Let's Discuss Scrapebox

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That sure seems like a quick way to get yourself on their watch list if you push enough ip's to them in a short period of time. You need to proxy your proxies

What do you think the askimet plugin does? Now think about all the huge heavy-traffic blogs that deal w/ insane amounts of traffic... ;p

anyhow, the question wasn't "how can i check a huge list of IPs to see if they're on the askimet blacklist" it was simply how to check. Btw you can get false negatives (meaning you'll think its not on the blacklist) if you're only checking ips... you really need to be checking multiple variables (i.e. author name + ip or message/link + ip, etc..) if you want to really see if that user profile is on the blacklist
What do you think the askimet plugin does? Now think about all the huge heavy-traffic blogs that deal w/ insane amounts of traffic... ;p

anyhow, the question wasn't "how can i check a huge list of IPs to see if they're on the askimet blacklist" it was simply how to check. Btw you can get false negatives (meaning you'll think its not on the blacklist) if you're only checking ips... you really need to be checking multiple variables (i.e. author name + ip or message/link + ip, etc..) if you want to really see if that user profile is on the blacklist

Honestly, I pulled my comment completely out of my ass before having read the API docs, so my apologies. That does seem like a good way to go about exploring the safety of your proxies though, pretty easy to script up too...
What do you think the askimet plugin does? Now think about all the huge heavy-traffic blogs that deal w/ insane amounts of traffic... ;p

anyhow, the question wasn't "how can i check a huge list of IPs to see if they're on the askimet blacklist" it was simply how to check. Btw you can get false negatives (meaning you'll think its not on the blacklist) if you're only checking ips... you really need to be checking multiple variables (i.e. author name + ip or message/link + ip, etc..) if you want to really see if that user profile is on the blacklist

I didn't know this, has me thinking is there a way to exploit it. *runs of to install wireshark...
So finding good proxies has been challenging to many people. I do have paid proxies but there are times when you need a really huge list for things like increasing stats/views etc. Here's what I done to get myself a fucking huge list of working proxies. This little guide isn't going to be a download and run but should give you a good idea on how to get many many free proxies. *note some experience with php or equiv language will be necessary.

First load up scrapebox keyword scraper and enter a few keywords like "proxy list", "anon proxies", "fresh proxy list" etc. Scrape yourself up a few hundred keywords. transfer these to the main keyword list.

Next go back to the main scrapebox window and select custom footprint and set the results to whatever you want (I chose 1000) and select all the searchengines. Let scrapebox run for a few hours and gather xx,xxx results or more. When it has finished remove duplicate urls and save the list.

Ok the next part will be the tricky part for you non coders. I made a simple php/curl script that basically curls each url in the list and regexs for proxies. The regex I used is @[1-2]\?[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[1-2]\?[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[1-2]\?[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[1-2]\?[0-9]\{1,3\}[:\ ][1-9]\?[0-9]\{1,5\}@ This could be a very long process depending on the size of the list you scraped so check out curl_multi or use a language that supports threads. Any urls that don't return any matches on the first run should be removed from the list to speed up future scrapes.

When you have finished that you should have a huge fuck off list of proxies, mostly shite so you'll want to load that back into scrapebox's proxy checker to get rid of it.
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instead of proxy's what about jumping on free or breakable wifi access points locally, use them for your blast?
I'm failing miserably in ScrapeBox. I need better proxies.

ProxyBonanza 68 Shared IPs are all banned to hell by Akismet for Wordpress blogs. I need a better solution, and am willing to pay.

If anyone has suggestions or wants to sell some non-Akismet-banned IPs, please PM me.

ProxyBonanza changes the IP's once a day, BUTTTTTTTTT Proxybananza just banned Xrumer and Scrapebox as well... no mo go thurrrrrrrr.
instead of proxy's what about jumping on free or breakable wifi access points locally, use them for your blast?

Even then, if you blast out a few hundred(thousand even) comments that are all getting centralized into Akismet, things aren't going to go very well for you...

The proxy situation is kind of a bitch with this tool. I use it on some targeted keyword lists and am blasting through bandwidth because I have turned on images in order to access captchas. Gutter's response about finding proxies looks pretty promising, I'm thinking about how automated that can be, seems like it would be a nice thing to toss into a CRON job to have a constant batch of fresh proxies sitting somewhere for you.
Even then, if you blast out a few hundred(thousand even) comments that are all getting centralized into Akismet, things aren't going to go very well for you...

The proxy situation is kind of a bitch with this tool. I use it on some targeted keyword lists and am blasting through bandwidth because I have turned on images in order to access captchas. Gutter's response about finding proxies looks pretty promising, I'm thinking about how automated that can be, seems like it would be a nice thing to toss into a CRON job to have a constant batch of fresh proxies sitting somewhere for you.

I have thought about this and it is definitely possible. In order to set it on a CRON though your gonna need to test them proxies yourself. You can dl a script for that here SAS: SamAir Security. Proxy lists. Proxy tools.. I'll probably do this myself sometime soon. Ill also check the proxies on a local network to save bandwidth.
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I have thought about this and it is definitely possible. In order to set it on a CRON though your gonna need to test them proxies yourself. You can dl a script for that here SAS: SamAir Security. Proxy lists. Proxy tools.. I'll probably do this myself sometime soon. Ill also check the proxies on a local network to save bandwidth.

heh, that's a great way for them to effortlessly get new working proxies.
I have thought about this and it is definitely possible. In order to set it on a CRON though your gonna need to test them proxies yourself. You can dl a script for that here SAS: SamAir Security. Proxy lists. Proxy tools.. I'll probably do this myself sometime soon. Ill also check the proxies on a local network to save bandwidth.


This should be a nice little tool to setup on a server and then just have the cron trigger a script to scrape some proxy lists every hour and verify them all, then dump them somewhere where it's easy to get to.

Or get way trick and build out a private web service for it to tie into your own apps, query for proxies whenever you need them...

I've said too much

$result = "http://www.samair.ru/proxy-service/proxyjudge.php?send=$send";
Any scripts out there that keep all proxy testing local/private?
haha i know i get too excited about all this shit sometimes, forget that there are thousands of people seeing it.
Happens to all of us. Being discrete pays off though.


I do want to say something I've been thinking it for a couple days.

Scrapebox sucks if you are a n00b and you buy it and start comment spamming all your domains. They will get put in the akismet database, and you will get your IPs blacklisted (even if using SB proxies).

The great thing about Scrapebox is how cheap it is. The worst thing about Scrapebox, is that it allows a bunch of people who have no idea what the hell they are doing to fuckup all of their aged domains because it is so cheap and easy to use.

My advice to people who are new to link spam, do not comment spam. I don't comment spam at all, I always advise people not to do it. But particularly n00bs, all you will manage to do is fuck up your own stuff and your clients stuff.

Also, do not PM me asking me to teach you how to comment spam or why you should not, or how you can fix your domains.

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