Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?

I would say get some bigger goals! buy a ferrari, buy a holiday home in the Caribbean... anything that requires money. BUT I don't think that's your main problem.


Before you go to sleep at night, write a list of all the things you want to do the next day for your business. Make an agreement with yourself that if you write it on the list you have to do it. HAVE TO FUCKING DO IT, NO EXCUSE. If you don't want to do it don't write it down.

So the next day when you sit down at the desk DO ALL THE SHIT you said you would do! NO EXCUSE.

The main thing is that you need DO IT. If you don't want to do it, don't write it on the list the night before. Make an agreement with yourself that you won't leave your desk until it's all done.


I'll probably get flamed for suggesting this, but given your age how about expanding your education?

This is what I'm doing. I'm 18 as well and towards the end of the summer I was starting to feel like the OP was... I have a big steady stream of passive income and was having problems motivating myself towards creating new things.

Now with so much stuff going on in college I'm having a good time, and I'm doing so much that I'm starting to look forward to the time where I can settle back into my dorm room and get back to doing AM work.

And also I have to pay $40,000/year in tuition so there is that pressure/motiviation as well :rolleyes:
Go work a shitty job for a few months, that will give you a good appreciation for being successful in the Internet Marketing area and hopefully provide the focus and motivation you need.
Like some other people suggested - get OUT of your comfort zone. Work on something bigger and more challenging. No need to "throw away everything". Just use that money to fund something else.
I'm going thru the same situation. I normally work less than 30 minutes a day (although that 30 minutes make me more $ than most people earn in a month).

I’ll move to a penthouse in São Paulo, Brazil in a month (€10k/monthly rent = expensive=motivation) to start a physical business that requires 15+ employees (responsibility + big initial investment = motivation).

Also, the notion that if I screw up I may end up dead in a favela will put me on my toes 24/7 = EXTREME motivation.
OP is 18. You can all talk until you're blue in the face. I remember how well I listened to good advice when I was 18. In other words, he's got a lot of growing up to do and most of what you're saying will be acknowledged but not acted upon.

You gotta move in baby steps.

Step 1 - Get out of your parents house. :)
18, tons of money, and bored? Lots of non-monetary challenges in the world that you might be interested in - think Africa, Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, Hell even Arkansas - places where a few mil plus smarts can really improve peoples lives and move you into the big leagues.
I didn't want to rush into it because I'm only 18 and have very little credit history. I think I have enough history now though to get approved for a place.

Don't worry about getting a house - you'll never get a mortgage now. Banks are so fucking tight on mortgages it isn't even funny, and 18 years old with little credit history and not 2 years worth of W2's to show them...good luck with that.

Have you thought about investing your money in established sites? Seeing too much money in the bank account can make you complacent, so if it's out there working for you, not only do you not see it every day, but it's actually earning more than it would in the bank anyway, as long as you know how to continue to grow sites.
Another vote for travel. At the beginning of this year I couldn't find any motivation so I booked a trip to Philippines, then came back more creative, focused and productive. I went again (Philippines) came back, same thing, some great ideas came to me during the trip and when I got home I couldn't wait to get hustling. Went to the Middle East the next month which was a crazy mind fuck of a trip and some real visionary shit came to me, in terms of what I want out of life and how I can achieve through IM. I've been hustling based on those new ideas and inspiration for the past 2 months.

Travel gave me motivation because being able to afford those trips whenever I want became very clear to me as a goal; and also taking a step back from your business to the point where you really can't do any real work, gives you some perspective on the big picture. Plus you get anxious to hammer out your new ideas when you get home because during the trip you really can't (I brought a netbook to surf and do a bit of maintenance, but I couldn't really work). So get on a plane and go discover some shit.
You need a wife and children, you need to pay the bills every month.
You need to be in charge, to be responsible.

Worst Advice Ever.

Dude, you're living the dream. You're young, and you're complaining that because you have too much money you're complacent. Sounds like a good problem to have to me! Most young dudes are broke and don't have a pot to piss in.

Like others have said, travel. A lot.
Worst Advice Ever.

Dude, you're living the dream. You're young, and you're complaining that because you have too much money you're complacent. Sounds like a good problem to have to me! Most young dudes are broke and don't have a pot to piss in.

Like others have said, travel. A lot.

I was joking about wife and children.
But the only way to go out from the comfort zone is to take responsibility.
Travel is only a temporary solution, the problem is waiting for you whenever you'll be back home.
I use to take adderall everyday for like 2-3 months... then I quit cold turkey because the side effects were getting bad. That was seriously like 4-5 months ago though and I haven't really felt any withdrawals.

Maybe I just get frustrated because with adderall it would pretty much get the work done for me. Now that I'm not on it I really have to use my will power and the motivation is just not there like it use to be.

Instead of being super goal oriented on adderall, now my mind just wanders and motivation is super low.

Were you prescribed the Adderall or did you just take it to stay up longer and get more work done? If that's the case, it may be more along the lines of the brain damage side effect starting to take it's toll. You might want to see a doctor.

My advice for real, though: invest in something. Take some risks with that extra money, don't just let it build and forget.

Regardless, I deleted my old Live account (Rodite) and forgot your screenname, so next time you get the chance, add ShallowSidekick. Thanks.

I suggest you use that well earned money and travel somewhere very different, for atleast a month.

It will open yourself to new things, and you will get a better perspective on life for sure.

Everyone needs this once in a while, but most cannot afford it.
This is really pissing me off. I want to work, but deep down inside I just feel too comfortable and complacent with where I'm at. It's like a constant battle with myself.

I think I'm either burnt out or need a new challenge.

Right now, my monthly expenses are so low that I could live like this for 5 + years without working. I'm guessing that is why I'm feeling like this. I had a crazy idea to buy my first house thinking it would give me some excitement and put some "pressure" on me.

I can afford a house... but I've been avoiding it because it just feels like it's going to add stress and might as well milk living at home for cheap for a bit longer. It's like I'm scared of the challenge that purchasing a house will bring, but I think at the same time it's going to restore some "drive" in me.

Some people work well under pressure... others are the opposite. I feel like I need to have some pressure on me otherwise I just want to be lazy and play video games. It's getting borrrrinnngg.

So yeah just wondering if you ever did/bought something to put pressure on you to stop the feeling of being "too comfortable"

it's all about surrounding yourself with the right people.

if your close friends are just slackers, you won't feel motivated to work.

if your close friends do what you do, internet marketing, then you'll feel motivated to "compete" with them, innovate, etc.
Here's some more details on how I feel...

Wake up at like 10 am... shower, breakfast, etc...then at about 12 I start working. Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. I just can't focus. My mind starts thinking about my girlfriend, video games, partying, etc. After battling with myself for hours and not getting shit done... I get frustrated and seeing how I've got enough money in the bank for a while I just say fuck it, I'll try tomorrow, and then I go off and do something fun for rest of the night.

I don't know you, but you seem like a passionless person right now. You're not feeling. You're just... there.

What do you LOVE? What drives you? Isn't there something out there that pisses you off and makes you want to change it? Some bullshit industry? Some political fiasco going on? Some place where there's no good information and you end up in "Google Hell" trying to find it?

The niche I'm going after is something I love, but it's also something where there's too many lying assholes, dipships, and profiteers who need to be hit with a hammer. It pisses me off. And that's what drives me every day - because there's something in the world that I want to change, and am very slowly making that change.

What drives you? What pisses you off? What do you want to fix?

If you can't answer these questions, you may want to "meditate" and figure it out. It doesn't have to be about money, but you need to want to do something besides sit around playing video games/thinking about some girl/worrying about non-consequential shit.

I recently recommended some NLP to another guy in a thread, I recommend it to you too.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/NLP-New-Technology-Achievement-Comprehensive/dp/0688146198]Amazon.com: NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (9780688146191): NLP Comprehensive, Steve Andreas, Charles Faulkner: Books[/ame]

You need an overarching goal... you need a mission statement.

After you answer those above questions, it might turn out that your business is not your passion. Maybe it's time you sold it for cash, and started a new one that you care about from scratch with $10k and the rest in a bank account you're not allowed to touch. You already have the tools to make it work.

But on the flip side of the coin - no 18 year old really knows shit about what they want, so you're not alone. You're allowed to have fun and allowed to be lazy too. If you want to just go have a teenage fuckfest, then by all mean do it NOW and get it out of your system. Just don't make a 10 year lifestyle out of it.
I was going to say something roughly along the lines of you have no expenses, no responsibilities, live at home, etc... and ask the question of could you last five years if you had expenses, responsibilities, etc... then I read this:

Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. ... After battling with myself for hours and not getting shit done..

That's pretty much repeats itself everyday. It's frustrating because I know there is so much opportunity and I have so many idea's I want to implement but whenever I try to do one, my brain just gets foggy and nothing happens.
Then I changed my mind since sometimes (more then I like to admit) that is me. And I have a home, family, am the breadwinner, etc...

Congrats on doing so well at such a young age. Don't blow it all as things go up and down in this business so save/invest some as well (but yes go have some fun and spend some money as suggested above too) and find a passion.
Here's some more details on how I feel...

Wake up at like 10 am... shower, breakfast, etc...then at about 12 I start working. Next thing you know, like 4 hours have gone by and I haven't done shit. I just can't focus. My mind starts thinking about my girlfriend, video games, partying, etc. After battling with myself for hours and not getting shit done... I get frustrated and seeing how I've got enough money in the bank for a while I just say fuck it, I'll try tomorrow, and then I go off and do something fun for rest of the night.

That's pretty much repeats itself everyday. It's frustrating because I know there is so much opportunity and I have so many idea's I want to implement but whenever I try to do one, my brain just gets foggy and nothing happens.

Maybe I'm just burnt out? Another thing that might have a lot to do with it is because I use to take adderall everyday for like 2-3 months... then I quit cold turkey because the side effects were getting bad. That was seriously like 4-5 months ago though and I haven't really felt any withdrawals.

Maybe I just get frustrated because with adderall it would pretty much get the work done for me. Now that I'm not on it I really have to use my will power and the motivation is just not there like it use to be.

Instead of being super goal oriented on adderall, now my mind just wanders and motivation is super low.

I don't think quitting adderall has much to do with it though. I mean, I built the majority of my business while I was 100% sober so I know I don't need the drug. It's just a mind fuck lol. I think it has more to do with being comfortable and therefore not motivated.

Thanks to those who are helping me out. I was expecting just get flamed but you guys are giving me a lot of good advice.

Kind of in the same position and glad I looked at this thread. I can't focus either and I have no motivation. I feel like I have no energy to do the work. Video games is one of the reasons and I think I won't renew my xbox live in october when its up. Damn Madden 11 and MW2.

What did help me in the past was to set up a to do/daily goal list and I would get everything done THEN reward myself for that day and do whatever I wanted. I have no clue why I stopped, going to start trying that again. Maybe that might help you out?
I don't think I've ever replied to a thread here, but this IS the answer you're looking for.

You need to find a few people to work with, together, on a project that you collaborate on. Basically, you need someone to be accountable to. There's no reason for you to do anything yourself, because there are no consequences if you don't.

Some people aren't motivated by gains, they're more motivated by fear of consequences, and fear of loss. You could be one of those people.

90% of the job requirements of a personal trainer at the gym is just showing up, and being there, so that the client feels guilty if they don't show up for their appointment. That's really all they do. They just stand there, tell you to do stuff, and you do it.

The real power of a personal trainer, or gym partner, is knowing they're going to be there, and that you need to show up too.

Find someone to work with.