Guess What Time it is? A4D Meetup...

wish it was closer to adtech, and maybe I could kill two birds one stone. I hear good things about this meetup. Want to make it one year. Feels like i just left vegas though.
I read this as d and rage9 will be masturbating vigorously to posters of Aaron Rogers while Matt chants "NFLol" wearing a clown suit.

Please tell me I'm not alone in this vision.

book that flight you're bringin the posters

I felt the same vision as you, only I also seen some whipped cream and vasoline in the mix.

lulz at having a bag full of that on a plane

I will bring the lube and condoms. I will even bring the big black dildos

this is turning into Meat Up 2011.

back to the thread, this sounds like it's gonna be a fun one.
please remember if you are under 21 the hard rock will not let you stay at their hotel as they do and will card you upon check in.