Kony 2012

43 million views now for the youtube video that was posted 3 days ago. Meanwhile, there are still other videos on there from 4 years ago about the same topic that only have like 5,000 views.

People have been trying to get this story more attention for years and they must be happy that it finally has, but another side of them must want to bang their head up against the wall as this is a reminder of how people can be like sheep that only take notice of bandwagons.

Numerous articles in places like the NY Times, BBC coverage, an international court convicting Kony, an Act of the US Congress in 2010 - all this and more and people were like "derp herp, look at Snooki!" Now these same people are all "OMG, we gotta stop this!"

But Snooki is pregnant!

Honestly, I had a funny feeling inside me while watching the video the other day. I don't know why it didn't click and I couldn't help but post it on FB, thought it was the least I could do. Should have read this thread first as it seems my my gut feeling was right.

This guy breaks it down nicely

KONY 2012 ~ A Powerful SCAM? - YouTube

Yah, emotions can be deceiving. I try and not act on my emotions, always need time to think them through. One things for sure, when i see a huge number of people doing the same thing, i ask myself whats wrong here and try to do the opposite.

I don't know what the truth is, all i know is its always good to see things through the looking glass.
Honestly, I had a funny feeling inside me while watching the video the other day. I don't know why it didn't click and I couldn't help but post it on FB, thought it was the least I could do. Should have read this thread first as it seems my my gut feeling was right.

This guy breaks it down nicely

KONY 2012 ~ A Powerful SCAM? - YouTube

I had the same feeling you're talking about. Slept 4 hours the night prior and posted this thread having watched 75% of the video... I think the 'feeling' comes from the fact that this hits you with an incredible amount of marketing/sales tactics WHILE catching you off guard with a cause that no thinking human being can argue against. The video would make an excellent case study, the techniques used could be adopted in any film.
Honestly, I had a funny feeling inside me while watching the video the other day. I don't know why it didn't click and I couldn't help but post it on FB, thought it was the least I could do. Should have read this thread first as it seems my my gut feeling was right.

This guy breaks it down nicely

KONY 2012 ~ A Powerful SCAM? - YouTube

I'm not usually for conspiracy type stuff, but that guy does have good points. Like others here, it just felt fishy to me. The guy looked like a super gay dad and everything had a very left-wing-obama feel to it.

40+ million views is insane too.
The guy looked like a super gay dad and everything had a very left-wing-obama feel to it.

Well, below is a video of him speaking at the Christian Liberty University, which was found by Jerry Falwell, who said gays were in part responsible for 9/11 and Katrina.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkB8o5VWAjE"]Jason Russell and Alex Harris - Liberty University Convocation - YouTube[/ame]


Sure Invisible Children have good intentions, but they are doing it wrong. When the real big bad evil guy 'Kony' is gone, somebody else is gonna come around and take over, because this is not a single evil man's creation, this is a damaged people.

Manipulating and simplifying a very complex challenge to create awareness is not the right way to go, what about actually educating the masses on the complexity of this?

What I got from the video, they didn't assume that killing Kony will end the problem. It make one man pay for his crimes, yeah..but more importantly..it would show that the world could unite under one mind, cross red tape and bureaucratic shields that criminals have learn to hide behind.

If the world can take out Kony, it will be easy to get the world behind taking out Kony 2.0
..it would show that the world could unite under one mind, cross red tape and bureaucratic shields that criminals have learn to hide behind.
Show whom exactly?

Kony has the notoriety, sure, but I don't think he gets enough credit.
Show whom exactly?

Kony has the notoriety, sure, but I don't think he gets enough credit.

Show citizens of the world. We may bicker from place to place on the details of what is considered wrong, but there are definite "Wrongs" in this world. Genocide, enslaving kids, massive torture etc... and when people commit these wrongs on the worlds stage... it seems there ideas is to get people together at a proactive scale to demand justice from governments who would otherwise not work together to "solve" these problems.

I don't know that killing him would solve Africa's problem, but I'm also not against sending a few soldiers over there to teach them how to track down guys like this, either.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DO73Ese25Y]Kony 2012 Video is Misleading - YouTube[/ame]

Ugandan girl, started great until she mentioned Syria and shown she's as much of a sheep as those jumping on the Kony bandwagon.

Watch this if you want your faith in humanity restored, only if for a few picoseconds. This is the kind of reality that hits every single one of your 1st world problems with a nuclear bomb and fills you with empathy.

Recognize the moment at 7:29 when he starts making a promise without knowing what it would entail... It's these people who tackle problems bigger than themselves that make the world better for all of us.

Faith and humanity restored, ya i bet faith an humanity played a huge role in Invisible Children Inc only giving 30% of their 15 million they made in 1 day to the Ugandans... This is the biggest scam on the planet, if you want to support Uganda look into REAL programs which give 99% of the money they earn to the people. Thanks to people being so gullible , 3 directors of Invisible children Inc will now be going home millionaires from this one project, each individually making more money than the entire country of Uganda will ever see or benefit from.. STOP TAKING EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON SOME FUCKING VIDEO AS ABSOLUTE FACT. no one is denying the atrocities going on in Uganda, but don't support rich kids from a rich family background whom are taking your money hand over fist before giving a penny to any real cause in Uganda. (via KONY 2012 exposed!) :party-smiley-004: