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I was looking for free *cough* ebooks *cough*... and found this site. Now am I happy I never had to buy those ebooks. And now I know should never buy any shitty ebooks so WickedFire already saved me a few bucks :)

I am an experienced web developper and I know a lot about webhosting and LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP), been doing that for the last 12 years, so if anyone needs information I'll be glad to help.

I was searching Google for PPC Affiliate Marketing & came across WF.

Say... I think I got an email from you recently about a great investment opportunity asking me to send your mother's brother's friend's uncle a wire transfer of $15k to cover the "escrow fees" for $50,000,000... When is that coming my way?
Hi Jon, met you at Affiliate Summit were you gave me with the official Wicked Fire T-shirt that caused quite the stir. I always checked out the WF boards but took me awhile to become a member. What I really liked about WF is that you are open to what ever members feel like saying. So many of the other boards have moderaters right on you. I also feel that the members are talking about cutting edge tactics which is awesome and ready to jump in the mix.
Thought I'd add to this.

I found it through a post at DP forums.

Things I'd like to see less of here:
- Extreme newbies asking for someone to do all their work for them.
- Extreme flaming of other members.

Things I'd like to see more of here:
- interesting strategies
- sucess/failure stories
- tools/tricks of the pros
- Maybe a paid membership category where jon and a few others post regularly new and old coveted strategies for success.
