JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.


Just a word of advice.. To many times.. young, ambitious, intellegent young men like you have thrown themselves off buildings after they lost everything they had.. money, nice things, beautiful girlfreinds.. all because they pushed themselves to hard to fast..

for every warren buffet there is a million that are not.. him.. Im not saying you wont make a lot of money.. im not saying you wont have a 100k 6 month or heck a 100k month.. but pace your self..

this challenge your doing... how fast your going... just like that night when you crashed your car, it can come out of no where and sudden.. take a step back.. relax and view this as a marathon not a sprint. i do wish you the best.

Just a word of advice.. To many times.. young, ambitious, intellegent young men like you have thrown themselves off buildings after they lost everything they had.. money, nice things, beautiful girlfreinds.. all because they pushed themselves to hard to fast..

for every warren buffet there is a million that are not.. him.. Im not saying you wont make a lot of money.. im not saying you wont have a 100k 6 month or heck a 100k month.. but pace your self..

this challenge your doing... how fast your going... just like that night when you crashed your car, it can come out of no where and sudden.. take a step back.. relax and view this as a marathon not a sprint. i do wish you the best.

You think Martin is betting the whole farm on this?


Just a word of advice.. To many times.. young, ambitious, intellegent young men like you have thrown themselves off buildings after they lost everything they had.. money, nice things, beautiful girlfreinds.. all because they pushed themselves to hard to fast..

for every warren buffet there is a million that are not.. him.. Im not saying you wont make a lot of money.. im not saying you wont have a 100k 6 month or heck a 100k month.. but pace your self..

this challenge your doing... how fast your going... just like that night when you crashed your car, it can come out of no where and sudden.. take a step back.. relax and view this as a marathon not a sprint. i do wish you the best.

how could you misspell intelligent as "intellegent?" you must be a troll.

finally, your advice would be sufficient for a 13-year-old overly emotional insecure girl drinking her own period blood.

nonetheless, mgrunin is a rational warren buffet. he's not going fast, he's just going at his own pace, which may seem fast to peasants. it's called exponential growth.

i look forward to the progress.
how could you misspell intelligent as "intellegent?" you must be a troll.

finally, your advice would be sufficient for a 13-year-old overly emotional insecure girl drinking her own period blood.

nonetheless, mgrunin is a rational warren buffet. he's not going fast, he's just going at his own pace, which may seem fast to peasants. it's called exponential growth.

i look forward to the progress.

Sorry english isnt my first language. anyway i do wish him the best and luck with his investing.
49% that's Michael Jordan's shooting percentage from the field. He missed more shots than he made and he is considered the best basketball player, you don't have to be perfect on every trade to be a good trader.
49% that's Michael Jordan's shooting percentage from the field. He missed more shots than he made and he is considered the best basketball player, you don't have to be perfect on every trade to be a good trader.

The best FG% in NBA history is 59.9% (Gilmore). Was Gilmore a better player, or was it simply the inherent advantage of standing in the paint, dunks, and high % shots made by a center? wtf does this have to do with trading? He lost half his account today.
can we please get an update?

did you get stopped out or are you down over 60%?

pretty rough first day.
Video update for the day:

[ame=""]$10k to $100k in 6 months: DAY 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I am sure there is no need to mention that today was a major hit on the capital. I came in today looking to start the challenge with bang, but unfortunately the bang occured on the other side. I am not discouraged by any means, and this challenge will continue. I ignored fundamental rules I trade by and handled my position as a chicken with it's head cut off. When I have stated such lofty goals, I have already confronted the fact that I would be taking risk that is out of my normal trading habits. I won't be able to hit the 900% return without going balls in, in several different stances and come out ahead. As I stated in the video, the remaining balance will be moved to a Think or Swim brokerage account and will be used to trade options to raise the capital. Options are my bread and butter and what I have been trading religiously for the past few years on my main account.
Apologize for the slow update. Today caught me by surprise so I spent the evening playing some sports. Just completed the video and have now uploaded it here.

I absolutely know I will receive negative comments, and I'll take them. But do keep in mind that the challenge is based on a 6 month timeframe. I have definitely made the situation a tad more difficult for myself, but I'll recover. I've been in this game long enough now to have witnessed many ups and downs.

Just a word of advice.. To many times.. young, ambitious, intellegent young men like you have thrown themselves off buildings after they lost everything they had.. money, nice things, beautiful girlfreinds.. all because they pushed themselves to hard to fast..

for every warren buffet there is a million that are not.. him.. Im not saying you wont make a lot of money.. im not saying you wont have a 100k 6 month or heck a 100k month.. but pace your self..

this challenge your doing... how fast your going... just like that night when you crashed your car, it can come out of no where and sudden.. take a step back.. relax and view this as a marathon not a sprint. i do wish you the best.

I appreciate your word of advice. I do want to clarify that the $10,000 I have set aside for this challenge is complete risk capital. My life won't change with it, or without it. I simply want to push myself and see whether or not such a return is feasible. If this challenge account goes bust, so be it. You learn more from your mistakes than from your winnings.

Again, thank you for your perspective. I might have to take a backseat at life in some near future so I can see how a fresh breathe of air feels like without 100 pounds of pressure on the chest on all the ventures I put myself from. What can I say, I love the pressure. I fucking love it. Major reason why I took this public. Place further pressure on my shoulders to perform. The higher risk of humiliating myself or being held accountable by others, the greater the thrill for me.