Let's Discuss Scrapebox

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Scrapebox sucks if you are a n00b and you buy it and start comment spamming all your domains. They will get put in the akismet database, and you will get your IPs blacklisted (even if using SB proxies).

How does that line of thinking then prevent me from being able to comment spam my competitors to shit? I don't disagree with you in terms of dangerous weapons in the wrong hands, but I don't see how spamming your link everywhere can get you banned by akismet because then that would be a tactic we could all use against our competitors.

Not trying to start an argument, I'm honestly curious about this.

Ha alright, I'm thinkin its because you can get your domain permanently banned from having any future comments successfully point at your site as well as risking blacklisting your posting ips...

That all makes sense to me, but it still doesn't present a risk outside of the akismwt ecosystem or else it could flipped around and used offensively on competitors. Unless either akismet and Google are in cahoots and they're reporting link spam actively...which now that I've thought about it that seems very likely. But if that's the case I could still attack my competitors...

I'm dizzy.
I've been using this tool for a few weeks now and am amazed with its power. It's such an incredibly good deal for $47. I bought a second license (discounted) to run on two different machines.

I'm primarily using it to get LFE blogs indexed but have been playing around conservatively with the commenting system. Still afraid to point anything directly to money sites, but having a blast with generating lots of backlinks to second-tier properties.

It's worth going slow, because it is really easy to fuck up badly with this tool if you're not really clear on what you're doing.

I'm really curious to hear how others are using it in conjunction with other tools, specifically LFE and SENuke.
Ha alright, I'm thinkin its because you can get your domain permanently banned from having any future comments successfully point at your site as well as risking blacklisting your posting ips...

That all makes sense to me, but it still doesn't present a risk outside of the akismwt ecosystem or else it could flipped around and used offensively on competitors. Unless either akismet and Google are in cahoots and they're reporting link spam actively...which now that I've thought about it that seems very likely. But if that's the case I could still attack my competitors...

I'm dizzy.

Yeah I agree. I have been using scrape box since Jan. I even sell it as a service to a few various people.

I tested it with one of my proxy sites. I figured they are throw away sties anyway. I took a brand new .info site that had no links to it (except I think it might have been submitted to proxy.org cause I did a batch submission).
and started blasting.

I started with it in Jan. Yahoo site explorer showed 0 links then. Have a look now:
Just under 10K links at the time of this post. I haven't posted anything on it since mid Feb. at which point it was about 4K links.

It went from brand new to close to in the top 100 for the term unblock myspace. Which has some tough competition.

This tell us many things. 1 is that the links come in over time. I haven't posted in a month and 6K yahoo site explorer links have showed up. Blog owners approve them slowly over time. Which also says that big G finds them slowly.

The site has rosen and fallen, but sits at roughly 135 when you search unblock myspace. Not bad for a brand new site and a couple months of link blasting. Bring in search traffic anyway.

Not sandboxed.

I could easily blast a million links (if I didn't filter out duplicate domains or for that matter duplicate urls) to a competitors site and get them penalized if it were that easy. Its not, or I would be making BANK doing it. :338:

Bearing in mind that starting a brand new site with scrapebox is the best way to get banned if there is a way. However if you are using an established site I think your fine. I generally employ directory sub, Press Releases, Article Submission, Link exchange, links from my other sites, links from various free sites, link wheels and the rest to my sites. So by the time that is all done, blog commenting and xrumer blasts can only help.

If you aren't comfortable with hitting your money site, do some link laundering. There is some great articles on blackhatzen.com from summer 09 on this. But simple really. Create a squidoo page or a ezine article that links to your site. Blast the living day lights out of it and your money page will get the link juice. But if a site gets G slapped then it won't be urs(squidoo is the guilty party your honor, the page with all the links pointing to it). Plus there can be other advantages, but too indepth for this post.

Lots of options. If your going to blast away though, be absolutely certain you remove dupe domains. I had customers with phone numbers on their sites and I missed a step in the filtering proccess I was using and I blasted some sites too many times. Sufficient to say my customers got calls from unhappy webmasters.

Just a few days ago they added compare on domain level rather then just urls. This saves me tons of work and makes it simple to make sure I filter out the urls.

Another random tip: When I get to trying to post to several hundred thousand urls at once, sometimes I run into a lockup (my pc isn't the fastest in the world) so I use Replace Pioneer to split up the lists.

On that note I have some scraping to do.

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Does anyone actually use the slow poster?

I don't have patience for it (and it also crashes/stop responding too often).

Instead, I usually just run the normal/fast poster a few times for blogs harvested for different keywords.
It's a bad idea to hit a ton of blogs at once from the same ip, especially if your targeting Wordpress (see: Askimet). It'ls also an easy way to leave a footprint linking all of your websites together.

The software has a built in name generator, for emails I use this generator:
spam revenge.

In regards to anchor text, I like to have 20% anchor text, 80% random names (call me paranoid but no one wants an Askimet ban).

Useful Tip: Let's say we have a blog list of 2,000 wordpress blogs. We run it through once and successfully hit 800 blogs. Instead of calling it quits I prefer to keep attempting to post on the remaining 1200. Here's a quick way to attempt the 1200 again:

Export Button:
1. Export All entries
2. Export valid entries
3. Export bad entries.
4. Open bad entries as blog list.

Always make sure the # of bad entries you load into the blog list equals 1200 (or whatever your amount is). Occasionally Scrapebox will bug out and you'll have like 3-4x that amount. If this is the case:

1. Import bad entries into URLs harvested window.
2. Import and compare successful entries.
3. Remove Duplicate URL + Domain.
4. Re-check that new list size = 1200.

1. Fool around with timeout settings, especially if using free proxies. I set my fast post time out to 30-40. This gives the slower proxies a chance.

2. If you have a good internet connection (or your not using the computer) then try fiddling around with the maximum connections for various tools. For example, If you have 150 proxies but your Fast Poster maximum connection is at 50 then your only utilizing 50/150 at a time.

3. Keep your results per keyword between 200 (most relevant) - 600 (least relevant). Anything past 600 is shitfuck.

4. Check out the addons she offers, there's a few cool ones. Outbound link checker is cool and the alive/dead checker is great for cleaning out a big list your about to spam.

5. You can run multiple instances at once, so if you have a T1 connection then multi-task away.
Things to watch out for:

1. It's sometimes incredibly easy to overwrite files w/ this program, especially when loading files into the comment/blog list yadda yadda.

2. always make sure to download the updated "cloud blacklist". I'm not exactly sure what it does but anything w/ "blacklist" in it, especially when spamming, is probably important.

Awesome advice. + rep.
I've had Scrapebox for just a little while, only did two blasts with it, and it boosted one of my new sites to a PR1 with a half-assed effort from me. Worth the $47 I paid for it. When I really learn how it's used, I'm gonna be dangerous.
and this thread gets dug up from the grave. What we gonna talk about next? how about the godaddy domain auction plugin? Anyone found anything good with it yet?
and this thread gets dug up from the grave. What we gonna talk about next? how about the godaddy domain auction plugin? Anyone found anything good with it yet?

ya know, i haven't played with that yet. I will tomorrow though and see what's up.

The OBL checker keeps crashing on me. But I've gotten the PR checker to run really fuckin fast, which is awesome for scraping huge lists of really really high quality sites to post on.
Yeah I agree. I have been using scrape box since Jan. I even sell it as a service to a few various people.

I tested it with one of my proxy sites. I figured they are throw away sties anyway. I took a brand new .info site that had no links to it (except I think it might have been submitted to proxy.org cause I did a batch submission).
and started blasting.

I started with it in Jan. Yahoo site explorer showed 0 links then. Have a look now:
Just under 10K links at the time of this post. I haven't posted anything on it since mid Feb. at which point it was about 4K links.

It went from brand new to close to in the top 100 for the term unblock myspace. Which has some tough competition.

Ok, I just don't fucking get how you did this to a brand new domain without raising any red flags. Not even a sandbox.

I've tried similar experiments on a smaller scale with not so flashy results. Mostly just google ass rape.

10k BLs?? I cant seem to throw several hundred at a domain without google raping me. Are you doing just really small blasts daily?

As a experiment I did a massive blast over night against a domain (4 month old, < 200 BLs, blast of about 1000 comments, BlogEngine only, think I used ProxyBonanza proxies) had the site massively drop in the SERPs the very next day and it was now showing 0 backlinks, its keyword history in Google Webmaster tools seemed wiped, Yahoo was still showing old BLs though.

The site was gone for two weeks, I continued building links, it began to come back, still not at previous strength though, about 6 weeks later. In fact some more aggressive (well, only 300-400 links in 1 week actually, so not that aggressive) link building using several methods (no scrapebox, no blog commenting at all - articles and blog posts pretty much) and again the BL count has dropped for a couple of the pages on the site. On a couple of pages PR went from back from 1 to 0 (not on homepage). Traffic hasn't stopped, but rankings recovering very slowly.

I tried smaller blasts - in the lower hundreds per domain - on some other domains. Similar results. Knocked down in rankings, BL counts dropped. Mind you, these domains are two month old and some of them are now PR2. But Market Samurai says they have no BLs!

Yet another domain - 18 months old, although almost no BLs til 3 months ago also just had a big drop in rankings for a few days but just today started to come back. It only had modest scrapebox commenting, but had 200-300 other links built (mostly blog posts, some articles, some social bookmarks).
Thing with this domain is I completely redid the site 2 months ago. It was using templates and I threw the old site out and rebuilt it with Wordpress, added 1000+ pages. Does that make it look like a completely new site to google? Don't understand why else an 18 months old domain would be so all over the place. Like page 2 to page 10 and then back again.

Since then I've been more cautious, only hitting W2.0 properties rather then my own domains. I also don't use ProxyBonanza anymore, only anonymous proxies I am scraping myself regularly. Seeing very small improvements, but its a fucking crawl.

Thats my SEO/scrapebox rant. Its been driving me nuts lately, you SEO guys must be a damn patient lot! As I mentioned previously I've been playing around with SEO since about Dec and all this second guessing is a mindfuck. I'm enjoying it in a perverse sort of way but my patient is certainly being tested.

I'm not going to pretend to have the answer, Dispel, but don't you think it's just that ever mysterious G dance? I mean your throwing all these links at it and you don't think Google is going to be like "woah there's stuff going on here"? I think it's just assessing what's happening and ranking accordingly. How much is the competition on these sites? What kind of comments are you doing? How targeted are the blasts?

Also you seem to mixing variables alot. That's enough to drive a person insane. I've got about 8 different tests going on on 8 different domains. It's tempting to change something up mid course when it's not working but you can't, because you'll never really know if that was the answer, plus you've gone and mucked up one of your other tests usually by default.
Google dance is certainly part of it. But I appear to be getting penalized also. I am trying to learn to tell the difference between the two by trying out different things on different domains. I mean, rank drops within 12 hours of a scrapebox blast and backlink count dropping to zero, PR drops, info (keyword history) dissapearing in webmaster tools.. surely looks like penalties.

The backlink count dropping to 0 is a big one - clearly not google dance. I've not heard anyone mentioning that happening here from any link building. Is this a common occurence after say an xrumer blast ( which I dont do)?

My goal is to get at least a feel for how aggresively I can build links without these penalties. But anyone has any kind of vague metrics I'd love to hear it. Along the lines of "for a brand new domain you can add links at 10% per week, varying anchor text at least 30% away from your target keyword, blah blah". Not that I actually expect a clear answer, but I know people have their theories.

Also, like I said, I can't understand how the poster above built 10k links with scrapebox for a brand new domain in a couple of months without even getting sandboxed.

You're right, on the 'safer' (older domains, more backlinks) I've mixed variables a bit, thinking it safe to do. On new domains I've been careful. I'm only playing with about 10 domains here, plus a few more that I don't care so much about that I can experiment with.

Are you one of those people who keeps a meticulous diary of all your backlinking, rank movements, competition with every step of your backlinking strategy? I'd die of boredom doing that all day, although I have most of the data in software I use.
Scrape box is the ultimate woman. You treat her right and give her the attention she deserves, she will love you long time. You abuse her or leave her unsatisfied with quickies she will screw you over.
so much for it being $47. they bumped it to $57 thanks to everyone in here saying how amazing it is that it's only $47.
so much for it being $47. they bumped it to $57 thanks to everyone in here saying how amazing it is that it's only $47.

The creator spends all day every day working on it and answering support mails. She deserves the extra $10.
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