteristic of the bitcoin ecosystem at all. Sounded more like thunderdome!
Anarchy would be a thunderdome. I welcome it.
Anarchy would be a thunderdome. I welcome it.

Until you're actually living it, that is.

Quit being such a keyboard warrior. What are you going to do if 10 guys show up in a truck with semi-automatic assault rifles? Call your private security firm, who they already paid off? Maybe explain economic theory to them?
Until you're actually living it, that is.

Quit being such a keyboard warrior. What are you going to do if 10 guys show up in a truck with semi-automatic assault rifles? Call your private security firm, who they already paid off? Maybe explain economic theory to them?

keyboard warrior

semi-automatic assault rifles

10 guys who already paid your private security firm off

what are they gonna take from you that they dont already have? you have statist so deep up your ass you dont get that these scenarios dont make sense. they are acausal. youd rather serve for eternity than think a coherent thought once
what are they gonna take from you that they dont already have?

Money & valuables, would be my guess.

you dont get that these scenarios dont make sense.

So you're saying if there was no government, military, or police force here, I wouldn't have five guys at my door with guns robbing me? Get fucken real. I'm one of the first houses they'd come to, since I happen to be white.