Healthy food to eat at night?

I went from about 190 to 140. (IN B4 OMG 2 SKINNY!!)

no man not too skinny. if you are 4 ft 8.


I try not to eat too much before bed. Sleep better on an empty stomach.

Sleeptime is when your body fasts. Hence, breakfast or "break fast". You're not meant to be filled with food while you sleep. Your body operates differently than when it is awake. IMO of course, I am not a doctor or a berry flogger.
lol @ "eat fruit before bed"... enjoy being fat

even bigger lol @ vegans... enjoy your malnutrition and hair shedding

even bigger bigger lol @ the guy eating only fruit... enjoy your diabetes

did you idiots get your nutritional advice from acai landing pages?

You poor misinformed soul. I'm 140 lbs now and eat 3k fruit cals / day. If you consider this fat for someone who is 5'9 I would look into seeing a specialist who deals with eating disorders as it seems you may be headed in that direction.

"the guy eating only fruit"

I think you're imagining things, must be the fat clogging your brain. Either that or you must be referring to someone else because I'm pretty sure I did not say anywhere that I'm eating only fruit.

Malnutrition and hair shedding, lol what? I think you're confusing a proper vegan diet with people who have eating disorders and/or don't properly plan their vegan diet which happens quite often as most people don't have a clue about nutrition (vegan or not). Either way, point me to some studies and I'll listen.

Diabetes? Please explain and back it up with proof. Oh, here's something to chew on first:

Low-Fat Vegan Diet May Treat Diabetes

Scientists reveal mechanism behind high-fat, diabetes link

Diabetes explained - YouTube

If we're going to debate anything let's start by you telling us what your height/weight is and what your diet looks like?

If you're going to come at me with stupid random comments be ready to back them up instead of spewing random propaganda you hear from the media and word of mouth from fat people.


[ame=]Amazing Before and Afters, Body Transformations | The 80/10/10 Diet Proof Video #2 - YouTube[/ame]

no man not too skinny. if you are 4 ft 8.

Seriously dude? BMI of 20.7...your view of what's "normal" is twisted because everywhere you look around you, you see fat slobs. Point me to some literature that says my weight is too low. It's hilarious actually when I have fat people tell me I'm too skinny and they suddenly become experts in nutrition all while their gut is juggling around.
Fuck sakes people, just because a particular diet works for 1 person doesn't mean its the end-all word on dieting.

My 'decent' late night eating:
Plain almonds / mixed nuts
Cottage cheese + blueberries
Or if I'm starving I will go for a protein shake or leftover chicken/fish/lean pork.

Dude, you linked to a study done on mice. Mice != humans.

Also, the WebMD article stated that the vegans were supplemented w/ vitamin B12 because their diet didn't have it in sufficient quantities.

You'd think that if a vegan diet was so good for us, we would have evolved NOT to need B12 for survival.

EDIT: Height 6'1" ; Weight: 181. BF ~ 12%
Dude, you linked to a study done on mice. Mice != humans.

Also, the WebMD article stated that the vegans were supplemented w/ vitamin B12 because their diet didn't have it in sufficient quantities.

You'd think that if a vegan diet was so good for us, we would have evolved NOT to need B12 for survival.

EDIT: Height 6'1" ; Weight: 181. BF ~ 12%

So you're in agreement and defending Torgo?

Lots of studies begin on mice no? The other study was done on humans and you're changing the subject to B12. Why? We're discussing diabetes here. Please point me to studies that show a high fruit intake on a low fat diet is going to cause diabetes. Go ahead I'm waiting.

We can debate B12 once you've proved me wrong on the diabetes point. I'm not going to waste my time trying to debunk every myth people keep moving to just because they are unable to prove me wrong or prove their point on the previous myth.
Seriously dude? BMI of 20.7...your view of what's "normal" is twisted because everywhere you look around you, you see fat slobs. Point me to some literature that says my weight is too low. It's hilarious actually when I have fat people tell me I'm too skinny and they suddenly become experts in nutrition all while their gut is juggling around.

I was just giving you hell man. If you feel good and are happy with the way you look at 140, that's great. Feeling good and looking good are both highly subjective and not worth arguing over, but I like to throw out a smart ass remark now and again like everyone else.

I don't think BMI means a whole lot by itself. Per BMI, healthy weight ranges for me at 5'11 are 133-178lbs, which is quote a range. I don't see how 133 lbs can possibly be healthy for a male at 5'11, and I've been pretty healthy (good bloodwork, good cardio shape, 10-12%bf) at a BMI of 30, according to which I was obese.

That being said, everywhere I look, I usually see one of 2 things: either fat slobs or (what I consider to be) skinny bitches. Now admittedly, from the trends I see, My idea of an ideal physique is apparently falling out of favor. I prefer a look that is muscular, but not overly so to becoming an ape. You should have a definite V taper for the upper body, and the thighs should be noticeably bigger than your calves. Look like a guy that can take care of business. Think Frank Zane:


Not necessarily to be that big, but to have that look and proportions. I feel like part of being a man is the look. He should be easily distinguishable from his girlfriend when seen from behind, and even if he doesn't to do physical stuff like build a house, chop down a tree with an axe, or move furniture, he should look like he could.

So my approach comes from that aim. In the end, to each their own.
I was just giving you hell man. If you feel good and are happy with the way you look at 140, that's great. Feeling good and looking good are both highly subjective and not worth arguing over, but I like to throw out a smart ass remark now and again like everyone else.

I don't think BMI means a whole lot by itself. Per BMI, healthy weight ranges for me at 5'11 are 133-178lbs, which is quote a range. I don't see how 133 lbs can possibly be healthy for a male at 5'11, and I've been pretty healthy (good bloodwork, good cardio shape, 10-12%bf) at a BMI of 30, according to which I was obese.

That being said, everywhere I look, I usually see one of 2 things: either fat slobs or (what I consider to be) skinny bitches. Now admittedly, from the trends I see, My idea of an ideal physique is apparently falling out of favor. I prefer a look that is muscular, but not overly so to becoming an ape. You should have a definite V taper for the upper body, and the thighs should be noticeably bigger than your calves. Look like a guy that can take care of business. Think Frank Zane:


Not necessarily to be that big, but to have that look and proportions. I feel like part of being a man is the look. He should be easily distinguishable from his girlfriend when seen from behind, and even if he doesn't to do physical stuff like build a house, chop down a tree with an axe, or move furniture, he should look like he could.

So my approach comes from that aim. In the end, to each their own.

so basically you think the ideal physique is that of zyzz.... :338:
So you're in agreement and defending Torgo?

Lots of studies begin on mice no? The other study was done on humans and you're changing the subject to B12. Why? We're discussing diabetes here. Please point me to studies that show a high fruit intake on a low fat diet is going to cause diabetes. Go ahead I'm waiting.

We can debate B12 once you've proved me wrong on the diabetes point. I'm not going to waste my time trying to debunk every myth people keep moving to just because they are unable to prove me wrong or prove their point on the previous myth.

Calm down bro. No need to be so defensive. I'm just engaging you in conversation and putting your mind to sue. Not attacking you.

You're right. Lots of studies do begin on mice. But oftentimes the results of animal studies don't translate to humans. It's only natural.

What's a mouse's natural diet? Not one high in fat. So by introducing such a diet it's natural to fuck things up. The same way they did decades ago when they fed rabbits diets high in cholesterol and were able to produce marked atherosclerosis in a short period of time. And just like in that case, it doesn't work like that in humans.

As for a high fruit low fat diet causing diabetes. Never said that. Do I believe that much fruit in your diet is detrimental? For sure.

Will it give you diabetes? I hope not for your sake. Nevertheless, you're taking in way too much fructose. But it's your life - your body - your choice.

And finally, regarding B12, there's nothing to debate. It's essential to our existence. Millions of years ago we didn't have the luxury of supplements. We got our vital nutrients from our natural diet. Doesn't it make sense we continue to follow that diet? After all, we're still made up of the same genetic code.

EDIT: Not sure if you've heard of Robert Lustig but he's one of the foremost authorities on fructose. Might want to check him out on YouTube. He's got some good lectures.
"Eat like a King in the morning, a Prince at noon, and a Pauper at night."

^^^^ More outdated info like "drink 8, 8 oz. glasses of water/day and never go without food for more than 3-4 hours or your metabolism will crash".

Eat when you're hungry, don't when you're not. Our natural hunger response exists for a reason. Don't fuck with it by by putting shit in your mouth and then feeding becomes an instinctual process (the way it was meant to be) - not an intellectual one.
this thread is a great example of why you should go to nutrition forums for nutritional advice and not somewhere full of overweight (or really skinny) wannabe marketers

lol again @ the vegan guy eating 3000 calories from fructose a day... seriously, enjoy diabetes

bigger lol again @ the vegan guy using bmi to determine health... oh so I guess elite athletes are unhealthy because bmi says they're overweight???

with as much sugar flooding my blood as you I'd probably be jittery and desperate to post about raw fruit diets too but seriously, eat a steak and some eggs and put down the fruit salad. fat is great for you and eating a diet with no fat or protein is a really great way to destroy your health and look like you're from subsaharan africa
The time you eat matters, based on your lifestyle and sleeping patters. Metabolism and other factors contribute as well. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, as the urges are not often distinguished. Look to appropriately increasing your overall water intake if needed. Not just any beverage, but water.

Also change in your life can create stress, pressure or anxiety that you have not acknowledged. Whether positive or negative the reaction can be a factor to your eating and craving more. You also could just be forming the habit out of boredom and giving yourself something to do in the wee hours to comfort yourself. The eating may just be a result of other underlying issues. By addressing those causes, you eliminate the effect, which is the excessive eating. Just a thought for you to consider.

Other have suggested veggies which is almost always a good idea. Consider steaming or grilling to give yourself variety. Trail mixes are good and that is what goes on here, along with hummus and recently CrunchMaster Sea Salt crackers (There are other flavors, but the other ingredients are disagreeable). When it comes to trail mixes by creating your own, you often come out a lot cheaper and can avoid additional additives.

There seems to be a lot of debate going on, but between the egos and posturing, hopefully, something in this comment or the others helps you specifically or inspires you in the direction to maintain good health.

Lastly, you stated split testing with eggs and tuna. If you can, aim for tongol tuna or skipjack tuna in water. Trader Joes and Whole Foods have both at fair prices. If you go with a porridge have the fruit at least 30 minutes before if you are eating for the health benefits of the fruit. Otherwise if you just want a sweet taste only use fruits that have the least negative impact on the body when ate with something like porridge such as bananas or raisins.

Congratulations on becoming a parent. Wish you and your growing family positivity and good health.
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