JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.


gimmedat said:
He also made a good deal of money selling Potatoes in 2012. I personally sent him at least 300k in 2012

That's a lot of potatoes, you must have been hungry.
I like how half you guys are bashing McG and don't have a pot to piss in yourself

I like how McG took action ( and yes failed ), but most of you sit on the sidelines afraid to come out of your basement

I like how McG can do things most of you can't, like have enough funds to buy a M5 or R8. You guys are living paycheck to paycheck but bashing him for a failure.

Are any of you guys failing fast to get ahead? By the sales of BST SEO services still going strong, I'd say no.

If you are not providing sound financial advice on what he did wrong, how to correct it ( in detail and why ), then you are just muddy-ing the waters in this thread. I doubt many here have $10k that they can even lose in such an attempt.

By raise of hands here, who even has 1 of these?

1. Roth IRA
2. 401k
3. Solo 401k, SEP-IRA, SIMPLE

I'd be amazed if more than 30 people on this forum did, let alone own any stocks or money in funds.
Jesus, this thread went bad.. But his thread at Elite traders went even worse! Literally just destroyed any sort of reputation he may have had in the internet trading community.. I mean, damn, man.. damn.

3 trades, one week and money and all credits gone for the 2 big communities where he was building personal and financial reputation.

Whatever one thinks, in term of self destruction this is a glorious example of whats possible. This is hard to beat.
Cock keeps posting these wrestling gifs. On a related note, WWE stock lost 40% on Friday and the put options went gangbusters. Some put options were up 50x in that day alone. Amazing

You bet yer ass I bought some at the EOD on Fri.!

I like how McG can do things most of you can't, like have enough funds to buy a M5 or R8. You guys are living paycheck to paycheck but bashing him for a failure.

Some here for sure can but perhaps they prefer to build a business first and go through all this funny side quests like financial risk, living from paycheck to paycheck and such.

Of course investing family money on high risk trades where the wins buys you a R8 and the inevitable lose a bigger check from daddy for the next month is some fun too.

To make it simple: There are only 4 valid reason you "forget" to setup a stop lose and every other basic trading & investment protection.

1.) you are a noob and you just learned your first important lesson
2.) you are an idiot
3.) you do not trade, you just gambled, with a high chance because ...
4.) losing the money makes no difference for you and you are trading for the thrill and the win like the rich but bored old lady in the casino

That is what Jon tried to say. The stupid part of this whole thread is that he tries to sell you guys this stuff as real trading/investment or even senseful.

You just saw it imploding to nothing.
If we would try it again with that risk chance then it will perhaps work or implode again.

At what chance this is serious or even real trading?

50/50? 60/40? 75/25?

You really want tell me that you would invest anything which has a real impact on your live with one of that chances where the bad outcome means you lose all?

You are doing such things only in very special situations of your life when the win will so important that it is worth the extrem lose.

Thats not trading, thats gambling.

And that is why every blah blah about trading here is just bull.
To make it simple: There are only 4 valid reason you "forget" to setup a stop lose and every other basic trading & investment protection.

1.) you are a noob and you just learned your first important lesson
2.) you are an idiot
3.) you do not trade, you just gambled, with a high chance because ...
4.) losing the money makes no difference for you and you are trading for the thrill and the win like the rich but bored old lady in the casino

I dont doubt that not having the stop loss in place is foolish, but do we know his parents are loaded.. without a doubt?

Also, if they were it doesn't mean he is getting any of it. Look at Tori Spelling
Okay, done. Not sure what your point is?


Fucking rookie mistake that :) is. Adding that softens the psychological advantage you made with your witty post. You're not to be friendly. You're a ferocious internet adversary and that smiley shit you're pulling is like keyword stuffing meta tags.
I dont doubt that not having the stop loss in place is foolish, but do we know his parents are loaded.. without a doubt?

Also, if they were it doesn't mean he is getting any of it. Look at Tori Spelling

Without a doubt - no. But trading needs an investment and it comes with a learning curve. Professional (home) traders start like with 50k, burn that in the first 6 month, get another 50k, increasing that in the next year, pay the first investment back, going on...

And trading is no fun. Its stressing and drugs & pills are a real problem in that job. There are not many people who really can make it and they pay their price.
You play with alot money, you have to eat the risks and the loses, no one is helping you. Its a damn hard job. Heck, i have meet some bitcoin millionars telling
you stories how they did hundred thousend of dollar in weeks and then they tell you its time to eat their anti anxiety pills...

There is a big difference you have your job and income and some free money and doing some investments compared to serious making money with it.

You can make some serious bucks with trading but it is not a magical money mashine and the little problem is that at last one crash should appear in your trading life.

It just don't fit. For a high player he is to young and to uninpressive. You have better to do then as to show off in online forums. Should we believe he did some massive quick bucks some years ago, invested all high risk and now money is growing out of his ears?

I prefer the easy answer, thats normally the truth.
I dont doubt that not having the stop loss in place is foolish, but do we know his parents are loaded.. without a doubt?

Of course, when i think about it, there is the chance of a different szenario like he did some bucks 3-4 years ago and with that as start he was going to trade. He was lucky, was doing some high risk, was lucky again... voila, 250k. The burned R8 halfed it but he knows more money comes and he tried to show it now openly and started this from $10k to $100k threads.

I am not sure we should wish him this as the truth. But its possible of course, if you hit a rally right there is alot money in. In that case i wish him luck and that he can adjust his risk managment fast enough.
He wasted 10k, if that worked as eye opener it was good deal. The worse thing is that with such an event the fear comes too...
If you are not providing sound financial advice on what he did wrong, how to correct it ( in detail and why ), then you are just muddy-ing the waters in this thread. I doubt many here have $10k that they can even lose in such an attempt.

In one sentence here is some sound advice on what he did wrong and how he should correct it:

Don't gamble on a public forum to satisfy your ego and/or presell a make money online pitch (his trading software).
Hedge fund Manager sounds like a great business model.

Top hedge fund manager made last year

David Tepper (Appaloosa Management) - $3.5 billion

"Essentially, hedge funds often charge investors standard fees of 2% for asset management. In addition, they ask for 20% of investment profits."

Top 10 highest-earning hedge fund managers - CBS News

The stock market is not built for "outsiders" like us. As a day trader you just ride the waves of the big guys. You think doing your research and looking at trends based on your limited knowlege base your going to beat the big boys? They have advantages over "main street". The resources they control with PHD MIT whiz kids the high frequency trading etc etc. It's all just a fugazi if you are on the outside. Gotta have an edge in any industry you try to get into. Wolf of Wall street sums it up the best. So whats your edge in Wall street game?