Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

Schiff is such a tool.

Right now I'm convinced only two kinds of people believe in the fairy tale of "Intrinsic value."

1. Brainwashed peons that the state taught this to on purpose.

2. Gold salesmen.

At least the first group isn't trying to be ignorant on purpose.

Intrinsic value is bullshit, you should buy bitcoin because look at what great intrinsic value its got

Do you guys think cryptos would be ok with Islam?

BTC and most of the alts absolutely skyrocketed when the Chinese entered the game. I can imagine another boost when a few exchanges spring up in the Arab world.

lukep, what do you think?
I've already explained what Schiff means by intrinsic value.

As usual, Luke is wrong about something he doesn't understand.

Mike Hern is a sellout and took a job at R3CEV, a consortium of 42 banks working on alternative blockchain tech.

Banks (R3) want to discredit Bitcoin so they can release BANKCOIN; that's what Mike is helping them do.
Bitcoin will never work as BANKCOIN because it doesn't meet Govts' nor Banks' requirements for a currency. Plus they'd have to buy the Bitcoin first!
BANKCOIN will feature...
Nodes hosted by BANKS only
Freezable accounts
Controls over who you can send coins to
Taxes on transactions
De-anonymous transactions
Negative interest rates
Unlimited ability to create more coins distributed to BANKS themselves.
I have experienced the same problem, then switched to using an advertising account rental service with a 24-hour warranty policy. You can refer to it. Via telegram: @pphuong0101