I went from about 190 to 140. (IN B4 OMG 2 SKINNY!!)
no man not too skinny. if you are 4 ft 8.
I went from about 190 to 140. (IN B4 OMG 2 SKINNY!!)
lol @ "eat fruit before bed"... enjoy being fat
even bigger lol @ vegans... enjoy your malnutrition and hair shedding
even bigger bigger lol @ the guy eating only fruit... enjoy your diabetes
did you idiots get your nutritional advice from acai landing pages?
no man not too skinny. if you are 4 ft 8.
like feeding your kids whatever they want and that a calorie is a calorie?
Dude, you linked to a study done on mice. Mice != humans.
Also, the WebMD article stated that the vegans were supplemented w/ vitamin B12 because their diet didn't have it in sufficient quantities.
You'd think that if a vegan diet was so good for us, we would have evolved NOT to need B12 for survival.
EDIT: Height 6'1" ; Weight: 181. BF ~ 12%
Seriously dude? BMI of 20.7...your view of what's "normal" is twisted because everywhere you look around you, you see fat slobs. Point me to some literature that says my weight is too low. It's hilarious actually when I have fat people tell me I'm too skinny and they suddenly become experts in nutrition all while their gut is juggling around.
I was just giving you hell man. If you feel good and are happy with the way you look at 140, that's great. Feeling good and looking good are both highly subjective and not worth arguing over, but I like to throw out a smart ass remark now and again like everyone else.
I don't think BMI means a whole lot by itself. Per BMI, healthy weight ranges for me at 5'11 are 133-178lbs, which is quote a range. I don't see how 133 lbs can possibly be healthy for a male at 5'11, and I've been pretty healthy (good bloodwork, good cardio shape, 10-12%bf) at a BMI of 30, according to which I was obese.
That being said, everywhere I look, I usually see one of 2 things: either fat slobs or (what I consider to be) skinny bitches. Now admittedly, from the trends I see, My idea of an ideal physique is apparently falling out of favor. I prefer a look that is muscular, but not overly so to becoming an ape. You should have a definite V taper for the upper body, and the thighs should be noticeably bigger than your calves. Look like a guy that can take care of business. Think Frank Zane:
Not necessarily to be that big, but to have that look and proportions. I feel like part of being a man is the look. He should be easily distinguishable from his girlfriend when seen from behind, and even if he doesn't to do physical stuff like build a house, chop down a tree with an axe, or move furniture, he should look like he could.
So my approach comes from that aim. In the end, to each their own.
So you're in agreement and defending Torgo?
Lots of studies begin on mice no? The other study was done on humans and you're changing the subject to B12. Why? We're discussing diabetes here. Please point me to studies that show a high fruit intake on a low fat diet is going to cause diabetes. Go ahead I'm waiting.
We can debate B12 once you've proved me wrong on the diabetes point. I'm not going to waste my time trying to debunk every myth people keep moving to just because they are unable to prove me wrong or prove their point on the previous myth.
Natura Force est une marque française de compléments alimentaires naturels et bio pour la forme et le bien être.La marque propose à la fois des compléments alimentaires à base de plantes : spiruline, ginseng, curcuma, rhodiola, guarana, mais aussi à partir de principes actifs : vitamines, magnésium. Vous retrouvez aussi sur le site de la gelée royale. Natura Force