How Did You Find Out About WickedFire?

Tell Us Where You Heard About WF

  • Another Forum (which?)

    Votes: 485 19.0%
  • Google

    Votes: 822 32.2%
  • MSN

    Votes: 6 0.2%
  • Yahoo

    Votes: 15 0.6%
  • Blog (who's?)

    Votes: 263 10.3%
  • Ad Network or AM (which?)

    Votes: 57 2.2%
  • Friend

    Votes: 839 32.9%
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    Votes: 32 1.3%
  • Newsletter (which?)

    Votes: 12 0.5%
  • Radio (which?)

    Votes: 20 0.8%

  • Total voters
I believe it was from Jon's signature on Sitepoint ( he was known as Mook-Jon back then.)

edit: nevermind, it was jon's blog that was in his sitepoint signature. I heard about wickedfire through his blog.

on a other blog was mentioned,i came over to check it out,and from there i found wickedfire.And i am very glad i did :bowdown:
From another blog. I don't remember what's her blog name is, but she praised a lot about WF and the wealth of information here. Curious to find out, I landed here. Never looked back since.
Someone in a forum (adwordmentor) referred me to Jon's blog which I subsequently visited and then found WickedFire. I unsubscribed from the former immediately, (in it's defence I learnt a lot about PPC there but it had become very boring and the owners hardly ever contributed).

However, I have kicked myself for not discovering WF earlier - would have helped the learning curve no end, not to mention the laughs.
Google searching for 'how to make money online'...

Was trying to do some drop shipping stuff and domaining, but really had no clue what I was doing...I had no idea about aff or arb or adsense or pretty much anything else before I came here- I can't believe how much I've learned since joining, every other place I've looked at pretty much sucks other than the blogs (Bluehatseo) and other resources I link to from here...

I have so many bookmarks now I have no idea if I will ever get to look at them all.