Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?

Move to thailand, bang hot swedish chicks every night ( or kratoys, whateva your flavor) and live like a fucking king.

Has anyone suggested an office? If you go you'll do work more than likely. If you neglect to go, you'll be losing money on rent, so you'll start to go and do work.

Also, I for one would suggest against getting a house - more distractions.
I'm seeing a lot of good suggestions here. I'll address some of the most commons ones...

Traveling - My friends are all broke and my girlfriends parents are too strict to let her go on a vacation with me. So I'd have to go by myself and I don't think that would do any good.

Exercise - In high school I had hockey practice every single day after school + I would go skateboarding a lot. For about the last 7-8 months though I've gotten pretty much zero exercise. My back and neck hurts every fucking morning. This is something I definitely need to work on.

Self-discipline - I think my adderall days fucked this part up. I use to have a ton of self discipline but then I got use to letting the pill pretty much do it for me. I just have to stop being such a bitch and take control again. lol

Surrounding myself with other affiliates/successful people- This is one thing that can really drive me crazy sometimes. It sucks to have a passion... and not be able to talk and share it with others who have the same one. Wickedfire is about the only way to do this and obviously not the same as talking with people in real life. Can't go to ASE/Adtech because I'm under 21 and don't have any way of sneaking in.

This is what made hockey and skateboarding so much fun. Having a group of real life friends that do the same thing. The only way to fix this would be to move near a high affiliate populated area? Which I'm pretty sure doesn't exist lol.
Danc - I was on pills aswell and they controlled a lot of my life. You become very dependent after awhile, you just need to kick yourself in the ass. Discipline can be found in exercise, so solve one problem and others may fall into place.
Traveling - My friends are all broke and my girlfriends parents are too strict to let her go on a vacation with me. So I'd have to go by myself and I don't think that would do any good.

These are the kinds of comments that you'll look back at in 10-20 years and want to go back in time and kick the shit out of yourself.

Exercise - In high school I had hockey practice every single day after school + I would go skateboarding a lot. For about the last 7-8 months though I've gotten pretty much zero exercise. My back and neck hurts every fucking morning. This is something I definitely need to work on.

Go seek a good physical therapist to get that fixed up, and then get on a light workout plan until your back is ready to go.

I've been through two series of physical therapy because I abuse the shit out of my shoulders. They do wonders dude.

That said, you're 18, and I wouldn't have listened to anyone at age 18 either. You need to find your own path.
Get married, have kids, buy a house
At 18 lol. Was half expecting an affiliate link somewhere in that advice.

I'm sure you are well aware that 5 years living expense at home does not equal a huge cushion out on your own. Regardless you might want to re-evaluate how comfortable you are with your bank account. Realize how fortunate you are and upgrade your expectations.

You need to do some living, get out of the house, cross an ocean, explore another continent. Get your head straight and start back with a solid plan that excites you.
Find some more successful friends - association brings assimilation....

Alternatively, find an ambitious girlfriend. I told an ex a while ago "I won't accept mediocrity from you when I know you are capable of GREATNESS..."

Sadly he married someone complacent and almost 10 years later he's at about the same place he was when we met.

Also read this regularly for motivation (the Annual World Wealth Report):
I know exactly what you mean. Your soul is hungry. It's hard to inspire yourself to do something. You know you need to work hard and a part of you wants to, but you are helpless - you can't convince yourself to work hard. If I'm getting you right, I've been in the same shoes many times.

I'd suggest you:
Go for meditation
Find a nice girlfriend
Call your friends to your place to work together / or go to their place if it works.
I think you are not motivated and not doing stuff because of the work that has to be done. Maybe it just doesn't interests you or the tasks coming up are pain in the ass for you.

You got money already, so take your ideas, make a plan on what is needed, separate tasks to individual groups, see which groups of tasks you dont like doing, and just hire people to do it for you.

It would be highly motivating for you to just work on developing your ideas and business further, will make you so much more passionate when the grunt work is not done by you. The tasks that you think you shouldn't outsource and are too sensitive for the business itself, just do by yourself.

Also, paying salaries (or freelance fees) to other people would motivate you even further, cause dynamics would change and you will need to develop organizational skills and manage business, which would do you so much good for the future, not just in business, but personal life as well.
join Ryan Eagle's private gentlemen's club and blow through cash hella fast keepin up wiht the swagg that u gotta push yo self to make mo moniez

LMAO that shit didn't even make sense. You're hilarious lol and i'm laughin like an ahole
Why the hell would you bump this thread clyde? lol

Anyways if you guys want an update... I'm moving into a pretty ballin' apartment (best in my area, although that's not saying much, trust me lol) Nov 1.

Been doing a lot of reading lately (mostly Brian Tracy stuff) and plan on getting rid of all my bad habits the first month I move in. They say it takes about 30 days to make something a habit, right? Well I've got a list of things I'm going to change when I move in. Like not waking up at noon everyday, not smoking weed all day long and of course not playing halo all day... etc.lol
Why the hell would you bump this thread clyde? lol

Anyways if you guys want an update... I'm moving into a pretty ballin' apartment (best in my area, although that's not saying much, trust me lol) Nov 1.

Been doing a lot of reading lately (mostly Brian Tracy stuff) and plan on getting rid of all my bad habits the first month I move in. They say it takes about 30 days to make something a habit, right? Well I've got a list of things I'm going to change when I move in. Like not waking up at noon everyday, not smoking weed all day long and of course not playing halo all day... etc.lol

Why not start NOW? I'm always leery of people who say "oh i'm gonna XYZ starting Jan 1"...

Nothing beats a good rhythm. Right now, I'm in the mainland China, and I IMMEDIATELY fell into my sleep/work cycle. My friend I'm staying with wakes up and is in the office by 1pm. By that time I've already done a ton of things on the laptop. You can't mess with a good cycle, so find yours.