Kony 2012


Ok watched the video and I'm guessing that this guy is fucked in 2012.
Journeyman films must be hitting themselves for not thinking of selling bracelets.
Already 21 Million views on youtube.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc"]KONY 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Instead of discussing
1. Create a video response.
2. Get 1 Miilion Views
3. ???
4. Profit
5. Donate to TRI?
This could be a gross generalization.. but it seems to me that the only way to help another country out of a situation like this is to let them help themselves.

True freedom can only be won by those who are oppressed.

If someone else wins it for them then it's just not appreciated enough. Whereas if they have enough brave incorruptible people to fight for themselves then they can be proud of the sacrifice and victory that they made on their own. Pride then fuels their future success and morality.
Already 21 Million views on youtube.

43 million views now for the youtube video that was posted 3 days ago. Meanwhile, there are still other videos on there from 4 years ago about the same topic that only have like 5,000 views.

People have been trying to get this story more attention for years and they must be happy that it finally has, but another side of them must want to bang their head up against the wall as this is a reminder of how people can be like sheep that only take notice of bandwagons.

Numerous articles in places like the NY Times, BBC coverage, an international court convicting Kony, an Act of the US Congress in 2010 - all this and more and people were like "derp herp, look at Snooki!" Now these same people are all "OMG, we gotta stop this!"
another conflict we stick our noses into where it shouldn't be. Keep on playing world police - where's the UN, isn't this their job?