Kiss Yahoo Goodbye!

This is good in a way less competition. Cloaking ftw

You don't cloak 6 figure media buys, that's the issue. Not small PPC campaigns. The amount of money that was being spent on Yahoo display inventory this year by affiliates and even a few individuals was amazing.

I'm interested to see how long this ban lasts. They're not the first network to try it. I'd imagine within 3 weeks they whitelist a few individuals.

And the issue isn't totally about rebills its also about user experience. We as affiliates have gotten away with running ugly as sin ads for several months now, but networks are starting to get pissy. Don't expect to be able to keep running these high ctr ugly ads long on major networks.

You don't cloak 6 figure media buys, that's the issue. Not small PPC campaigns. The amount of money that was being spent on Yahoo display inventory this year by affiliates and even a few individuals was amazing.

^^^ This.

Goddamn there are some illiterate motherfuckers on here. Do you guys read the fucking thread, or just not know the difference between PPC and media buys? We're talking about 5 and 6 figure media buys, not your punk ass .30¢ clicks.
^^^ This.

Goddamn there are some illiterate motherfuckers on here. Do you guys read the fucking thread, or just not know the difference between PPC and media buys? We're talking about 5 and 6 figure media buys, not your punk ass .30¢ clicks.
I have no idea if what you said is true or not...

But why not post some fucking sources dude. Like seriously, you make a post like that with nothing backing it up.
I have no idea if what you said is true or not...

But why not post some fucking sources dude. Like seriously, you make a post like that with nothing backing it up.

Good job not reading anything past the first post and repeating something said a dozen times already.

ayzo said:
They see me cloakin', they hatiiiiiin'

Haha so win.
I have no idea if what you said is true or not...

But why not post some fucking sources dude. Like seriously, you make a post like that with nothing backing it up.

I heard about it yesterday, and if you had any history with the Yahoo teams and rebills you are not surprised by this decision. The shit started coming down hard when the Obama grants got out of hand. It was downhill from there once the FTC stepped in.
Banned accounts? Or simply zero tolerance re-bill policy.

One I can totally accept, the other screams of nerds who think their bullshit 'Nantucket Nectar' vending machines at the Googleplex and their miserable salaries means the run the internet.
I have no idea if what you said is true or not...

But why not post some fucking sources dude. Like seriously, you make a post like that with nothing backing it up.

He didn't read it in the fucking Wall Street Journal, he was told by his rep today just like the rest of us. How would you like that to be sourced, sir? Would the rest of the long time members of this site that chimed in to confirm be good enough for you, or would you rather read it on Shoemoney's blog before you believe it?
You guys act as if you won't still be able to do huge media buys with Yahoo.

The cost to market in there will fall substantially and other more legitimate products will become viable again.

Some of the grandfathered products will probably be Netflix, Credit Reports... It ain't over just because you can't throw up a flog and make $7-8 epc's. The margins may be lower, but the traffic is still there - and I guarantee they will sell it.
It is not going to happen. You are full of it. The fact is if they do this, they will take a hit in their annual revenue and their stocks will fall. In this conditions they aint going to do it. They are smarter than you mate. PERIOD.
It is not going to happen. You are full of it. The fact is if they do this, they will take a hit in their annual revenue and their stocks will fall. In this conditions they aint going to do it. They are smarter than you mate. PERIOD.

No.. you're wrong - like most other people here, I got confirmation from our rep yesterday.

It went a tad beyond rebills however... they won't run Acai even if it's CPS. They want to know offer names, the companies that are behind them..etc etc etc - the 5th degree. They are trying to protect the consumer like any respectable publicly traded company has the legal obligation to do.

Also - this does not effect what they can run out on the exchange as far as I understand it.
They are trying to protect the consumer like any respectable publicly traded company has the legal obligation to do.

QFT, you guys that keep thinking they are hurting themselves need to wake up. They run a business too. It sucks that a lot of us that tried to be legit and stay away from the flogging and the extreme ads have to fall under the category of bad apples.
Atleast we still have fb and myspace!