Fear of Dying

death drives me. i laugh at the shit people complain about with their stupid commuting stories and whatnot. this is your time (haha, and you are in STS ;) so do it up.

NEVER forget the fucking insane lottery you won. i saw a shooting star last night and thought, fuck, our planet has a fucking force field! we are in the perfect spot in our solar system for the life we have on earth. and then of all the millions of sperms your great grandfather could have shot into your grandma....and on and on...and you were created....out of all those odds. its literally astronomical.

i think the more we fear death the less we appreciate life. but i have to tell myself that because i hate getting old. it depresses me. and it happens fast youngin's so get ready. and pump your fist because holy fuck, you got to be here.

Anyone who claims to not fear death is full of shit. Sure you may think in this very moment you aren't afraid, but being face to face with it is another story. No matter what your beliefs are, death is a scary thing and it's only natural to be afraid.
Anyone who claims to not fear death is full of shit. Sure you may think in this very moment you aren't afraid, but being face to face with it is another story. No matter what your beliefs are, death is a scary thing and it's only natural to be afraid.

Most people who have found purpose in their life arent afraid of death.

What makes people afraid of death is the way death is viewed in society. The preservation of life at all costs. In most western countries you wouldnt even be allowed to die if psychologists confirmed your asking for death was a real and rational decision.

Lots of whats going on in the world revolves around the "fact" that life, no matter how shitty, is worth more than anything else. You see the scum that weighs 1000+ pounds that cant leave his bed, cant do anything but watch tv all day, gets millions spent on for the best doctors in the world to repair the damage he caused to his body.

Doesnt matter whether life is a "gift". Most people waste it. They get fat on carbs, then take medicine for their high blood pressure, medicine for their "diabetes" which, in fact, is only a label slapped on by someone to make their "condition" a disease, while in reality, their problem is that they are full of empty carbs 24/7 - a healthy diet would solve the problem over the weekend. Medicine for their "chronic back pain", welfare because they are unable to work because their chronic back pain is a condition. List goes on.

I was at the dentist and she had to drill a hole in my tooth. Afterwards she said that I was very brave and was almost mad because I didnt ask for a painkilling injection. This was when I was in my twenties, not some child or anything. The sensation, although obviously "painful", was very mild and more like an interesting sensation than excruciating, torturous pain. However, we, as a society, have grown such small balls that the slightest possibility of pain sends shivers down our back.

There are people developing phobias of everything. Those phobias get accepted as "diseases" and are then treated. The dumb produce children at an alarming rate while the more or less rich get taxed to produce welfare for those retards child support. Because if some policy cant be pushed through on what it might be, it will just include "but its for the children".

This society is fucked up. People live in total safety. When was the last time you didnt have electricity? When was the last time food was more than a 5 minute drive away? We dont even know what living feels like. We get numbed with painkillers and carbohydrates, our bodies only living longer because we every single one of us takes 3 pills a day, on average.

My mother is an elementary school teacher. Not a world is doomed type of person. Shes always viewing stuff positively. But she knows, for a fact, that the children that enter school get dumber, every year. Of her colleagues, not only is she the only one who took math classes in college, all of her colleagues arent even able to teach elementary school math.

Life, as we know it, revolves around doing groceries, washing the dishes and driving to the doctor if something imaginary happens to our bodies. When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Anything dangerous?

The biggest problem most guys have is getting laid. That alone speaks volumes.

Get up and begin embracing life. Your fear of death is the fear of not having utilized your life in some meaningful way. Living this day like it was your last is shitty advice because most of us would choose to go down covered in hookers, booze and coke. But make it meaningful. Im off to the gym.
I'm not so much afraid of death as much as I worry that I won't make as much out of my life as I could before my time is up. But death to me, more than anything, represents peace.
All I learned from an car accident i had in 97 where i broke my spine and skull and was in coma for a week is:


Its about living in the presence and not in the past or future.

Enjoy your given time :p
Most people who have found purpose in their life arent afraid of death.

What makes people afraid of death is the way death is viewed in society. The preservation of life at all costs. In most western countries you wouldnt even be allowed to die if psychologists confirmed your asking for death was a real and rational decision.

Lots of whats going on in the world revolves around the "fact" that life, no matter how shitty, is worth more than anything else. You see the scum that weighs 1000+ pounds that cant leave his bed, cant do anything but watch tv all day, gets millions spent on for the best doctors in the world to repair the damage he caused to his body.

Doesnt matter whether life is a "gift". Most people waste it. They get fat on carbs, then take medicine for their high blood pressure, medicine for their "diabetes" which, in fact, is only a label slapped on by someone to make their "condition" a disease, while in reality, their problem is that they are full of empty carbs 24/7 - a healthy diet would solve the problem over the weekend. Medicine for their "chronic back pain", welfare because they are unable to work because their chronic back pain is a condition. List goes on.

I was at the dentist and she had to drill a hole in my tooth. Afterwards she said that I was very brave and was almost mad because I didnt ask for a painkilling injection. This was when I was in my twenties, not some child or anything. The sensation, although obviously "painful", was very mild and more like an interesting sensation than excruciating, torturous pain. However, we, as a society, have grown such small balls that the slightest possibility of pain sends shivers down our back.

There are people developing phobias of everything. Those phobias get accepted as "diseases" and are then treated. The dumb produce children at an alarming rate while the more or less rich get taxed to produce welfare for those retards child support. Because if some policy cant be pushed through on what it might be, it will just include "but its for the children".

This society is fucked up. People live in total safety. When was the last time you didnt have electricity? When was the last time food was more than a 5 minute drive away? We dont even know what living feels like. We get numbed with painkillers and carbohydrates, our bodies only living longer because we every single one of us takes 3 pills a day, on average.

My mother is an elementary school teacher. Not a world is doomed type of person. Shes always viewing stuff positively. But she knows, for a fact, that the children that enter school get dumber, every year. Of her colleagues, not only is she the only one who took math classes in college, all of her colleagues arent even able to teach elementary school math.

Life, as we know it, revolves around doing groceries, washing the dishes and driving to the doctor if something imaginary happens to our bodies. When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Anything dangerous?

The biggest problem most guys have is getting laid. That alone speaks volumes.

Get up and begin embracing life. Your fear of death is the fear of not having utilized your life in some meaningful way. Living this day like it was your last is shitty advice because most of us would choose to go down covered in hookers, booze and coke. But make it meaningful. Im off to the gym.

Man, some or you guys need to study a little philosophy.

Okay, A LOT of philosophy. As a matter of fact, maybe someone would actually watch this: http://oyc.yale.edu/philosophy/death/content/sessions/lecture23.html

BTW, I try and stretch my comfort zones everyday. Not everyone lives a life of cowardice, mediocrity, and misery.

Am I scared of being dead? No
Am I scared of getting hit by a bus? Yes
Am I scared of not being alive? No
Am I scared of being eaten by a bengal? Yes

I'm scared of things that cause pain, not of ceasing to be. If I was I'd make up some bullshit to believe in like the Tibetan Book of the Dead, near death experiences, or [insert wrong religion here].

Am I afraid of dying? No.
Am I afraid of loved ones dying? Yes

I'm MUCH more afraid of being alone or unfulfilled than I am of being dead. My life is a race to make my eulogy as large and meaningful as possible. Why be scared of the finish line when I'm taking part in the race? What a miserable way to live...
Fear of death = fear of the unknown, imo.

When I die, I will never exist again. Time will, from my non-existent point of view, fly by in an instant once I die (according to the awesome theory I made up in my head, anyway). Year 2012, 2100, 3000, 4000, 10000, 1 billion A.D., etc... until what? The universe implodes on itself?

What happens after that? That's the mind bending shit that trips me out. I'm not afraid of death per se, but thinking about time very far in the future (long after I am dead) gives me some inexplicable heebie jeebies.

This x 9000. The fear for me isn't necessarily dying, it's trying to fathom what it will be like to not exist forever. Every since I was 11 or 12, I used to sit in bed at night and try to imagine what infinitely was truly like. I could let my mind go and go and, eventually, I'd hit a point where I would feel like I was about to "get" (understand) what infinity meant and then my brain would basically BSOD and I'd be back to square one.

people fear of dying because they think this is the end of life but in fact the death is just a new beginning, believe in GOD and ask for forgiveness you will be feeling calm!

Fairy tales and make-believe are for children.
This x 9000. The fear for me isn't necessarily dying, it's trying to fathom what it will be like to not exist forever. Every since I was 11 or 12, I used to sit in bed at night and try to imagine what infinitely was truly like. I could let my mind go and go and, eventually, I'd hit a point where I would feel like I was about to "get" (understand) what infinity meant and then my brain would basically BSOD and I'd be back to square one.

Fairy tales and make-believe are for children.

That's the thing about infinity, it cannot be grasped, only indefinitely (eternally) experienced. =) (Atleast in our human modality)
the more you read, the further from the truth you go. reading just clouds your judgement, and understanding, with human created ideas and concepts.
That's the thing about infinity, it cannot be grasped, only indefinitely (eternally) experienced. =) (Atleast in our human modality)

I'm not so sure about the concept of infinity as far as the universe is concerned. There's nothing else in our life that's infinite. Everything we know has an end point, so why would the expanse of the universe be infinite. Or why would time be infinite. I believe that if you set out into our universe, eventually you would circle all the way around and end up close to where you started. Time as we know it will definitely end at some point, but I subscribe to the multi-verse theory so I'm convinced that there are other universes out there with a "time" of their own. Who knows, maybe when we die, we can cross over into another universe some how.

All that being said, I'm not afraid of the idea that I won't physically exist in this world once I'm dead. I have a sadness that I will be missing out on things when I'm gone (even though I'll be dead and won't know it), and that the world & time will obviously continue and I won't get to be a part of it any longer. I'm more afraid of my wife and kids having to suffer the loss of me dying. Will they be ok and taken care of? Will people remember me as a decent person? Did I lead a productive life and accomplish at least some of the things I set out to do? These are the things that worry me most about death and dying. Obviously I'd rather not die a long painful death. I got to witness that first hand when two relatives died of cancer in the past couple of years. That's a shitty way to go out, but if that's what happens, there's not to much you can do about it. I really try to keep life in perspective and remember that I may already be halfway through my existence on this planet, or I may be 99.9% done with my life, who knows. Knowing this, I try to enjoy as much as I can and not get to worked up about small shit.
I'm not so sure about the concept of infinity as far as the universe is concerned. There's nothing else in our life that's infinite. Everything we know has an end point, so why would the expanse of the universe be infinite. Or why would time be infinite. I believe that if you set out into our universe, eventually you would circle all the way around and end up close to where you started. Time as we know it will definitely end at some point, but I subscribe to the multi-verse theory so I'm convinced that there are other universes out there with a "time" of their own. Who knows, maybe when we die, we can cross over into another universe some how.

Interesting points and I think it would be a nice, logical thing if time and space loop back on itself. From what I've read (and I'm no expert, obviously), though, it seems unlikely that our universe is closed, meaning that gravity is too weak to pull everything back toward the singularity our universe emerged from. If the universe were closed, that is if the universe continually expanded and contracted from that singularity, that would have amazing implications for our existence and our lives.

It would essentially mean that everything we do is predestined; that our free will is limited. If the universe has expanded and contracted an infinite number of times, then every possible permutation has played itself out at some point. Every choice we've made, every random thing that could have happened, has happened.

That may even be true in a multi-verse, especially if the multiverse is closed... that is if the universes all expand and contract together.

As it is though, it seems like our universe is open and will continue to expand until time itself ends which would imply that our existence, our world, and this universe is very much a one-shot type of deal.

Anyway, that's diving a little off-topic here. I guess what's important though is that, for all intents and purposes, our death is final. Whether that means we cease to exist for an infinite amount of time or whether time itself ceases to exist, we only get one shot at life and when it's done, it's done.

All that being said, I'm not afraid of the idea that I won't physically exist in this world once I'm dead. I have a sadness that I will be missing out on things when I'm gone (even though I'll be dead and won't know it), and that the world & time will obviously continue and I won't get to be a part of it any longer. I'm more afraid of my wife and kids having to suffer the loss of me dying. Will they be ok and taken care of? Will people remember me as a decent person? Did I lead a productive life and accomplish at least some of the things I set out to do? These are the things that worry me most about death and dying. Obviously I'd rather not die a long painful death. I got to witness that first hand when two relatives died of cancer in the past couple of years. That's a shitty way to go out, but if that's what happens, there's not to much you can do about it. I really try to keep life in perspective and remember that I may already be halfway through my existence on this planet, or I may be 99.9% done with my life, who knows. Knowing this, I try to enjoy as much as I can and not get to worked up about small shit.

Though I'm definitely afraid of my own mortality, thumbs-the-fuck-up for your life philosophy.
I'm scared of things that cause pain, not of ceasing to be. If I was I'd make up some bullshit to believe in like the Tibetan Book of the Dead, near death experiences, or [insert wrong religion here].

Am I afraid of dying? No.
Am I afraid of loved ones dying? Yes

I'm MUCH more afraid of being alone or unfulfilled than I am of being dead. My life is a race to make my eulogy as large and meaningful as possible. Why be scared of the finish line when I'm taking part in the race? What a miserable way to live...

For someone who thinks the Tibetan Book of the Dead is bullshit, you seem to hold a view that isn't too far off from how Buddhists view death.

I think a lot of people interpret the TBotD as some sort of worship of death. Really, all it is, is a realization that death is inevitable. To think about it today, to ponder it today, makes you less likely to get to the end and have regrets about what you did or didn't do with your life. It stresses the importance of living in the now because eventually we all die and the time for living your life will have passed.
For someone who thinks the Tibetan Book of the Dead is bullshit, you seem to hold a view that isn't too far off from how Buddhists view death.

I think a lot of people interpret the TBotD as some sort of worship of death. Really, all it is, is a realization that death is inevitable. To think about it today, to ponder it today, makes you less likely to get to the end and have regrets about what you did or didn't do with your life. It stresses the importance of living in the now because eventually we all die and the time for living your life will have passed.

Really? So I believe in Karma, Reincarnation, and guiding the dead's souls along the way?


All of that shit is bullshit.
I find it odd that most westerners consider the concept of reincarnation to be superstitious

If anyone is interested, and has an extra hour on them, here's part 1 of an interesting documentary regarding reincarnation. If all that's true, it'd be pretty tough to believe that kid didn't have a previous life.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoSrzpLoODo"]Reincarnation, the amazing story of a scottish child, Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]