Let's Discuss Scrapebox

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Maybe I'm stating the obvious or I'm just a n00b when it comes to blog commenting but won't using this trigger akismet due to your 1,000+ comments are all the same?

It would seem you would need some sort of article spinner the change up the syntax of your comments so they aren't identical.

Maybe I'm stating the obvious or I'm just a n00b when it comes to blog commenting but won't using this trigger akismet due to your 1,000+ comments are all the same?

It would seem you would need some sort of article spinner the change up the syntax of your comments so they aren't identical.

Scrapebox lets you spin the anchor text and comments.
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Maybe I'm stating the obvious or I'm just a n00b when it comes to blog commenting but won't using this trigger akismet due to your 1,000+ comments are all the same?

The spinner is built in but I always thought it was stupid when people sent 10k of these to a single domain. I'll throw a shitload of domains/parasites in scrapebox before a big blast.

... man, a scheduler sure would be nice in scrapebox
The spinner is built in but I always thought it was stupid when people sent 10k of these to a single domain. I'll throw a shitload of domains/parasites in scrapebox before a big blast.

I'm trying to figure out the point of this. I mean, it's obviously to throw off askismet but then aren't you spreading your anchored text kinda thin? Seems like you end up cutting of your nose to spite your face.

Or or you just talking about flat out backlinks quantity with nothing targeted? Then I could see how it wouldn't really matter since it's all just a numbers game anyway.

+1 for the scheduler
Well I guess to be 100% safe with akismet you would need to use 100 unique proxies, names, emails, comments, websites and only blast 100 blogs per day. Maybe you could blast 200 to 300 blogs using the slow post method.


Is it confirmed that search engines use akismet data to track spammers? How many blogs actually use akismet to be a concern?
I'm trying to figure out the point of this. I mean, it's obviously to throw off askismet but then aren't you spreading your anchored text kinda thin? Seems like you end up cutting of your nose to spite your face.

Or or you just talking about flat out backlinks quantity with nothing targeted? Then I could see how it wouldn't really matter since it's all just a numbers game anyway.

+1 for the scheduler

I typically like to get my targeted anchor text from better sources than random blogs. They're good to dilute your target anchor (to escape sandbox/ban) and also great for leeching a bit of link juice (I even hate saying PR). But I'd look at tightly themed sites, and other POWERFUL links, to really hone in on your true anchor text.

Scrapebox/xrum/etc is only a tool, not the entire game.
Well I guess to be 100% safe with akismet you would need to use 100 unique proxies, names, emails, comments, websites and only blast 100 blogs per day. Maybe you could blast 200 to 300 blogs using the slow post method.


Is it confirmed that search engines use akismet data to track spammers? How many blogs actually use akismet to be a concern?

many IPs .... or just say fuck akismet and use other platforms than WP.
I'm considering giving the software and the whole approach a try. Free logo to anyone who wants to help me get started briefly. ;)
I'm trying to figure out the point of this. I mean, it's obviously to throw off askismet but then aren't you spreading your anchored text kinda thin? Seems like you end up cutting of your nose to spite your face.

Or or you just talking about flat out backlinks quantity with nothing targeted? Then I could see how it wouldn't really matter since it's all just a numbers game anyway.

+1 for the scheduler

Well, isn't the point of scapebox to avoid Wordpress (and thus Akismet) altogether if you're throwing comments? You could still do a small scale WP run with a couple hundred Proxies and spun link text. Then do your volume runs on BlogEngines?
I'm not sure what the thinking is behind Akismet.

If you have a competitor who has a high percentage of backlinks from comments, and you wanted to pull a crappy blackhat move, couldn't you just blast comment spam in their direction to hose them?
Scrapebox fucking sucks. I ran a bunch of links at some of my sites and not only did they drop in rankings but they got de-indexed in under a week.

10 sites down the drain. Great.

Thanks for the great fucking advice in this thread. Assholes! :angryfire:
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Scrapebox fucking sucks. I ran a bunch of links at some of my sites and not only did they drop in rankings but they got de-indexed in under a week.

10 sites down the drain. Great.

Thanks for the great fucking advice in this thread. Assholes! :angryfire:

Honestly, I didn't think I'd find myself in the same boat here having started this thread, but I couldn't agree more. I blasted a few sites and saw some early results, but after a while, everything went to shit. No more movement, nothing sticking.

Good for scraping footprints and urls and checking PR, but the commenting effectiveness is practically nil lately...
Honestly, I didn't think I'd find myself in the same boat here having started this thread, but I couldn't agree more. I blasted a few sites and saw some early results, but after a while, everything went to shit. No more movement, nothing sticking.

Good for scraping footprints and urls and checking PR, but the commenting effectiveness is practically nil lately...

I just got done checking and thanks to an early scrapebox run, my registrar repossessed the 24 domains I've used this shitty software on.

On top of that, I got served tonight by the state of New York for slanderous comments towards an un-named representative thanks to a scrapebox run that went astray.

fuck this noise
I just got done checking and thanks to an early scrapebox run, my registrar repossessed the 24 domains I've used this shitty software on.

On top of that, I got served tonight by the state of New York for slanderous comments towards an un-named representative thanks to a scrapebox run that went astray.

fuck this noise

WUT, is that for fucking real?!
Thats nothing. I got deported by Akismet to Papua New Guinea and banned from ever coming with 5 miles of an internet enabled device.

I've never even been to Papua New Guinea. Or even that far away from the innertubes.

I feel so ronely :(

How are you posting this if you have no internet connection. Did you escape from Papua New Guinea?
How are you posting this if you have no internet connection. Did you escape from Papua New Guinea?

Fulltime VAs in Papua New Guinea cost like $2 a month. Of course if you piss them off they might shrink your head and eat you though.
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