Guess What Time it is? A4D Meetup...


New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
We're doing our A4D Meetup here in San Diego again this year. The date will be March 19th at the Hard Rock Hotel. To get an idea how many people would like to attend please respond to this thread if you plan on coming. Last year we had around 200 people fly from all over the world to San Diego and got some amazing feedback on the event. I imagine there will be 300-400 full time affiliates attending this year.

This year it's going to cost, FREE. You just have to get yourself here is all.

It will be a 1 day event with 6-7 speakers that are full time large scale affiliate marketers which will share some of their tricks of the trade. How to work with traffic sources, optimize creatives, negotiate direct buys, how to pick offers, scale successful campaigns and much much more.

Here are some threads from the meetup last year. I can only say so much let the people that came speak for themselves.

We'll have a signup page shortly and will post it once we do. However to get some good idea on how many people are going to attend please respond here.

Look forward to seeing you all again and hearing what some of the speakers have learned in the last year. Always great to party with all our affiliates as well :)


P.S. As usual affiliates only.
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So far:

Mike Powell - Everyone already knows if they were here last year
Zack Linford - Conversion Voodoo - on the little tweaks that make the big difference
James Craig - Amazing FB dating pub
Rob Berkowitz - on converting and being compliant at the same time
Kris Kibak - One of the largest media buying pubs I know
Me - haven't decided yet

Probably 1 or 2 more as well. Please mention something you'd be interested in if you have suggestions I'm sure I can find people I know that are the best of the best in that skill set.
Been there the past 2 years always a great show put on by Smaxor. Will be there for sure!
I'm in again. Can't wait. The first two kicked ass. I'm sure this will be even better
Ah man, I already have 2 trips planned for March. Will see if I can swing this into the mix somehow... it'd be fun to meet some of you fools. Plus, my AM (Jamie) is kinda hot. Assuming she'll be there...
I'd give my left nut to go but I'm gonna be out of town. Congrats to all of you lucky bastards I heard the last one was sick.