Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?

Problem is I'm eventually going to lose everything if I stay in this mindset. Then of course I'll realize what I lost and I don't want to get to that point. So I feel like by challenging myself I'll get some of that drive back.

This is true. Why not get your own place instead of buying a house? Take on some more responsibilities and you will have to work harder to keep them. With renting, you can always go back to your parents basement if things don't work out. Don't get too comfortable. Changes can occur in IM very fast.
Find a physical activity that acts a hobby. Sailing sounded like a good idea but there's a billion others. Maybe some self defense training.

Chances are, not only will you find new friends and something new you love, you'll find 20 new niches that need good, informative websites that you can make, and get affiliate revenues. That's the best way of finding a niche that you'll truly want to stick with.
You really have to ask yourself what you want to accomplish in this life. Now, you know, it's up to you whether or not you wanna just do the bare minimum or, uh-- Well, like Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair on today and a terrific smile.

Look, we want you to express yourself. Okay? Now, if you feel that the bare minumum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to wear more and we encourage that. Okay? You do wanna express yourself, don't you?
Get a house.

My baseline expenses come out to around $4,500-5,000/month...that should be enough to put some pressure on if you don't perform.
Challenge yourself.

You made $250 yesterday? Aim for $260 today.

Get an earlier start to your day. Get all your tasks done before a certain time (ie: work from 8am-3pm) then sit back, spark up a blunt, and play video games or do whatever you want. Knowing that you've accomplished all that you asked of yourself for the day will make your downtime all that much more enjoyable.

Also, regardless of your expenses you should be aiming to build up money to go invest and have it work for you so that at any point later on in your life you have the assets and cash flow to do or buy whatever the hell you want.
dude if your 18 don't buy a freaking house.. Your 18 live it the fuck up as said before do some traveling if ya want find something new, get inspired, a house isn't a bad investment and you can get one for a decent price these days but at that age you sure as hell don't want to tie yourself down on some place that you will prolly get bored with in a year or two anyway.. the older you get the more responsibility and "pressure" if thats what you want to call it will just come to you on its own...

if you really like what you do then take some time off I know when i go on an extended hiatus i feel refreshed and im almost itching to get back to work to an extent..
It's the type of work, not work itself, that's unmotivating you.

I think I know, pretty well, from talking to you a few times what you do. Try doing more projects, working with partners on new projects, and maybe investing in stuff offline.

Also if you're feeling slugglish, not just bored, then take the earliest flight you can to Montreal, go buy some expensive clothes during the day, strip club at supper time, and clubbing at night. Do this one more day and take the latest flight possible back. This should make you stay up at least one of the days for 20+ hours, you'll do lots of flying, and you'll blow a lot of money.

You'll be completely recharged and ready to work on new stuff (at least for awhile). Reason I mentioned Montreal is because you're 18 so you can legally drink.
Here's some more details on how I feel...

Wake up at like 10 am... shower, breakfast, etc...then at about 12 I start working. Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. I just can't focus. My mind starts thinking about my girlfriend, video games, partying, etc. After battling with myself for hours and not getting shit done... I get frustrated and seeing how I've got enough money in the bank for a while I just say fuck it, I'll try tomorrow, and then I go off and do something fun for rest of the night.

That's pretty much repeats itself everyday. It's frustrating because I know there is so much opportunity and I have so many idea's I want to implement but whenever I try to do one, my brain just gets foggy and nothing happens.

Maybe I'm just burnt out? Another thing that might have a lot to do with it is because I use to take adderall everyday for like 2-3 months... then I quit cold turkey because the side effects were getting bad. That was seriously like 4-5 months ago though and I haven't really felt any withdrawals.

Maybe I just get frustrated because with adderall it would pretty much get the work done for me. Now that I'm not on it I really have to use my will power and the motivation is just not there like it use to be.

Instead of being super goal oriented on adderall, now my mind just wanders and motivation is super low.

I don't think quitting adderall has much to do with it though. I mean, I built the majority of my business while I was 100% sober so I know I don't need the drug. It's just a mind fuck lol. I think it has more to do with being comfortable and therefore not motivated.

Thanks to those who are helping me out. I was expecting just get flamed but you guys are giving me a lot of good advice.
It's the type of work, not work itself, that's unmotivating you.

I think I know, pretty well, from talking to you a few times what you do. Try doing more projects, working with partners on new projects, and maybe investing in stuff offline.

Also if you're feeling slugglish, not just bored, then take the earliest flight you can to Montreal, go buy some expensive clothes during the day, strip club at supper time, and clubbing at night. Do this one more day and take the latest flight possible back. This should make you stay up at least one of the days for 20+ hours, you'll do lots of flying, and you'll blow a lot of money.

You'll be completely recharged and ready to work on new stuff (at least for awhile). Reason I mentioned Montreal is because you're 18 so you can legally drink.

Yeah, maybe I'm just tired of doing the same old shit and my business needs a change. I feel like that doing something new and having to learn a new business would definitely make me excited again and bring back a ton of motivation. But how? I'm making decent money with what I'm doing now and I'm good at it so It doesn't make sense to just throw it away and move on to something else. That's how I feel at least...
Wake up at like 10 am... shower, breakfast, etc...then at about 12 I start working. Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. I just can't focus.

Do you exercise? Using a treadmill, going for a walk or whatever can help with focus and such.
Money after a certain point is just not good enough to motivate even rudimentary cognitive work. You have to find something bigger. Focusing on mastering a skill is a good option (like playing drums, racing). Even if it won't make you more money, at least you will be doing something you like. And travelling is also A+ recommendation.
^ Yo I used to get that feeling. Where you would sit at your puter and hours would go by and ud have nothing to show.

Try changing your environment. Work at a library or internet cafe.
Travel the world, so many people (especially older people) who are locked down in there 9 to 5 and have been for their entire lives would kill to be in the position you are in.
Yeah, maybe I'm just tired of doing the same old shit and my business needs a change. I feel like that doing something new and having to learn a new business would definitely make me excited again and bring back a ton of motivation. But how? I'm making decent money with what I'm doing now and I'm good at it so It doesn't make sense to just throw it away and move on to something else. That's how I feel at least...

Not something totally new - just a new direction.

...Like going from what you're doing now to building out an e-commerce store, etc.

Same principles and everything, just a new exciting project.
Here's some more details on how I feel...

Wake up at like 10 am... shower, breakfast, etc...then at about 12 I start working. Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. I just can't focus. My mind starts thinking about my girlfriend, video games, partying, etc. After battling with myself for hours and not getting shit done... I get frustrated and seeing how I've got enough money in the bank for a while I just say fuck it, I'll try tomorrow, and then I go off and do something fun for rest of the night.

... first things first, take control of your fucking mind. Everyone has issues with prolonged focus, but if you can't even accomplish a little bit of work then you seriously need to develop at least an inch of self discipline.

A really simple place to start would be with Eat That Frog and 8 Minute Meditation.

Read/DL them here:


This is really pissing me off. I want to work, but deep down inside I just feel too comfortable and complacent with where I'm at. It's like a constant battle with myself.

I think I'm either burnt out or need a new challenge.

Right now, my monthly expenses are so low that I could live like this for 5 + years without working. I'm guessing that is why I'm feeling like this. I had a crazy idea to buy my first house thinking it would give me some excitement and put some "pressure" on me.

I can afford a house... but I've been avoiding it because it just feels like it's going to add stress and might as well milk living at home for cheap for a bit longer. It's like I'm scared of the challenge that purchasing a house will bring, but I think at the same time it's going to restore some "drive" in me.

Some people work well under pressure... others are the opposite. I feel like I need to have some pressure on me otherwise I just want to be lazy and play video games. It's getting borrrrinnngg.

So yeah just wondering if you ever did/bought something to put pressure on you to stop the feeling of being "too comfortable"

You might need a change of pace, if you feel like getting into making Facebook games, send me a pm.

I was doing IM full time for a couple of years, I found it was crazy profitable but also really unstable, then I made a movie to mix things up, then I started a social gaming company. Making games on FB is pretty fun & profitable, and it's a really hot long term niche right now =)

If you try things that are completely different than what you're currently doing, you learn new skills and not knowing everything about what you're doing forces you to work hard at it.