Kony 2012


"dislike... this is in outrage. War propaganda by showing suffering children. Wake up"


"50,560 dislikes"


"Dont fall for this bull$hit"


"dislike... this is in outrage. War propaganda by showing suffering children. Wake up"


"50,560 dislikes"


"Dont fall for this bull$hit"


Hitler propelled justification for his war with propaganda also. They kept showing movies to all the citizens on how the Poles were attacking Germans on the boarder and raping their women. Basically, most of the invasions that Germany did was promoted through propaganda. So this wouldn't be the first time.
Great video, the one about "Somebody is lying" is crazy too. I'm willing to bet Kony is the one lying and full of shit, but I'm sure there is a reason he is pissed...the government is probably full of shit too.
Sure Invisible Children have good intentions, but they are doing it wrong. When the real big bad evil guy 'Kony' is gone, somebody else is gonna come around and take over, because this is not a single evil man's creation, this is a damaged people.

Manipulating and simplifying a very complex challenge to create awareness is not the right way to go, what about actually educating the masses on the complexity of this?
Honestly, I had a funny feeling inside me while watching the video the other day. I don't know why it didn't click and I couldn't help but post it on FB, thought it was the least I could do. Should have read this thread first as it seems my my gut feeling was right.

This guy breaks it down nicely

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J2P4Diu-TM]KONY 2012 ~ A Powerful SCAM? - YouTube[/ame]
Honestly, I had a funny feeling inside me while watching the video the other day. I don't know why it didn't click and I couldn't help but post it on FB, thought it was the least I could do. Should have read this thread first as it seems my my gut feeling was right.

This guy breaks it down nicely

KONY 2012 ~ A Powerful SCAM? - YouTube

Very interesting, he talks about the "petrodollar" as guerilla suggested being the motivating factor behind US foreign policy.
I also like hearing Marc Faber's opinion on subjects like this. He points out that the west and particularly the U.S. are very concerned about containing China. With China buying up resources around the world the west sees the only way to contain them is to be able to turn off the oil spigot to them. They are getting close to wrapping up the middle east with wars and invasions in all but one country, and that one will be attacked soon enough. Africa is next up so time to foment public outrage to get everybody behind the next invasion.