Fear of Dying

You sure about that Wayne?

Deuteronomy 23:1 ESV
No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

Genesis 38:8-10 NASB
Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife, and perform your duty as a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother’s wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD; so He took his life also.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 NASB
If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.

The Bible: New TL;DR Version

Side One
God creates universe, has a little success and let's it all go to his head becoming a maniacal asshole. He then hires another murderous asshole to lead his people out of shit that he put them in, all while playing favoritism and killing more of his children. (Pretty assholish thing to do is you ask me.)

Side Two
God has a kid and realizes life is short so he calms the fuck down and invents Hell while he's at it. Shit, you might as well tell the kid's kids that if they do bad you'll put them in time out. Just a really fucking long time out.

God promises that his kid will come back to save you from all of the bad shit that he created and allowed to exist by bringing you to a world he created devoid of all of the bad shit. Apparently God has yet to figure out what dualism is, go figure...

I'd love for someone that believes in Christianity to start a thread so I can systematically convert them using their own doxology.

Thanks be to God.

You sure about that Wayne?

Deuteronomy 23:1 ESV
No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

Genesis 38:8-10 NASB
Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife, and perform your duty as a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother’s wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD; so He took his life also.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 NASB
If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.

That says nothing about whether they ended up in heaven. And the quoting the bible game really is silly because the book is written by about 200 different people from entirely different ages with vastly different views. The most direct you can get on "god" is jesus word.

I am sure about nothing, but what difference does it make. Religion shouldnt be some set in stone crap that a couple guys are allowed to enforce. Believe in what you want.
I would research NDE's ... Near Death Experience's. There is a lot of info out there, encounters from hundreds of people who have possibly experienced death. There are some youtube videos with people who have had them talking about their experience. It's interesting once you start digging around in it.
I don't know how people can be so certain about life after death when it's something nobody will ever know about.

I'll wait for an eye witness account rather than folk stories or some old tablet passed down through the ages.
As an aside, there's an INCREDIBLE documentary that is available on Netflix Watch Instantly called "Moment of Death" and it's worth a watch regardless of your views on the subject. Guaranteed you'll learn some interesting shit that will make you think.
Why would you fear death?
This! Freud may have been tripping balls but he was right about the "death drive". Look it up! It's like the sex drive. Every organism has a death drive (I know, psychiatry is a real science isn't it?!). And God knows I'm doing my bit to speed up the process...

Seriously though, go to the imminst.org forums and buy yourself a shitload of antioxidant pills and a nootropic stack, then go work out everyday if you want to prolong the ride a bit. I personally don't give a shit, I just try to strike a balance. Even if ageing were cured you wouldn't be immune to getting shot in the head.

You'd only fear it if you were so involved with life in the first place. Take a step back and look at how completely insignificant, pointless and probably made-up everything is, what the fuck does it matter if one lives or dies :)
As fucked up as it sounds, I can't wait to die. When death comes knocking, I'll laugh at him with a huge smile on my face. I'm ready, let's do it!

I mean, I'm not going to do anything to rush the experience, but I'm not scared of it either. I'm ready to go whenever death comes knocking, and I'm content in realizing that again each day I wake up. Helps me remember what's truly important in life.
Negative NDE's, don't hear much about that but just as common as positive NDE's. All can be simulated with certain amounts of Ketamine though.

As for fearing death - scares the shit out of me, just wish I was dumb enough to believe there was something after . . . . .
Negative NDE's, don't hear much about that but just as common as positive NDE's. All can be simulated with certain amounts of Ketamine though.

As for fearing death - scares the shit out of me, just wish I was dumb enough to believe there was something after . . . . .

The brain releases a lot of DMT when it's shutting down/dying which could explain NDEs. An interesting feature of NDEs is that they almost all seem to involve people, places or ideas the person experiencing them was already familiar with and knew about. I'm not discounting the paranormal but I believe that whatever's out there has an explanation... Humans can only experience 3 dimensions :rolleyes:
I'm just going to copy/paste my answer from a previous thread about this subject. (http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-shit/75407-youre-going-die.html)

My answer is still exactly the same as 3 years ago.

I'm personally not afraid of dieing, and am an outright non-believer to any emotionally satisfying anecdotes and fables concerning my existence and aftermath. Emotion has evolutionary roots, it is not a basis which one can derive accurate truths from.

Appreciate life for what it truly is, give it your best shot, and die. Your death, my death, the death of the faithful, or of the criminal is all equally part of the same process. There's no afterlife, valid religion or superior outlook on life, what you believe is what is for you and you alone. I make these claims because they are my reality, I will not become complacent if I neglect to delusion myself with . What's yours?
The people that say they "don't fear death" are usually the ones that secretly fear it the most.

That's like saying people who don't fear heights fear heights the most.

I have not come to terms with severely ill health however, there's nothing worse than feeling sick. Are you grouping dying and death as one?
The people that SAY they "don't fear death" are usually the ones that secretly fear it the most.

You cap and underline SAY like we're suppose to be mind readers, how else would you like us to communicate? Explain yourself if you're going to bother giving your 2 cents...
My only fear is not getting the things I want done in the time that I have. The actual death part is of little consequence to me as long as I get certain things done and get to see certain things in my life.

To fear death is as pointless as fearing the sun is going to come up. It happens so why actually fear it - there's nothing you can do about it. You might as well fear everything because you are in the process of dying right now if you fear death.
Who is afraid of dying? Who are you? Are you the body? Are you the mind? Can you locate yourself? What is your shape, color, form?

Unless you know who you are, all this talk is meaningless.

I am told I was born. I do not remember. I am told I shall die. I do not expect it. You tell me I have forgotten or I lack imagination. But I just cannot remember what never happened, nor expect the patently impossible. Bodies are born and bodies die, but what is it to me? Bodies come and go in consciousness, and consciousness itself has its roots in me. I am life, and mine are mind and body.
Nothing dies. The body is just imagined. There is no such thing.
In reality there is no killing and no dying. The real does not die, the unreal never lived.
I am dead already. Physical death will make no difference in my case. I am timeless being. I am free of desire or fear, because I do not remember the past, or imagine the future. Where there are no names and shapes, how can there be desires andf ear? With desirelessness comes timelessness. I am safe, because what is not cannot touch what is. You feel unsafe, because you imagine danger. Of course, your body as such is complex and vulnerable and needs protection. But not you. Once you realize your own unassailable being, you will be at peace.
Nisargadatta Maharaj