Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?

Dream more. Things might be decent now but imagine how great they could be if you put more effort and planning into your business.

I post pieces of paper up on my office door with a simple, re-occuring daily goal, then “no excuses” written underneath it. Seems to work since if I slack off I’ve got that goal up there torturing me.

The dream part is probably the hardest part to acheive. Some people seem to be motivated by nothing.

Personally, after I started out on my own, before about age 22. I couldnt find anything to motivate me.

Today I am highly motivated and ambitious, the things that motivate me most are supporting my Wife and her mother, persuing our plans together, challenging myself, and growing our business.

If you have free time with nothing to fill it, the absolute best thing you can do to fill that time is by reading. Any kind of motivational books will suffice.

Read about historical figures. Alexander the Great (look at what he accomplished before he was 25, makes my goals seem puny), Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Talleyrand, George Washington, John Adams.

And not so historical figures, 50 Cent - read 50th Law, definately reads like a Robert Greene book, but thats not a bad thing :)

Also read about strategies as you can apply them to any situation, so of course read

The Art of War - Sun Tzu
48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

To keep this post short Ill just stop here, you should get the point.

If improving your outer self doesnt motivate you (money, cars, houses, ect), then look to improving your inner self (self-education, health, confidence)

18, tons of money, and bored? What a douche.

lol I'm not bored at all. I've been having a ton of fun, but not getting much work done.

I want to get back on my grind, but I feel like I'm on a vacation and having trouble getting back into the work routine. That's why I said I feel too comfortable. I'm guessing it's because I have little responsibility. Which was why I think getting a house and growing up a bit might help.
lol I'm not bored at all. I've been having a ton of fun, but not getting much work done.

I want to get back on my grind, but I feel like I'm on a vacation and having trouble getting back into the work routine. That's why I said I feel too comfortable. I'm guessing it's because I have little responsibility. Which was why I think getting a house and growing up a bit might help.

put all your money away and pretend like you're starting fresh again, see how much you can hustle with no capital other than your skills
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It sounds like you need to join an underground fight club. Perhaps take up soap making as a hobby?
This is really pissing me off. I want to work, but deep down inside I just feel too comfortable and complacent with where I'm at.

That's a good problem to have, I mean the opposite makes for a much more stressful day-to-day!

I do know what you mean though, I felt like that for about 2 years straight about 3 years ago.. a few unexpected life changes shook me up and moving in a new direction, and I credit new challenges to my kick start.

Try pushing something new, couldn't hurt.
lol I'm not bored at all. I've been having a ton of fun, but not getting much work done.

I want to get back on my grind, but I feel like I'm on a vacation and having trouble getting back into the work routine. That's why I said I feel too comfortable. I'm guessing it's because I have little responsibility. Which was why I think getting a house and growing up a bit might help.

OK, why rush into "responsibility"? Don't buy a place, it ties up all your money from other more lucrative investments. Go live in a cool apartment somewhere in a baller neighbourhood and live it up some more. Work hard during the day, party hard at night and travel a bit. You're 18. You haven't even lived and you're talking like you want to get a place and settle down... which to me sounds even more like a comfort zone.

The soap thing was dumb, but a hobby isn't a bad idea. What are your interests when you're not making stacks on the internet?
put all your money away and pretend like you're starting fresh again, see how much you can hustle with no capital other than your skills

^ +1 I do this all the time - liquid is nice, only make big moves in life. I would only buy that house if you can buy it flat out - no mortgage. If you can't, perhaps that should be your self-motivator. Save up enough to buy a nice starter without credit and you've pressed a nice reset button and are onto your next level of profit - get a mortgage/credit, you're wasting money and won't feel more responsible or powerful for beating it because you won't. Also don't forget there's TONS of expenses for a home you may not be aware of. Life insurance, land transfer taxes, utilities, household needs, trust me the shit adds up fast.

I did exactly what I'm saying not to do back when I was 20, lived like a pimp but needlessy surrendered 80K net as a downpayment to be a slave to the bank for the next few years before flipping it.

Be careful mate, again I'd advise only making big moves in life - without credit, and never drop your full 100% of your savings on any one thing.
I think you need to add some more pressures. Buy a house, do something that challenges you so you want to make more money, work harder and you feel like you're accomplishing something, or just do the things you want to do that you never have done before.

Life is too short to be complacent... Get out there and do something
Exercise man, no kidding. Find a sport that challenges your body or simply commit on running 1 hour every day or something.

I sail almost every weekend, I swear I feel awesome even when it was a shitty day on the water because of the adrenaline. I just want to do things non-stop and have a positive attitude after it.

You will notice the difference the first day.
Thought about renting an office?

Somewhere nice, and a short distance. Buy yourself a sick bike. Ride to work (covers exercise) and the Office rental will give you some minimal pressure to perform. Find another IM'er in your area and get them to share the office with you, so you're not bat shit bored.

Danc - It sounds like what you're suffering from is boredom. Have you read 4 Hour Work Week? If not, don't let the name fool you. Its not a book about productivity (although that is addressed) - its about lifestyle design. If you have some cash saved up and you are bored, maybe skipping straight to some of the fun stuff in this book is what's in order.
id go even crazier. Want to shake things up?

Get some of your loot and fly down to Colombia. PM me
put all your money away and pretend like you're starting fresh again, see how much you can hustle with no capital other than your skills

That is excellent advice.

Dude don't buy a house. Get an apartment for at least a few months and get to know what it's like having to pay bills, fend for yourself, keep your own place neat, etc. Wait til you've had your car break down, your dog get sick, and someone close to you need some money all in the same week that rent is due before you buy a house because that's what will eventually happen but it will be your ass on the line with a mortgage on your hands. I'm not saying you can't handle it but it's better to walk before you run.
join Ryan Eagle's private gentlemen's club and blow through cash hella fast keepin up wiht the swagg that u gotta push yo self to make mo moniez
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I'll probably get flamed for suggesting this, but given your age how about expanding your education?
After speaking with you a few times on AIM, I think I know a little more about the background of your stresses etc, and why you're putting pressure on yourself to get some more longer term shit into place.

I agree with others that you're still young and should be livin it up like a normal 18 year old should be (shit I was drunk 5-6 nights a week at your age), but I think you've put all your eggs into this IM basket and you basically have a mindset that you can't fuck this up. Because if you blow your cash you have on reserve, you're at square one again with nothing to fall back on.

My suggestion to you is to start building/acquiring more longer term web assets. Nothing is gonna get you returns like what you're doing now, which is why you're so successful in the first place. Buying a house sounds great on paper, but what you've done is tied up all your cash flow into a property, but what happens if your IM income dries up? You'll need to either get a job, or sell your house (possibly at a loss) to get things going again. You can also invest in stocks/funds, but again you need short term cash flow to keep this biz going and selling at losses is not your best option right now.

You'll do just fine though dude, but you gotta start grinding again and take some calculated risks with your monies.