Feeling Too Comfortable. Any Advice?


New member
May 17, 2008
This is really pissing me off. I want to work, but deep down inside I just feel too comfortable and complacent with where I'm at. It's like a constant battle with myself.

I think I'm either burnt out or need a new challenge.

Right now, my monthly expenses are so low that I could live like this for 5 + years without working. I'm guessing that is why I'm feeling like this. I had a crazy idea to buy my first house thinking it would give me some excitement and put some "pressure" on me.

I can afford a house... but I've been avoiding it because it just feels like it's going to add stress and might as well milk living at home for cheap for a bit longer. It's like I'm scared of the challenge that purchasing a house will bring, but I think at the same time it's going to restore some "drive" in me.

Some people work well under pressure... others are the opposite. I feel like I need to have some pressure on me otherwise I just want to be lazy and play video games. It's getting borrrrinnngg.

So yeah just wondering if you ever did/bought something to put pressure on you to stop the feeling of being "too comfortable"

you need very little to just live and enjoy life, maybe deep down inside you realize that once all the basic needs are covered you're just wasting time on this extra stuff, instead of doing what's really important to you... and understanding that makes you feel unsatisfied.
you need very little to just live and enjoy life, maybe deep down inside you realize that once all the basic needs are covered you're just wasting time on this extra stuff, instead of doing what's really important to you... and understanding that makes you feel unsatisfied.

I think I get what you're saying.

And I don't feel depressed at all... It's just I don't want to work because I don't feel like I need too. I'd rather hang out with my girlfriend, smoke pot or play video games lol.

Problem is I'm eventually going to lose everything if I stay in this mindset. Then of course I'll realize what I lost and I don't want to get to that point. So I feel like by challenging myself I'll get some of that drive back.

I'm just wondering if making a big change like this will bring back some of that drive or is it just a myth?
recharge your batteries with a little vacation dude! even a short weekend getaway gets me completely reinvigorated
I think you should travel more. I'd arrange something with a few friends and have a blast. It reminds you what you're working for.

Also, instead of buying a house I suggest you rent a really fly apartment.

Another thing you might want to do is think bigger in business terms. Starting up a new company or creating a new project on a big scale will bring that core motivation out of you.
Build your business and expand your knowledge, save your money and build assets. Never stop learning. If you don't you will be surpassed by others and left in the dust, leaving you with nothing and having to work a day job that you hate but can't quit,because of circumstances, such as kids, loans, credit cards, etc.
i'm going through the EXACT same thing right now - so i decided to pack up and move to Buenos Aires. Money goes far. I don't know the language or a single person there. It'll be a challenge. And I'll have lots of time on my hands for new projects. You gotta mix it up a bit before you start to fester.
Set a physical challenge and do it. Something that seems insanely tough based on your current physical state.

Run a Marathon, triathlon whatever. Do 200 pushups without resting, Swim the Channel.. etc..

Pick something that seems moderately impossible right now and set your mind to getting it done.

It's a good way to get out of a rut.
Sounds like you just need to move out of your parents' basement.



on one hand you said you need a challenge. then you said you're scared to buy a house because it will challenge you.

so. i say move out the basement and when reality hits you in the face, you're either buckle and run home to mum, or be a man...

lmao@ monthly expenses are so low

yeah, that happens when you're living at home.

go out and rent a place. don't even buy. just rent. buy your own food, pay utilities..

*why the fuck im replying*
If you can afford a house, get one. You never know when you'll be able to afford one again (hey, shit happens. You might get sick, lose a limb, etc.) and it's just stupid not to unless you're planning on investing that money at the moment. Money doesn't do shit for you sitting in the bank or hiding under your mattress. Either get a house or invest it in something else (a home is an investment, especially with home prices so low nowadays thanks to the shitty ass economy).
stop fucking around then and start traveling, if you are really livin like that inv a friend with you and tell them that you will pay for part of it. traveling abroad is an amazing experience

lmao@ monthly expenses are so low

yeah, that happens when you're living at home.

go out and rent a place. don't even buy. just rent. buy your own food, pay utilities..

*why the fuck im replying*

I didn't want to rush into it because I'm only 18 and have very little credit history. I think I have enough history now though to get approved for a place.

And I'm not in the basement, thanks for asking lol
Get a wife, kids and a mortgage.

Overextend yourself by buying a bunch of shit on credit that you don't need. Make sure all accounts have high interest rates so you have a hard time paying it off.

There, motivated now? ;-)
The last thing you need when feeling complacent is a vacation, it wont help. It might actually make it harder to get back to the usual work routine.

I use to think I was the type of person who couldnt function under pressure, and even a few trials confirmed my belief, until the pressure wouldnt let up and I had no choice but to step up to the plate. Even got my ass kicked then, but still didnt have a choice, had to get up and keep fighting, then I found my zone.

I'm not afraid of challenges like I use to be. I'm always looking for more, its a very liberating feeling to not be controlled by fear of failure.

I too moved out right out of high school. It would have been very easy for me to have lived with my parents for a little longer until I had more of a firm footing, and I might have even been further along than I am today. But I wouldnt have learned the lessons I learned by just taking on everything that came my way, or putting off challenges until a more convienient time.

I would probably still be in a state of bliss thinking life was easier than it really was, and when things inevitably do get tougher, it would have caught me by suprise and I would have lost a lot more learning those lessons later on.

So, I wouldnt change any of the ways I did things. I know when things do get tougher or even seem impossible, I have built up the confidence and experience to take on whatever comes.
Dream more. Things might be decent now but imagine how great they could be if you put more effort and planning into your business.

I post pieces of paper up on my office door with a simple, re-occuring daily goal, then “no excuses” written underneath it. Seems to work since if I slack off I’ve got that goal up there torturing me.