Fear of Dying

I don't fear it, but it does depress me when I think about it. Logically, I know that's silly. Like that one video says, you don't care cause your dead. It's very perplexing this feeling, I can only attribute it to a form of grief. A consciousness of loss. Doesn't matter that that loss hasn't happened yet. There are many ways and many reasons to grieve.

To quote the venerable poet, Kanye West:

"Jumping out the window, letting everything go. Letting everything go. You have the power to let power go."

It's absurd, but the idea is to get rid of your care (cremate your care). This is alluded to in the Hanging Man tarot card...Why is a dude who just got executed serene and peaceful?

Nothing really matters; anyone can see. Nothing really matters... Nothing really matters... Nothing really matters..........
I'm not necessarily a Buddhist but I've spent some time living in a Buddhist country and I've picked up some of their thoughts.

According to the Buddhist way of thinking, death, far from being a subject to be shunned and avoided, is the key that unlocks the seeming mystery of life. It is by understanding death that we understand life; for death is part of the process of life in the larger sense. In another sense, life and death are two ends of the same process and if you understand one end of the process, you also understand the other end. Hence, by understanding the purpose of death we also understand the purpose of life.

Buddhist Reflections on Death
From some experiences I have had a few years back I believe in God and an afterlife. I do not fear death. Why fear whats inevitable.
Why fear death. There's scarier things out there like diseases which paralyze your body, but don't kill you. Imagine being alive for 40 years without even being able to move a finger. I think most people would wish for death in that scenario.
Im not religious, and I dont fear death. My only fear is leaving my kids behind at a very early age.
Its not the death part that scares me. Its what have I done with my time here. You get one chance here; you might as well make the best of it. Thats the only part we have control over.
On my death bed will say; I should have spent more time in the office? Yeah probably :) Age has a way of creeping up on all of us. Life is like vapor, poof and its gone.
Fear of death = fear of the unknown, imo.

When I die, I will never exist again. Time will, from my non-existent point of view, fly by in an instant once I die (according to the awesome theory I made up in my head, anyway). Year 2012, 2100, 3000, 4000, 10000, 1 billion A.D., etc... until what? The universe implodes on itself?

What happens after that? That's the mind bending shit that trips me out. I'm not afraid of death per se, but thinking about time very far in the future (long after I am dead) gives me some inexplicable heebie jeebies.
My only fear with regard to dying is that niggling feeling I haven't spent my time well, haven't gotten done what I needed to get done, and haven't figured out the purpose for my life at all.
I fear the possibility of having lived a forgettable life more than death.
BERRY MAH BAHDAY, kuz mah sole is gunna live with gaaawd...whoaaa yeaaah.

LEAD ME, JEEEZU5 LEED MII; y dont u leed me in thuh middul of duh ayer?
AND IF MAH WANGS SHULD FAYL MEE, wont u provyde me wyth anuthur payer?
I'm not scared of dying, I am scared of karma though, and how I might be judged in the next life time, every hair on your head is being counted as we speak.
If you are afraid of dying, I recommend (once again) reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It offers a refreshing perspective on death, that it's essentially just a stage of consciousness, an in-between that we go through on our way to the next destination where we resurface in a new skin. It also suggests that it's possible to have a 'lucid death' with enough mental conditioning where you can influence what you become in the next world, which is an intriguing thought.

I find it odd that most westerners consider the concept of reincarnation to be superstitious, Christianity is far more absurd and at least it's possible to look at the world with Buddhist philosophies without throwing science out the window.

Like a few others in this thread I think a computer singularity would allow us to prolong this stage of consciousness indefinitely or some similar feat, which may be useful in attaining a 'lucid death' if harnessed by the right mind. However I would never want to stay in this 'bardo' forever using such a machine, I don't want to miss out on a chance to see the rest of the universe if that's what death happens to bring.
If you are afraid of dying, I recommend (once again) reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It offers a refreshing perspective on death, that it's essentially just a stage of consciousness, an in-between that we go through on our way to the next destination where we resurface in a new skin. It also suggests that it's possible to have a 'lucid death' with enough mental conditioning where you can influence what you become in the next world, which is an intriguing thought.

I find it odd that most westerners consider the concept of reincarnation to be superstitious, Christianity is far more absurd and at least it's possible to look at the world with Buddhist philosophies without throwing science out the window.

Like a few others in this thread I think a computer singularity would allow us to prolong this stage of consciousness indefinitely or some similar feat, which may be useful in attaining a 'lucid death' if harnessed by the right mind. However I would never want to stay in this 'bardo' forever using such a machine, I don't want to miss out on a chance to see the rest of the universe if that's what death happens to bring.
I've never read the original, I only read the psychedelic guide based on Tibetian book of the dead, written By Timothy Leary, Ph.D., Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., & Richard Alpert, Ph.D. :) Amazing read and extremely practical.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cpIJO5U9Ts]The Best Of Rev X Compilation Video - YouTube[/ame]

I wish I was pure like this guy so when I die I could go to heaven like him