Kiss Yahoo Goodbye!

It is not going to happen. You are full of it. The fact is if they do this, they will take a hit in their annual revenue and their stocks will fall. In this conditions they aint going to do it. They are smarter than you mate. PERIOD.
Because Google didn't do it.
And facebook didn't do it.
And MSN didn't do it.

There is truly no empirical evidence pointing to the idea that companies will blacklist these offers in the face of complaints.
If your into Facebook at all than you won't have any luck with re-bills.

When's the last time you talked to your AM?

They know what the fuck is going on if you just ask them.

QFT, you guys that keep thinking they are hurting themselves need to wake up. They run a business too. It sucks that a lot of us that tried to be legit and stay away from the flogging and the extreme ads have to fall under the category of bad apples.
Atleast we still have fb and myspace!
The cost to market in there will fall substantially and other more legitimate products will become viable again.

yes, it means that I can afford to do media buys with non-rebill products. /........

Unfortunately, thats not how it will be. What will happen is they will whitelist and hand hold the big ones, it is effectively locking out any buyers below 6 figs. So what happens in the end, is the big boys get to keep doing yahoo approved 'rebills' and the rest are not even allowed in the door and then still cant afford to buy ads for omaha steaks or whatever as the prices stay jacked for a rebill ad pricing economy.
You might be right... time will tell I guess.

What you say certainly has merit as I saw that exact same thing happen on some of the networks.
Everyone's reliance on G and Y! is painful to watch.

Never have I seen such a group of cocky online tough guys. I agree w/ the OP. You bottom-feeders have drawn so much unwanted light on this industry running your shady flog and farticles. Sure, some of you made some large amounts of quick cash, but you f@#ked yourself and everyone else in the end, because based on what I have seen/heard most of you rebill pushers are running just that -- rebills, and only rebills. Now what? *gasp* a legit offer?
there's a hell of a lot of cockiness going on from both guys who run legit offers and those who don't use G or Y for traffic. to both of you i ask where do you think they're going now? Macdonalds or your backyard?

all said and done, times like this are to be welcomed, think of all the cheap inventory thats coming our way. wise up, its sink or swim times boys :p this is where fortunes are made.
I've heard this from numerous affiliates that Friday is d-day at Yahoo. No one has addressed that MSN is also apparently doing the same thing on their end as well. Conversation an affiliate had with MSN yesterday:

MSN: [FONT=&quot]Ok, I can see that you are advertising for the Acai Berry. As per the FTC (Federal Trades Commission) ruling on this product, the Acai Berry is no longer supported for advertisement. While The FTC does not have control over establishing law on advertising these products, Microsoft does stand behind them on this ruling. Sponsored listings for the Acai Berry are no longer supported by Microsoft adCenter and going forward all ads for this product will be disapproved.[/FONT]

Aff: [FONT=&quot]but there are a ton of ads for acai berry running right now. Hhow is mine different from all the rest?[/FONT]

MSN: [FONT=&quot]These ads are being removed from our system.Because there are so many, and new ones daily, they are popping up but will be removed shortly.We are still working on removing these ads from our system.[/FONT]

Change a comin?
there's a hell of a lot of cockiness going on from both guys who run legit offers and those who don't use G or Y for traffic. to both of you i ask where do you think they're going now? Macdonalds or your backyard?

all said and done, times like this are to be welcomed, think of all the cheap inventory thats coming our way. wise up, its sink or swim times boys :p this is where fortunes are made.
Fucking exactly.
A million internets to you sir.
I just love this sig:



I don't chat much here but Sticks seems to be on every thread and he's a genius.
The Yahoo Ban

You don't cloak 6 figure media buys, that's the issue. Not small PPC campaigns. The amount of money that was being spent on Yahoo display inventory this year by affiliates and even a few individuals was amazing.

I'm interested to see how long this ban lasts. They're not the first network to try it. I'd imagine within 3 weeks they whitelist a few individuals.

And the issue isn't totally about rebills its also about user experience. We as affiliates have gotten away with running ugly as sin ads for several months now, but networks are starting to get pissy. Don't expect to be able to keep running these high ctr ugly ads long on major networks.

Majorbta is correct. The issue isn't about rebills. I'm sure the shady advertisers have some responsibility for the compliants but Yahoo doesn't have a clue what the difference is between Dazzle White and Dentech or Acai Burst and Acai Detox. They never get to that level. All they know is that they get compliants about the ugly ads on their sites and when they click on one ad, one blog looks basically the same as the other one. Even worse, now they see a site that impersonates a real news story.

What I know is that they are starting by blocking Resveratrol (because of the celebrity banners), Teeth Whitening, and Weight Loss.

I also think it is going to be tough for them to maintain this ban. With already faultering revenue, this made up a big chunk of change for them. I think the right people will be able to find some wiggle room to get shit done.
confirmed again, just got off the phone with my media buy rep at Yahoo and effective this
Friday, Diet, teethwhiten, colon, homebiz, dating are all going DOWN for good.
Are they just banning the Dating Affliates? Surely they don't plan to ban the actual dating companies themselves?