Link Seal: Eating Penguins, Shitting Beaks

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Update: Currently up to #5 for my kw. This kw has been a BITCH to move so I'm incredibly happy right now.
Quick update guys. I still have a couple days left on the drip, but we're seeing positive movement. A little bouncing but I haven't done a ton of link building recently.


Going to be balancing this out with a good amount of URL/branded anchor links. Will update with more results later.
I paid earlier today, transaction 9TC67828YC895833B. Haven't received an email with report link yet..

Sent the same day you ordered.

Still offering this? I don't think you responded to my request over the form yet.

See below

hi grindstone. are you still offering this. signed up on the form but didn't hear anything back

We're fighting with some anti spam bullshit at the moment, when we get more human emulation behavior coded into the system, we'll re-open for more orders.

If you paid already, you're being taken care of, although we slowed the pace down temporarily.

If you submitted an order but haven't received an invoice, you're in the on deck circle. Hope to have it sorted out shortly.

Grindstone, in your experience, can and will this rank a new domain?

I'm looking for #1 against weak competition. Obviously the domain will be throwaway and I'm not expecting longevity.

Cheers bro
Grindstone, in your experience, can and will this rank a new domain?

I'm looking for #1 against weak competition. Obviously the domain will be throwaway and I'm not expecting longevity.

Cheers bro

Sorry bro, Was using tapatalk and being lazy, actually just took the time to read OP and question is clearly answered.

Will hit you up shortly.

Rankings are settling down now. Overall went from 37 when started to 29 today. Very nice for a 51 CI keyword.

Now I'll be hitting with some diverse anchors to help even out keyword density to avoid future issues. Liking the service overall though. I'll be back once they reopen.
Little delayed on my review due to being out of the country on holiday. Been randomly checking this though as ıts for my most important keyword (offline business) and just dropped before İ left so curious how much work İ was goıng to have to do when I got back to get rank back.

This is a term Ive been stable at 3 for around 4 years or so. On March 1st dropped to 4 and then with penquin all the way to 7. Its low volume but good competion wıth a Cİ of 47.

Just checked and Im back to 3 for 4 days now. My keyword wasnt available so had to go with a long tail I was at 13 for and now at 7.

Domain is mostly legit natural links never threw anything like this at it to be safe but glad I did.

MicroSiteMasters - View Keyword Info

MicroSiteMasters - View Keyword Info
I just filled out your form but was not taken to Paypal payment.. Does this mean that you are currently not providing this service? Let me know via PM. Thanks!
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