How Did You Find Out About WickedFire?

Tell Us Where You Heard About WF

  • Another Forum (which?)

    Votes: 485 19.0%
  • Google

    Votes: 822 32.2%
  • MSN

    Votes: 6 0.2%
  • Yahoo

    Votes: 15 0.6%
  • Blog (who's?)

    Votes: 263 10.3%
  • Ad Network or AM (which?)

    Votes: 57 2.2%
  • Friend

    Votes: 839 32.9%
  • Conference (which?)

    Votes: 32 1.3%
  • Newsletter (which?)

    Votes: 12 0.5%
  • Radio (which?)

    Votes: 20 0.8%

  • Total voters
Someone posted on DP about WF being sold for $16m. LOL remember that?

And I recognized Jon from SP and figured it must be a cool place...

It was that famous mook jon thread at sp, and I dont even know how I found that thread because I never hang around there, it was just pure luck :D. I think you posted about aojon there, anyway I found from there somehow and then you had like a hidden link furthest down the sidemenu to wickedfire.
I think it was from a random Google search - but can't really remember! Only a couple of months ago - fuck my memory is bad!
i read on some forum that there was a forum that was worth millions of dollars but the owner wouldnt sell it. That caught my attention and i came here to see what the fuss was about.
#webmasterradio IRC channel ....

Heard someone mention Wickedfire, saw it and signed up.
I think it was on shoes radio show, then i found the blog and read some shit and thought it was worth checking out, i embrace my neg rep :)
I think the first four months of post still have more shit on there than people like to give credit for.
I really can't remember, I had it bookmarked for awhile, but I think I found it through Google searching for PPC info.
I found it from a marketing blog by a lady who's name I don't remember. Been lurking and learning ever since. Still learning and because of that rarely post but don't miss too many days reading damn near every post.