Louey's Journal

Taken my first big hit...

The google update a few das ago kicked my arse... Traffic is down 25%.

I didn't lose any ranking for my major KW's but all the long tails I ranked using shit article marketing links fell out of the rankings completely.

But for some reason, optins are up 20%. Strange... Not sure why but I hit a record for optins yesterday.

Lets see how this plays out.

I've seen some drops for one of my sites and almost exactly the same thing - record sales that day. Weird shit.

If you want a good service to rank longtails with links that actually have juice (and almost unlimited anchor texts):

I LOVE those guys.


Off-page - I was thinking you might have done more link building to produce your current traffic levels?

All of your traffic is organic search right?

Lol. He did a fuckton of linkbuilding. You got to do linkbuilding to build your ranking - unless you have a natural source that actually gets people linking to you.
Just checked out those ALN guys. The control panel looks great. I love the idea of being able to play around without having to send through emails and not get responses for 5 days.

I've just sent them an email to see if their special is still running and then I'll sign up.

Have you seen good movement with it?
Just signed up mate. They look great. I bought a 3 pack and will probably grab another one in a few days.

Today, I received an order for a spot in my workshop and that put me into the $xx,xxx range for the first time ever in a month.

An average month turns over $2k - $3k and I've even had one month that hit $7k but today is the first time I've EVER cracked $10k.

Mind you, it's only $10k of orders and I seriously doubt I'll collect all of it. Even if I do, it'll be spread out over 2 months, but still, it's a great day.

Given the nature of what I do, I doubt I'll do much more than $2k more orders this month but I should collect all of that this month.

So, if you're wondering if it's possible to go from 'I don't know if I can do this' to 'fuck yeah, this shit is really possible', then let me tell you, it is.

LEARNING LESSON - There's no point in making long sales

When I run a discount, 30% of orders are placed in the first 24 hours. 69% are made in the last 24 hours. Fuck all is done in between.

The only thing you do by running a long sale is make yourself look desperate to move stock.

Three to four days max. Everything outside that is a waste of time.

Email sequences are up and running, conversions are happening, copy writers and writing, and I just set up my first Website Optimiser experiment.

Yes. It's serious time.
LEARNING LESSON - Make sure you read the instructions very carefully when you're doing something new. Don't just rush ahead.

Otherwise, 4 days worth of your google website optimiser results wont be worth shit.
LEARNING LESSON - You don't know shit until you test it.

Finally have some data back from G Website Optimiser. After 360 views each, the results are starting to come in.

Control conversion rate - 1.36%

Variation 1 conversion rate - 3.67%


I thought the control was better. Turns out I was very wrong. It's time to put the entire site through Website Optimiser.
Remind me a but louey; you using WP for your site or was it all custom coded?

Just waiting on serps to get back up before I start split testing and was trying to find a tool that makes it like pie for WP
Yeah mate, using WP for all the sites. I don't know anything about coding so WP makes life easy.

Website Optmiser is so easy to use. Just set up an account then get the website optimiser plugin to add the code in. The experiments are so easy to run.

If you want to get seriously into testing and don't mind paying for it, check out: A/B Testing Tool | Split Testing and Multivariate Testing Software - Visual Website Optimizer

It's incredible.

UPDATE: All the traffic I lost in the last algo update is back up. I've been blasting all the long tails with ALN links and they're all ranking again. After hitting a record 75 optins two days ago (3.17% optin rate), the optins were back down to 48 (2.4%).
UPDATE: Time to join the big boys

I'm sick of trying to find quality links and being constantly disappointed. I've decided to take matters into my own hands and build a private high PR blog network.

I've already pick up 2 UNBELIEVABLE domains with link profiles you just can't buy. They've got links from wikipedia, harvard.edu, cnn.com, bbc.com, nature.com, and heaps more.

I've also got a PR5 with a blog roll link from a PR6 .gov that hasn't been updated since 2008 (so it's not likely to get removed).

I've just set up my SEO hosting and when that becomes active in the next few days, the sites will go up.
LESSON LEARNED - URL impacts your click through rate

I changed the URL for one of my major KW's from sitename.com/how-to-be-a-keyword to sitename.com/keyword and my total site traffic dropped by 25%. The meta title (I think this is what it's called) stayed the same. There was no movement in SERP's. I still held #2. People just stopped clicking through.

I changed it back and traffic is back up again.

Lesson learned.
My money site is slow as shit (however slow that is) and I need to speed it up.

One of the suggestions I've got for speeding it up is getting new hosting. It's currently sitting on a hostgator reseller account and I have a feeling that it's not doing it any favours.

What's the story with faster servers? Do I need to get a VPS or are there solid, basic accounts out there that are worth the money?

I see hostgator have VPS's. Are these shit or am I fine to go with one of them? Their support is great and I have no other quams with them.

NOTE: In case it's not obvious, I know nothing about servers so I need something that doesn't require me to fiddle with any settings.
Just posted round two and three of my adventures in Website Optimiser. I've used the same style (less content, more punchier calls to action) as the first test so it should be good to see if the results carry through.
If you need good shared hosting, I can recommend you MDDhosting. I'm using their cheapest plan and it's lightning fast. Good support, easy to use and almost no downtime.

They have a good rep on the webhostingtalk forum, and you can get a 50% off coupon there. I basically paid 2 years worth of hosting for 70 dollars with it.
$70 for two years?? Shit that's cheap. Even $140 for two years is cheap. I just need something fast because mine is a piece of shit. I've been thinking of going to to a VPS for a while so it might be time for a change.

Otherwise, I'll keep these guys in mind.

Thanks for the tip.
LESSON LEARNED - Less is more

If you want to convert your traffic at a higher rate, give them just enough to make them want to know more then tell them to opt in to find the answer.

For the last 4 years, I've been giving visitors a complete answer and then telling them if they like the philosophy, to download my free book.

Waste of time.

I'm just testing some of my money KW's and even though they're just in the early stages of testing, the results are pretty staggering.

Page 1
Full content - 1 conversion from 142 visits
Short Content - 6 conversions from 136 visits

Page 2
Full content - 2 conversions from 28 visits (Not a bad rate)
Short content - 6 conversions from 29 visits!

It's only early days yet and 60 visits is hardly statistically significant amount but it's looking good so far.