Flatmate stealing food - Solutions ?

I wouldn't overreact to be honest. He's obviously a peasant.

Any legal implications of putting traces of e.coli in your sugar?

You say otherwise, he's an ideal roommate, so don't overreact. Put the sugar into a different container and hide it. Fill sugar container with salt. Should get the message across without starting a war.

You've clearly never read "The Prince". The only way to deal with trouble from your adversaries is to crush them utterly. He might think that swapping sugar for salt was some sort of game. Is that what you want? You want him to play games with his gay French housemate.

What happens if it escalates and he starts stealing shower gel? What will you advocate then? Wet towel flicking?

I've met your sort before. If you were in charge of the US military at the end of World War 2, they'd STILL be taking shit from the Japanese.
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Stop buying WF Milk?

you are being out manned by a gay french dude...

i didn't know there was anything lower than that
Am I the only one who responds to a thread by the title of the thread only without reading the actual original post?

Holy shit, OP. Your roommate is a French gay man. You can't have a more beta, soft human being to deal with. I wouldn't be surprised if he was cuckolding you by fucking your girlfriend even though he derives no sexual pleasure from it.

You deserve to get your food stolen.
Dress up in a Nazi uniform and march into his room in the middle of the night, demanding that he surrenders his territory.

Oh the other hand, that could have an entirely unwanted outcome.
definitely some special "chocolate" cookies or....

stop buying food and document his starvation through one of those daily pic for xx days and post it on yt.. it might go viral in which case you should prepare for those CNN interviews "It's such a shame, he used to draw lovely trees"
if he is using your food...he should be making you food at the same time

i wouldn't care...although i also wouldn't have a roommate that wasn't a female i am sleeping with..lol

Best solution is not to have roommates
Any chance these guys are your flatmates?
Maybe this will help you understand what kind of thoughts run through a persons head when he is studying art.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS1uDnIPTvo]Video WTF Of The Week - YouTube[/ame]
Shit in the freezer. Tell him "bro I've got some truffles my aunt Gene sent in from France so even though I have a full bag of these, I ask you to leave them alone. I'm willing to turn a blind eye to your past transgressions, but these ones are really expensive. M'kay bro?"

Fucker won't resist the temptation and will eat shit.