Good places to live as an internet marketer?

Dude, having the lowest obesity rates in the country doesn't mean much when the whole damn country is obese. I spent a lot of time there - lots of fat chicks.

Yeah I agree with you there. But still, 20% obesity vs. the national average somewhere up around 35-40% is pretty good if you want to stay in the USA.

There was a graph I saw a few days ago showing obesity rates by country, and Japan was near the very bottom, USA at very a lot.

I figure it's gotta be pretty easy to find attractive women in some of the Asian countries where hardly anyone is fat. The situation in the USA has made it so that a fit girl is artificially hotter/higher value simply because so many are fat and disgusting. Shrinks the dating pool to half of what it should be.

As an American, I believe (could be wrong) you're only allowed a 5 day visit from HK to Shenzhen. The Visa crap in Asia is one big cluster.
You can actually get a 1 year L-visa (Tourist Visa) for China. The trick is to go through a Visa agency, it's much easier, you pay them and they take care of the whole process for you. Also for 1 year visas you need solid financials to prove that you can survive in their country for that long as a tourist. They might ask you to provide a bank account statement. They ain't messing with no broke niggas.
best place to live.

Another planet especially the far off ones such as Pluto, Neptune, etc

I like that. I was thinking more along the lines of what Prince Charles once said--when they asked him if he could be anything he wanted, what would he choose and he said "A tampon in Camillas purse, so he could be closer to Camilla"..

truthfully, I would love to do IM either on a farm in Iowa or in Hawaii!::bigear:
Thanks for the replies all.

But why do you need to earn five figures a month ''to bother'' doing this?

I'm thinking...

Bank in HK... travel the world for three years... go back to England and settle down :p
I expect to be earning around $5-8k per month... And it should grow...

I can't see how saving a tax bill of 28% of that would not be worth it when I want to travel anyway?

Are there major expenses attached to doing this?
b/c the hassle is not worth the 5k you are going to save?
anyone who emigrates to save money is doing it all wrong.
sun, beer, women, beaches and parties are all much stronger reasons :D

@op you can sign yourself back as resident at anytime, no tax bills. its a 1 page form. also you can still "live" in the UK as long as its no more than 183 days in a single year.
Singapore Girls (typical)



Not sure you really want to set up a company in Thailand. As a foreigner you get ripped. To start with, you need to register 2 million baht of capital (i.e. put nearly US$70,000 in a Thai bank) in order to get yourself a work permit so you can work at your own business. In addition, for each work permit you must also have 4 Thai nationals working for you, or at least shown on your company roster and registered for tax withholding. You also need a bunch of funny articles of incorporation that name 7 shareholders, a registered Thai accountant, and various other permits and fees that you don't want to do yourself so you pay an attorney. It all adds up to about another 200,000 baht. You might also end up blowing some money on a location since your biz must have an address that is for commercial purposes and you usually can't get away with using your home as your biz location. is f'ing stupid.

I've heard that Malaysia has very favorable terms for a foreigner to get a biz started. Don't know the details, maybe someone will comment.

What up Geo...First post on WF... but want to say my 2 centavos

Just moved to LOS and am setting up company this month. Its a pain but no where near as bad as you've heard. About $3500 US total , all in. The 2 mil Baht requirement is not paid in capital, so no need to put $70k US in the bank. The real kicker is the ongoing costs, minimum of $500 US per month for all the bs, licenses, tax, ect. For an 100 % IM'er I would NOT recommend it, but I am doing some offline stuff here too so it made since.

For IM income , HK company set up works good for me, if living offshore a good option.

Anywhere theres sun , good internet and lots of babes is the ticket. For now its Thailand, hit the DR when I visit the states, with occasional fun trips to Bali, Vietnam, and Maccau ;)
Come on dude, you've been living in Thailand longer than me, so you should know it's nowhere near that difficult. Right, Thai companies require a board of 7, and many (most?) don't require anywhere near that. So you simply find someone who has a company with one partner, and five friends as directors. Treat them well, agree to pay their annual registration fees, and they'll usually be more than happy to put you on as a director. Five of the companies' directors are just drinking buddies anyway, so what the hell, throwing you on as a director in exchange for registration fees is a good deal for them. Voila. work visa & permit problems solved.

No need to go through the headache of actually setting up a company, hiring 4 Thais, etc. Then just incorporate in Hong Kong, and have your money flow through there. Why let the Thai govt know how much you make, when on paper, you're just an employee / director of a small Thai company?

My set up exactly except Thai Company is mine. $$ Flow to HK..... Same Same.
Hey tiz, that's kind of interesting because the way the law is written you have to start putting that 2 million baht in a Thai bank within 90 days of registering the company - the first 25% has to be transferred in from offshore within that time. So... not sure how you get around that, or maybe they never check? Not sure you are getting the full story, or maybe things have changed, or I don't know.

When I looked at it years ago my attorney said I could get away with all kinds of things if I wanted to chance it. As long as you are small and nobody is interested in outing you then you can do just about anything - everything is like that in Thailand as you probably know. But you make an enemy or some petty cop decides he needs a bonus and you end up paying big time to stay out of the immigration detention center, or you get deported.