Kony 2012



About 10 minutes into the video I was interested in the link to donate to a good cause .. but since these tree hugging assholes have already forced me to pick up the tab on furthering their agenda, Stopped watching. fuck them.

Are you actually pissed that the US sent 20-30 people to help them resolve the issue?

If it succeeds in getting him removed, that's an incredible amount of pure good for now and the future. Thousands of these kids are being taught the purest forms of hatred day in and day out...killing their parents, mutilating, raping, etc etc... I'd be completely proud of my taxes going to a cause as good as this. It simply doesn't get any worse, 'humanity' wise.
Touching doc.

I thought most people did not care.

My liking for human beings has gone up from 2 to 4.

LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) trending on twitter. It's always interesting trying to figure out what it takes to get the public's attention. I've linked in the past to videos about the LRA and always noticed the view counts were relatively low.
Paging Dresden for inputs on saving black people.

You and Dresden can take your hatred for other humans and shove it where the sun don't shine. Deep down your hate comes from not taking responsibility for your own lives.

Theses people have not done you anything, so why judge them like you are better?

If there is a God and any Balance i.e Karma in this world, then you will lead an interesting after life.

Burn in hell. :laughing-smiley-007 :love-smiley-086: :1orglaugh:
You and Dresden can take your hatred for other humans and shove it where the sun don't shine. Deep down your hate comes from not taking responsibility for your own lives.

Theses people have not done you anything, so why judge them like you are better?

If there is a God and any Balance i.e Karma in this world, then you will lead an interesting after life.

Burn in hell. :laughing-smiley-007 :love-smiley-086: :1orglaugh:

Awesome reading comprehension is awesome. Mr Badass, Which part of what I said shows that I was hating on other humans? :love-smiley-086:
Are you actually pissed that the US sent 20-30 people to help them resolve the issue?

If it succeeds in getting him removed, that's an incredible amount of pure good for now and the future. Thousands of these kids are being taught the purest forms of hatred day in and day out...killing their parents, mutilating, raping, etc etc... I'd be completely proud of my taxes going to a cause as good as this. It simply doesn't get any worse, 'humanity' wise.

I would be happy to donate out of my own free will as I have done for many other causes throughout my life. I guarantee you it would have been much more than I was required to pay under their current plan. Here's how this game works...

  • Washington points a gun at me for my monies
  • Washington buys 30 more guns and points them at other people
  • those people take their 300 guns and point them at new people as the first 10 minutes of the film told me (Kony just changed tactics)
It's not a requirement on my grandchildren to fund the liberation of every poor kid in the world. Besides, this is the exact same thinking that has ex-child laborers working as prostitutes in 3rd world countries.

Force simply doesn't work, the sooner you admit it the better you will feel. I refuse to help out any cause that thinks this way. They would have been better off going totally grassroots.
Alright - I posted this so I'll add to it...

Why was the "Suspicious about Invisible Children" post removed? : AskReddit

Visible Children - KONY 2012 Criticism

The cause is good, but the organization seems less than ideal.

Military intervention may or may not be the right idea, but people supporting KONY 2012 probably don’t realize they’re supporting the Ugandan military who are themselves raping and looting away. If people know this and still support Invisible Children because they feel it’s the best solution based on their knowledge and research, I have no issue with that. But I don’t think most people are in that position, and that’s a problem.

Is awareness good? Yes. But these problems are highly complex, not one-dimensional and, frankly, aren’t of the nature that can be solved by postering, film-making and changing your Facebook profile picture, as hard as that is to swallow.

There’s also something inherently misleading, naive, maybe even dangerous, about the idea of rescuing children or saving of Africa. It’s often not an accidental choice of words, even if it’s unwitting. It hints uncomfortably of the White Man’s Burden. Worse, sometimes it does more than hint. The savior attitude is pervasive in advocacy, and it inevitably shapes programming. Usually misconceived programming. The saving attitude pervades too many aid failures, not to mention military interventions. The list is long.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

People like this always have good intentions, but they tend to just mindlessly swallow information that confirms their emotional bias and then lapse into blind activism.

In their way of thinking and acting, they're practically the same as these guys, just with different values:

Awesome reading comprehension is awesome. Mr Badass, Which part of what I said shows that I was hating on other humans? :love-smiley-086:

You know very well how that dresden is, so when you effectively encourage him to come and bring his hateful attitude and views, it makes you part of the problem. :disgust: