Guess What Time it is? A4D Meetup...

I think rob should speak first cause he spoke last and everyone got depressed but great info. See ya there +2
Just booked my flight- Getting in at like 10pm on the 17th. Any cheap hotels recommended nearby for that night?
I'm registered with A4D, but not running any offers... can I still come? I live in SD so I figure I might as well go if I'm allowed to.
done and handled

Highly recommended for anybody level of affiliate marketer. This will be my 3rd year in a row, and i learn great things and meet invaluable people every meet. If you can budget your stay, it'd definitely worth the investment.

I will be unhand-cuffing the hookers in my closet and taking them with me in my short yellow school bus on a 3 hour journey. There are 6 total. Be advised. Be ready. When you see me with my entourage, you will know who I am.

See you there, and bring your game face, because there is no other face to wear.
I'm going, but I'm not getting the Popup that says "Registration Received" when I RSVP. Don't want to get turned away or anything... Any suggestions?